英语人>词典>汉英 : 丧失 的英文翻译,例句
丧失 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bereavement  ·  comedown  ·  forfeit  ·  forfeiture  ·  loss  ·  privation  ·  ruin  ·  tine  ·  forfeited  ·  forfeiting  ·  ruining  ·  beravement

be deprived of · give away · out of · part with · starve of · be bankrupt in
更多网络例句与丧失相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effect of each HMEon temperature, convective heat loss, evaporative heat loss,total heat loss, relative humidity, and absolute humidity ofinspiratory gases was determined.


By this statute it is enacted, that if any person shall of malice aforethought, and by lying in wait, unlawfully cut out or disable the tongue, put out an eye, slit the nose, cut off a nose or lip, or cut off or disable any limb or member of any other person, with intent to maim or to disfigure him; such person, his counselors, aiders, and abettors, shall be guilty of felony without benefit of clergy.


Result: Among the 121 cases,103 cases were hyposmia, 29 cases were anosmia, in which one side was hyposmia ,the other side was anosmia in 11 cases.

结果 :经检查,嗅觉障碍 12 1例患儿中嗅觉减退 10 3例,嗅觉丧失 2 9例,其中 11例一侧嗅觉减退,一侧嗅觉丧失

Of the four remaining incapacitated Death Eaters, the one who seems most likely to still be incapacitated is the baby-faced Death Eater.


But equally calamitous is its corollary, the loss of solitude.


Then, right there, it castrates使丧失力量(或效果 you. Right there it brings you down.


For mayhem is properly defined to be, as we may remember, the violently depriving another of the use of such of his members, as may render his the less able in fighting, either to defend himself, or to annoy his adversary.2 And therefore the cutting off, or disabling, or weakening a man's hand or finger, or striking out his eye or foretooth, or depriving him of those parts, the loss of which in all animals abate their courage, are held to be mayhems.


Some doctrines of different compensation principles ,such as the lose of incomings, the lose of living resources and the lose of labor, have their own defects and should be restructured.


Hiss of chance doctrine is such a doctrine that the inflictor should be liable for the victim's loss of chance of obtaining interests or avoiding damages incurred by his acts.


Objective: This study investigated olfactory function disorder in Canadian potential AD patients through measuring the detection threshold and recognition threshold, of the potential AD patients and the matched controls by Five Odorants Test; and evaluated whether the senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads , which were the typical pathological changes of AD, presented in the olfactory mucosa of potential AD patients.

老年性痴呆中有75%为阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease, AD),AD 是一种神经细胞退行性疾病,原因不明,临床以进行性记忆丧失和后天获得的知识丧失,病程逐渐发展直至完全丧失生活能力为特征。其病因是多原性的。尽管AD 的描述已达90 年之久,但要在早期检出此病仍是一个难题,所以,改进其临床诊断程序、途径非常重要。当今广泛用于AD 诊断的诸多标准中均未明确提及嗅觉的改变,然而众多国外文献资料表明,几乎所有的AD 患者发病早期甚至在临床前期即表现嗅觉识别阈的改变,可见对此深入研究有助于AD 患者的早发现、早诊断。

更多网络解释与丧失相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


通常把有味觉刺激物作用于舌体而感知到的味觉异常(如减低、丧失或失真等)症状成为味觉障碍(dysgeusia,taste disorder),临床主要表现为味觉减弱(hypogeusia)或味觉丧失(ageusia)或味觉失真.


这个阶段的另外一个重点就是:痛觉丧失(Analgesia). 虽然被催眠者的痛觉已经丧失,但是他的触觉却还在,这个时候可以对被催眠者进行大部分的外科小手术或者是牙科治疗,而被催眠者只会感觉到似乎有空气吹近自己的伤口,但是却感觉不到痛.

可没收的 forfeiter n.丧失者:forfeitable adj

16.forfeit n. (因犯罪,失职,违约)丧失的东西;罚金;(公民权等)丧失 | forfeitable adj.可没收的 forfeiter n.丧失者 | forfeiture n.丧失,没收;没收物,罚金

packing loss; mass defect:紧束丧失;质量丧失

紧束分数 packing fraction | 紧束丧失;质量丧失 packing loss; mass defect | 紧密包装 packing, close

Loss of whole middle finger:丧失整只中指

Loss of whole index finger 丧失整只食指 | Loss of whole middle finger 丧失整只中指 | Loss of whole fourth finger 丧失整只无名指


"昏迷"鶒一词的概念为意识存在的反义语,即意识丧失(unconsciousness),昏迷是处于对外界刺激无反应状态,而且不能被唤醒去认识自身或周围环境. 故而,单纯的意识内容丧失并不表示意识丧失. 意识丧失的涵义既包括"意识内容"鶒的丧失,


使丧失文明decivilize | 使丧失勇气unnerve | 使丧失资格disqualify


deft 灵巧的 | defunctionalization 机能丧失机能丧失 | defusion 摆脱

Sensory loss is becoming more diffuse, progressive muscle weakness--he's shutting down:感觉丧失在扩散 肌肉进一步萎缩-- 他逐渐丧失机能

his heart rate's ... | Sensory loss is becoming more diffuse, progressive muscle weakness--he's shutting down.|感觉丧失在扩散 肌肉进一步萎缩-- 他逐渐丧失机能 | It's got to be something systemic, like a...

functional hearing loss:功能性听力丧失 功能性听力丧失

functional harmony 机能协调性 | functional hearing loss 功能性听力丧失 功能性听力丧失 | functional intelligence level 功能性智力水平