英语人>词典>汉英 : 严格主义者 的英文翻译,例句
严格主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与严格主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was a conservative, and hard-nosed about many things, but he was a decent man and a strict constitutionalist


He was a conservative, and hard-nosed about man y things, but he was a decent man and a strict constitutionalist


The book is rigidly suppressed by the authorities of most countries, and by all branches of organised ecclesiasticism.


On the one hand, realism theory of May 4th Movement itself has the source of making novels "formularization". On the other hand, realists of May 4th Movement emphasize too much on the times and the society.


The Qing government failed to grasp the opportunity to open Customs, develop economy, and strengthen the national defence, but was afraid of contacting with the external world, and limited its contacts by means of passive defence.


The proliferation and enhanced stringency of food safety and agricultural health standards is a matter of concern to developing countries who perceive that the measures may be used as protectionist tools.


The proliferation and enhanced stringency of food safety and agricultural health standards is a matter of concern to developing countries who perceive that the measures may be used as protectionist tool s.


The proliferation and enhance d stringency of food safety and agricultural health standards is a matter of concern to developing countries who perceive that the measures may be used as protectionist tools.


A strict feminist and a stringent gender-role traditionalist alike will probably find vindication of their premises between the lines of Wolfers and Stevenson's careful prose.

严格的 女权主义者和严苛的性别角色传统主义者都可能会从Wolfers和Stevenson&认真的散文&中找到对他们前提的支持。

Rigorous application of the law; a strict vegetarian .


更多网络解释与严格主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.心理分析的(Psychoanalytic)或叫做"第一势力". 尽管严格来说心理分析是指弗洛伊德主义者,我们在此还会将之用于那些受过弗洛伊德强烈影响的人,以及那些除了如下态度外对弗洛伊德的其他观点几乎都不同意的人:他们倾向于相信可以通过挖掘表面背后隐藏的无意识来解决重要问题.


rigorism 严格主义 | rigorist 严格主义者 | rigoroso 有节奏感的


rigorist 严格主义者 | rigorously 酷烈地 | rigorousness 酷烈

The function of the heart is to send blood round the body:心脏的功能就是向全身输送血液

n. special work done by someone or something... | The function of the heart is to send blood round the body. 心脏的功能就是向全身输送血液. | a strict vegetarian 严格的素食主义者(不仅不吃鱼、肉类,连蛋、牛...

Tasty Food:口感好的食物

63. a sound made to show you are thinking发出的声音表明你在思考 | 64. tasty food口感好的食物 | 65. a strict vegetarian一个严格的素食主义者


vectron 超高频频谱分析仪 | veg 蔬菜 | vegan 吃素的人;严格的素食主义者


否则小孩可能出现成长停歇、智能发展与疾病免疫力不足等情况. 新加坡体育理事会的体育营养师皮莉娅(Carolyn Priya)说,素食主义者分好几种,严格素食主义者(vegan)只吃蔬菜和水果;蛋奶素食者(lacto-ovo vegeta.


在这一"族"中,有"严格素食者"(vegan)和"普通者"(vegetarian)之分,虽然对于非素食主义者来说,这样的差别可能微不足道,也就是"他们都不吃肉". "在成为vegetarian一段时间之后,我认识了现在的老公谷悦,可却越来越觉得自己在和一个'凶手'谈恋爱!

Benedict XIV:本笃十四世

教宗本笃十四世(Benedict XIV)拒绝耶稣会不断地向教廷申请将他的著作谴责;宋熙那宣布他没有意思与耶稣会开始争论. 虽然宋熙那的伦理观念有一点严格,他不是一位严格主义者而是一位近是论者(probabiliorist),

We're vegans:严格的素食主义者

And the natural-fiber clothing,I assume, means some kind of vegetarian denomination?|天然纤... | We're vegans.|严格的素食主义者 | At first I was a little concerned about the lack of protein, but|起先 我...