英语人>词典>汉英 : 两腋的 的英文翻译,例句
两腋的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Flowers bisexual or unisexual, rarely polygamous, actinomorphic or zygomorphic, solitary or in axillary or terminal, spicate, paniculate, or racemose inflorescences, 2-bracteolate, sometimes cleistogamous. Sepals 5, equal or unequal, imbricate, persistent.


Inflorescences terminal and axillary, racemes subdigitate or axillary racemes sometimes solitary, spathate; racemes bearing pairs of unisexual awnless spikelets, female and male spikelets separated into different zones, axis fragile, especially in female zone; lateral racemes of digitate cluster entirely staminate, terminal raceme and solitary axillary racemes mixed, usually sterile spikelet pairs at base, then a zone with female sessile and sterile pedicelled spikelets, distally both spikelets of a pair staminate, uppermost spikelet pairs sterile.


Inflorescences usually terminal, or both terminal and axillary, base with or without imbricate scales

花序通常顶生,或两顶生和腋生,有或没有覆瓦状的鳞片的基部 8

As they passed him―Anna Mihalovna among them―the young man caught a glimpse over people's backs and necks of the great muscular open chest, the grey, curly, leonine head, and the massive shoulders of the sick man, which were pushed up, as he was supported under the armpits.


It no longer walks, it hobbles; it limps on the crutch of the Court of Miracles, a crutch metamorphosable into a club; it is called vagrancy; every sort of spectre,its dressers, have painted its face, it crawls and rears, the double gait of the reptile.


I guess maybe the fourth reason for the cloud name is that the Zelanian wines are so fresh and pleasant that can give the drinkers a feeling as wandering on the cloud.


In Saint Clair. I guess maybe the fourth reason for the cloud name is that the Zelanian wines are so freshand pleasant that can give the drinkers a feeling as wandering on the cloud.


更多网络解释与两腋的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bisatin 一轻松 二乙酰酚靛红 双醋酚汀 | bisaxillary 两腋的 | bisaya 比萨耶麻


臭汗症(bromhidrosis)是指带有臭味的汗而言,一般认为是由于大汗腺分泌物和局部细菌作用功结果. 有全身性臭汗症与局部性臭汗症两种,后者以腋臭和足臭为常见. 臭汗症多见于青年人,轻者仅在活动出汗时双腋散发特殊臭味,

pleural friction fremitus:胸膜摩擦感

胸膜摩擦感(pleural friction fremitus)正常时胸膜脏层和壁层之间滑润,呼吸运动时不产生摩擦感. 当各种原因引起胸膜炎症时,胸膜表面粗糙,呼吸时两层胸膜互相摩擦,可触到摩擦感. 似皮革相互摩擦的感觉. 该征象于动度较大的前胸下前侧部或腋中线第5、6肋间最易触及.