英语人>词典>汉英 : 两极化 的英文翻译,例句
两极化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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After 1870, in France, Spain, Italy, and Quebec, as well as in much of Latin America, politics polarized as the church and most clergy sided with the right against liberals, republicans, and socialists who built anticlericalism into their programs.

之后, 1870年,在法国,西班牙,意大利,和魁北克省,以及在许多拉丁美洲,政治两极化,作为教会和神职人员最片面的与反对的权利,自由党,共和党,和社会主义者谁建anticlericalism纳入其计划。

Our biogenetic program is a duality based on electromagnetic grids, making it bi-polar, and will remain as such until consciousness evolves 'out of the box'.


He learned the Chinese healing art since his childhood with a grandmaster famous in bipolarity healing in his country.


But bipolarity seemed to be the primary condition of the smart young writers.


Bryant is still a polarizing figure, but his youthful cockiness has been replaced with deserved respect, even among cynics.


We can see that community correction can recollocate the limited judicial resource which is in favor of saving the cost of execution from a series of data, on the other hand, it is propitious to rebuild the light criminals. See from the penal base, the goal of the criminalistics in the 20th transfered to the criminal from the crime, the idea of correction was advanced on the base of going deep into the personality causation, because of which parole, probation and other community correction appeared and developed. See from the policy base, the popular international penal policy "polarization policy" also take a moment to community correction. It must divert some burden to the community if the country want to focus the strength into beating these terrorist, the fearful criminals. See from the environmental base, the developed country apply the community correction above 50%, which offers abundant experience and upstanding international surroundings to us, it also provide a largo flat roof for intercourse.


With the proposition of dual-polarization criminal policy, the problem of criminalization and decriminalization has become a global trend.


That world is fragmenting fast, a victim of India's surging population and headlong eagerness to modernize.


This polarization of thought is the cause of a great and deepening divide within Christianity that threatens the very fabric of its existence.


In recent financial market, there is tendency between pursuing increment and stability becoming more and more polarized.


更多网络解释与两极化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


它是物种数 (number of species) 和每一种生物个体丰度 (abundance) 的函数. 当一个社群中所有种类(相同的营养阶 (trophic level) 或体型相似)的生物,它的族群密度相当时,则它的歧异度大於个体数分布两极化 (数量偏多及稀少) 的生物社群.

Editorial Review:通过编辑审查

Available in Polarized可在两极化 | Editorial Review: 通过编辑审查: | Product Description: 产品描述:



trophic level:营养阶

当一个社群中所有种类(相同的营养阶 (trophic level) 或体型相似)的生物,它的族群密度相当时,则它的歧异度大於个体数分布两极化 (数量偏多及稀少) 的生物社群.

Public Enemies:頭號公敵

<<头号公敌>>(Public Enemies)的制作人凯文.米舍尔(Kevin Misher)相信未来的电影行业将日趋两极化--大量的场面壮观、投入巨大的暑期档大片和一定数量的小成本喜剧作品(在一个大型电影公司里,"小制作"的电影指的是那些制作费用在4000万美元以下的).


这就意味着,他的救济选项就"两极化"(Polarized)了,要么忍受,要么抗争,都是极端选择,原来处于中间的救济选项就被两侧的极端选择所取代了. 这对个人抗争和群体抗争同样适用,因为群体抗争无非是若干个人行为的汇总.

Socket is metal-lined and has snap-in clips:插座是金属内衬,并已管理单元中剪辑

Molded end plug has polarized prongs模压底堵塞了两极化的prongs | Socket is metal-lined and has snap-in clips插座是金属内衬,并已管理单元中剪辑 | Has a quality rotary switch有一个质量旋转开关