英语人>词典>汉英 : 两心皮的 的英文翻译,例句
两心皮的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bicarpellary  ·  bicarpellate

更多网络例句与两心皮的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In an apocarpous gynoecium it corresponds to the carpel,while in a syncarpous gynoecmm it is made up of two or more fused carpels.


A structure which appears to be simple, though actually derived from the fusion of separate structures, as a pistil which appears to be composed of a single carpel, though actually composed of two or more carpels.

假单基数的 Pseudomonomerous 实由离生结构愈合而成却看似单一的结构,如看似单心皮的雌蕊,实为两个或多个心皮组成。

Cremocarp A dry fruit splitting into two one-seeded portions.


An integument or outer layer of various invertebrates.Having fruit or pistils with two or more carpels.


Female flowers: tepals 5 or 6 or several; carpels 2 or 3; ovary superior, 2- or 3-locular; styles 2 or 3, free, persistent; stigma broadly recurved; interstylar nectaries present or lacking; ovules 2 per locule, pendent, anatropous, bitegmic, crassinucellar; micropyle formed by inner integument or by both integuments.

雌花 花被片5或者6或者几个;心皮2或3;子房上位,室2或3;花柱2-3,离生,宿存;宽的柱头下弯;花柱间的蜜腺有或者无;胚珠每室2,下垂,倒生,具双珠被,具厚珠心;珠孔由内珠被或者两层珠被形成。

A pistil composed of two or more united carpels .Having fruit or pistils with two or more carpels .


The floral primordium is initially circular, along with the edge of which slight concaves occur. The outmost whorl of tepal primordia arises as a result of apical meristem division and the floral primordium then is in the shape of triangle. Two further whorls of tepal primordia arise in spiral acropetal sequence and are alternately arranged. When the innermost whorl of tepal primordia is at the late developmental stage, the foremost stamen primordia arise almost simultaneously in spiral acropetal succession and all of the stamen primordia are ultimately arranged in a triangle-cone form. Late in stamen primordium development, carpel primordia arise as same as the young stamen primordia and grow laterally. Grooves are present on the adaxial side of each carpel and develop into ventral sutures gradually closing up.


Five floral organ identity genes of Mussaenda pubescens were cloned and their expression patterns among different organs were detected by RT-PCR. The AP1 homologue, MupAP1, is expressed in enlarged and small sepals, petals and stamens, carpels and fruits; the SEP3 homologue, MupSEP is strongly expressed in all floral organs and weak in leaves as well. Two of the B class gene, AP3 homologue MupDEF and TM6 homologue MupTM6, were detected expressed in all floral organs, however, the other B class gene, MupGLO, homologous to PI, were detected expressed in small sepals, petals and stamens, carpels and fruits, but not in enlarged sepals.


In organisms showing sexuality, the gametes are of two types: male and female. They may be produced in special organs (e.g. carpel and anther in angiosperms, archegonia and antheridia in lower plants and some algae). The gametes may be derived from the same parent AUTOGAMY0 or from two different parents


A pistil composed of two or more united carpels.


更多网络解释与两心皮的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


⑤双悬果(cremocarp)双悬果是由2心皮的子房发育而成的果实. 伞形科植物的果实,多属这一类型. 成熟后心皮分离成两瓣,并列悬挂在中央果柄的上端,种子仍包于心皮中,以后脱离. 果皮干燥,不开裂,如胡萝卜、小茴香的果实. ⑥胞果(utricle)亦称"囊果",


还有两个词非常有意思,一是"香蕉"(banana),可译为"黄皮白心人";一是"茄子"(eggplant),可译为"黑皮白心人". 与"茄子"同义的是"奥里奥"(oreo,著名夹心饼干品牌,黑皮白馅)分别讽刺~心仿效白人行为举止的黄色与黑色人种.

Two hearts:两心

在本届星云奖评选中,其他奖项的获奖情况为:两届雨果奖得主詹姆斯.凯利凭借>(Burn)获得星云奖中篇小说奖;皮特.彼格的>(Two Hearts)摘得短中篇小说奖;伊丽莎白.汉德的>(Echo)荣获星云奖短篇小说奖;


bicardiogram | 双心电图, 二室性心电图 | bicarpellary | 两心皮的 | bicarpellatae | 双果爿植物


中国有五桠果属(Dillenia)及锡叶藤属(Tetracera)两个具有离生心皮而且比较原始的属. 亲缘关系:科的心皮离生,雄蕊螺旋排列,导管顶壁具阶状穿孔,木质线细胞异型等特征,表现出它和木兰目(Magno-liales)有一定的联系. 此外还与山茶目有亲缘关系.


为植物之雄性生殖器官,包括花丝(Filaments)及花药(anther)两部份,花粉(Pollen)则存在花药中. 子房是由一个或多个大胞子叶(Megasporophylls)向内包围而成. 在子房中,大胞子叶就叫做心皮. 以橘子为例,橘子的每一瓣就是由一个心皮发育而成,