英语人>词典>汉英 : 丝状真菌 的英文翻译,例句
丝状真菌 的英文翻译、例句


mold fungus
更多网络例句与丝状真菌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Isabellina producing γ-linolenic acid, the number of the chromosomes and the size of genome of M.

深黄被孢霉是毛霉目中具有重要经济价值的丝状真菌,因其产生γ—亚麻酸(γ—Linolenic acid,GLA),而γ—亚麻酸作为人体必需的不饱和脂肪酸,对人体的激素调节及脂肪酸代谢发挥着重要的生理作用,尤其它在心血管疾病、糖尿病以及癌症等方面的医疗价值而成为学术界研究的热点。

By using microcalorimetric method, the thermogenesis power curves of aerobacter aerogenes growth at different temperature and under the action of different drugs were determined.


The summary of mechanism of the peroxisome biogenesis in filamentous fungi and relationship between peroxisome and pathogenicity were reviewed in this paper


Meanwhile greater interests have been demonstrated in area of the peroxisome biogenesis and in its roles of pathogenicity of several phytopathogenic fungi.


Research on filamentous fungi apoptosis also has important value in agriculture and medical care, providing new ideas for the biocontrol and therapies of human mycosis.

此外, 研究丝状真菌细胞凋亡现象在农业和医疗领域也具有重要的应用价值,可为生物防治和人类真菌病的治疗提供新的思路。

In Aspergillus nidulans, cytokinesis and septation is performed once the germling has eight nuclei after three rounds of nuclear division.


It is important to produce the effective and costless cellulase for the energy and the environment due to the cellulose abundance and immense potential.


A filamentous fungus was screened out from heavy metal wastewater and numbered YM32,which showed resistance to lead ion and high Pb2+ adsorptive ability,through primary identification it belonged to monilia sp.


In order to study degradation of potassic mineral by fungi, we isolated a thermophilic fungi strain TH003 from compost. The strain can use extract potassium from rocks as a nutrient. The strain was identified as Aspergillus fumigatus based on its morphological characteristics and molecular result.


In-depth studies were carried out on the extracellular·OH scavenging effect of white rot fungus with various media conditions in the dynamic degrading process of lignocellulose, and on the correlation between·OH scavenging and lignocellulose degradation. The·OH scavenging efficiency of A3 reached 45%~50% significantly during biodegrading process.


更多网络解释与丝状真菌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


它可不借减数分裂而导致低频率基因重组并产生重组子.准性生殖是丝状真菌,特别是不产生有性孢子的丝状真菌如半知菌类特有的遗传现象.其中染色体的交换和染色体的减少不像有性生殖那样有规律,而且也是不协调的.(1)菌丝联结(anastomosis) 它发生于一些形态上没有区别,

filamentous fungi:丝状真菌

1.概念: 霉菌(mould,mold)是丝状真菌(filamentous fungi)的一个通俗名称. 回本节目录 在细胞质中存在着液泡、线粒体、内质网、核糖体、泡囊和膜边体(lomasome)等. 膜边体是一种特殊的膜结构,位于细胞壁和细胞膜之间,由单层膜包围而成,形状变化很大,

Filamentous fungus:丝状菌

真菌(Fungus)的定义已经很明白了,恕不再赘述. 但对真菌的确切称呼的确还有很多的模糊概念需要"澄清."多细胞真菌:称为丝状菌(filamentous fungus)或霉菌(mold).

Filamentous fungus:丝状真菌

丝|sliver | 丝状真菌|filamentous fungus | 四苯硼钠|sodium tetraphenylborate

filamentous lichens:毛状地衣

filamentous fungi 丝状真菌 | filamentous lichens 毛状地衣 | filamentous microorganism 丝状微生物

filamentous microorganism:丝状微生物

filamentous fungi|丝状真菌 | filamentous microorganism|丝状微生物 | filamentous phage|丝状噬菌体

mycelium pellet:菌丝球[丝状真菌和放线菌在液体培养基内生长所形成的球状菌落]

mycelium 菌丝体 | mycelium pellet 菌丝球[丝状真菌和放线菌在液体培养基内生长所形成的球状菌落] | mycetism 真菌中毒

mycelium pellet:菌丝球[丝状真菌和放线菌在液体培养基内生长形成的球状菌落]

mycelium 菌丝体 | mycelium pellet 菌丝球[丝状真菌和放线菌在液体培养基内生长形成的球状菌落] | mycetism 真菌中毒


"真菌细胞壁的凯丁质(吉丁质)","fungine" | "抑制丝状菌生长的","fungistatic" | "麦角脂醇","fungisterol ergosterol"

filamentous lichens:毛状地衣

filamentous fungi ==> 丝状真菌 | filamentous lichens ==> 毛状地衣 | filamentous microorganism ==> 丝状微生物