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东方学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

oriental studies
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Said's theory of orientalism provides an analytic tool for reexplaining John Crawfurd's famous works Journal of an Embassy from the Governor-general of India to the Courts of Siam and Cochin China.


These meanings were given a new twist by 20th century scholar Edward Said in his controversial book Orientalism, in which he uses the term to describe a Western tradition, both academic and artistic, of hostile and deprecatory views of the East, shaped by the attitudes of European imperialism in the 18th and 19th centuries.


Marxism's orientalism historical heritance ., significance in new period


During the past one and a half centuries, Marxism's orientalism has undergone unsmooth and great historical heritance . Nowadays, peace and development are still the two themes ;the globalization is further.


What "orientalism" is employed by him and what is its meaning?


All of this provide the Marxism's orientalism new meaning, which displays rich and profound significance in new period .


Said's research of orientalism have brought us various cultural apocalypse.


Based on the ideas expressed in his two major works, Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism, Edward W.


In the 20~ century western even world literary theory, Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism are inescapable keywords; Edward W.


Later in the third chapter, this theory is introduced in aspects of background, problems at issue, representative figures and their respective theory, etc. The most emphasis is put on Adward Said, the leading image in this realm, and his Orientalism, analyzing orientalist discourse and strategies of discursive revolution advanced by him.


更多网络解释与东方学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


它既是"文化比较学"下属的"埃及比较学"分支;又是国际两大东方学--"埃及学"(Egyptology)和"汉学"(Sinology)的双重焦点. 可谓学中之学,希世之珍. 这个学科的主要指导思想和学术方法为"文化起源学"和"文化比较学"等,基本原则是"重事实,

Islamic Studies:伊斯兰学

>一书研究的学科对象是现代欧洲语文学(phi1o1ogy),其中包括汉学(sinology),伊斯兰学(Islamic studies)等其它东方学分科. 这些学科的诞生与欧洲人在欧洲以外的殖民历史的关系,正是作者的关注重点. 全书分三大组成部分.

International Association of Orientalist Librarians:国际东方学图书馆长协会

International Association of Organizers of Cycle Competiti... | International Association of Orientalist Librarians,国际东方学图书馆长协会,IAOL, | International Association of Orthotists and Prosthetis...


"西方"(West)和"其他地区'(Rest)的对偶概念出自亨廷顿(1993,1994). 西方世界到处都有"东方"研究及其机构. 巴勒斯坦裔美国学者爱德华赛义德在1978年发表的著作<<东方学冲对这种西方意识形态的表现做了鞭辟入里的出色分析.