英语人>词典>汉英 : 丘陵地的 的英文翻译,例句
丘陵地的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与丘陵地的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Libo belongs to the transition brae region from Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to Guangxi hilly land.


The growth and physiology characteristics for two-year-old saplings of 7 Catalpa spp. planted in upland area were studied.


Deep in the heart of Texas, the Hill Country's limestone heights bend with the Balcones Escarpment and unfold west for some 200 miles [320 kilometers].


After changing the export market into domestic market, the farmers change their way to manage their tea plantation as a small- scale peasant economy. These farmers only grow tea trees which for making Ching-shan Oolong, Jin- Xuan tea, Tsuei- Yu and Si Ji Chuen tea. Most of these plantations expand all over the hill side and rising ground in Taiwan by using asexual reproduction such as layering and cuttage. Especially the high mountain are as in Taichung, Chayi and Nantou. These places are the main areas growing Oolong Tea, and are famous for growing the high quality of half globosity Pouchong Tea.


It's situated in an area of the state known as "the hill country."


Born in the mountains more than rhododendron, azalea southern hilly and yellow can be seen in sheep and other deciduous Rhododendron molle, at the time of flowering, as Wanli Yang says:"Why is it necessary to see spring名苑, all the way live Lennon Yamahana day was Jinjiang Kam-like, according to azalea Cheonggye down."


According to a great number of unearthed cultural relics of modem archaeology and ancient books records of Chinese and Yi charater as well as newst study meults of national ancient philology, historical toponomy, agricultural origin of rice cultivation and dry land farming, ceramics, ship - building technological history, preliminary astronomy and calendar, original religion and blood - type genetics,etc, Yan Emperor culture which was an early culture of New Stone Age that originated from flint culture of O...


The maintenance of a yield level of 1000 Kg longan fruits per 667 m2 growing on the red soil hilly lands of south Fujian could refer to the following fertilization program, namely, N, 20~25 Kg N of organic fertilizer making up 40 percent of the total N fertilizer


9GL-1.4/1.6/1.8/1.9/2.1 Rear-fixed mounted reciprocating-type Mower matched with four-wheel tractor range from 12~22 HP. The machine uses biased crank connected bar structure to drive blades to work. It is suitable to be used to reap natural forage grass and plant herbage, alfalfa, reed, grass feed etc.


And than the soil water contents of mountainous meadow was intervenient. The diversification of soil bulk density was completely reverse with the soil water contents. The soil bulk density of alpine meadow and sub alpine meadow was evidently lower than hilly meadow steppe and alluvial flat meadow steppe.


更多网络解释与丘陵地的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brokenly:断断续续地, 不规则地

brokenhearted | 心碎的, 极度悲伤的, 极度沮丧的 | brokenly | 断断续续地, 不规则地 | brokenterrain | 丘陵地


downhill a.下坡的,倾斜的;衰退的 n.下坡,衰退 | downland 丘陵地 | downlead 引下线,[天线]引线


22 rolling a.绵延起伏的 | 23 downs 开阔的丘陵地,尤指英格兰南部的石灰岩丘陵 | 34 the Highlands in the north 苏格兰北部高地

hill country:山区

这段路长约75英里,经过的是丘陵地,德州人称之为山区(Hill Country),风景优美,居民大多数是德国后裔,民风朴实,是个旅游的好去处. 每年此时,驱车赏花,眼睛看花了,可下公路,转入山区的乡间小路,换换景色,看看清翠的绿野,亦是人生一乐也.


因有温暖的气候及美好的自然环境等有利条件,山珍海味的材料极为丰富,可以说是健身美味食品的宝库. 绿茶盛行利用排水性良好的台地及丘陵地,栽培绿茶,其产量约占日本全国产量的二分之一. 静冈县是美国甜瓜(Muskmelon)的有名产地,它是多汁鲜果的女王.

Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor:(阿克蒙德的归来和卡里姆多之旅)

垒-守望堡-诅咒之地阿拉索与巨魔战争(Arathor and the Troll Wars) 珍宝陈列室与图书馆的中间地带-血色修道院 | 塔伦米尔-希尔斯布莱德丘陵 | 图书馆-探险者大厅-铁炉堡阿克蒙德的归来和卡里姆多之旅(Archimonde's Return and the Flight to Kalimdor) 图书馆-血色修道

the Highlands in the north:苏格兰北部高地

23 downs 开阔的丘陵地,尤指英格兰南部的石灰岩丘陵 | 34 the Highlands in the north 苏格兰北部高地 | 35 the Central Lowlands 苏格兰低地,苏格兰中央平原

Garo Hills:加洛丘陵

去年六月,当地媒体"印度斯坦时报(Hindustan Times)"大幅报导有关印度东北的梅加拉亚邦(Meghalaya)加洛丘陵(Garo hills)的"丛林人",当地部分居民绘声绘影地说见过"丛林人"怪物,当地人称这传说中的"大脚怪"为曼德巴隆(mande burung),

high veld:高地草原(南非的)

high-moor soil 高地濕原土 | high veld 高地草原(南非的) | hill belt 丘陵地帶

superior planet:外行星

何谓内行星(inferior planet)与外行星(superior planet)?8. 水星(Mercury)的特徵与性质为何?这是因为水星心灰意冷却收缩而成的 9. 金星(Venus)的特徵与性质为何?其大气压力则比地球大90倍金星表面三分之二是丘陵地且布满火山口,