英语人>词典>汉英 : 世界志 的英文翻译,例句
世界志 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cosmography  ·  cosmographies

更多网络例句与世界志相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Can Zhou Fu Zhi of Ming and Qing Dynasties, studiousness and bellicosity were two main folkways which responded the author's realization about the practical folkway of South Jiangxi, also reflected the prejudice and expectation at that time.


The chronicler desired to show the people of God their roots and special place among the nations of the world, so they would better understand that they are a blessed people, chosen by God to be included in His plan of redemption for the world.


In china, Hachette Advertising cooperate with local press and publish Chinese edition of ELLE, Marie Claire, ELLE Decoration, Woman's Day, Car and Driver, Psychologies, Femina and Mr. Modern.


Ants relive as a spirit carrier in Chen's hand, but their real concrete images and personate symbolization in human world make this group of works possess strong cultural pertinence.


Drawing on the interviews with the personnel from the Kaohsiung City Government and the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung Organizing Committee, the execution of event planning, up to present, is deemed appropriate in that it has been in accordance with the Master Plan, from the building and renovation of the stadiums, warm-ups staging, sponsorship, accommodation arrangement, public relation and propagandism, scheduling for competition time, reception for the coach and judges, contract signing, financial management, risk management, volunteer recruiting and training, to media retransmission program and commodity authorizing. All listed above have the very detailed progress report from each week to each month.


Brisbane Tzu Chi volunteers in Australia have been helping a Chinese family on a long term basis. Not only have they given their deaf daughter a cochlea implant, allowing her to hear for the first time in her life, they have also paid for her brother's hernia surgery. In addition, volunteers purchased a new wheelchair for a paralyzed weight lifter, who recently received his Australian citizenship after 9 years of waiting, and invited Tzu Chi volunteers to share his happy moment.


And when China's economy, notionally the fourth-largest in the world, is adjusted to take account of its 1.3 billion population, the country ranks 109th in the world, according to the International Monetary Fund.


In china, Hachette Advertising cooperate with local press and publish Chinese edition of ELLE, Marie Claire, ELLE Decoration, Woman's Day, Car and Driver, Psychologies, Femina and Mr.


In china, Hachette Advertising cooperate with local press and publish Chinese edition of ELLE, Marie Claire, ELLE Decoration, Woman's Day, Car and Driver, Psychologies, Femina and Mr. Modern.


That competitive sports insists that "to strike ice and snow plate , to sing ice and snow play " for development strategy,creates good achievement on surpassing field at home and abroad.

竞技体育坚持以&打冰雪牌、唱冰雪戏&为发展战略,在国内外赛场上创造佳绩。20 年来,共获得奖牌2300 余枚,有1 人2 次打破1 项世界青少年速滑纪录、7 人11 次打破9 项全国纪录,9 人9 次打破6 项全国青少年纪录、30 人41次打破31 项省纪录、51 人79 次打破57 项省青少年纪录、99 人195 次打破176 项市记录、先后为省和国家培养出了全国、亚洲、世界冠军焦志敏、陈静、郭伟茹、杨光、曹桂凤、冯庆波、刘广彬、卢亚军、于凤桐、任慧、许文龙、张爽等一批优秀体育人才,他们为祖国和家乡争得了荣誉,使林城伊春走向全国、走向世界。

更多网络解释与世界志相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"悬搁"也是现象学的基本方法,胡塞尔也称之为"加括号"(Bracketing),是现象学哲学对经验事实世界采取的一种根本立场. 其实,这个方法的"专利"不应仅属于作为当代西方哲学派别的现象学,在中国哲学中可以说是早已有之矣. 庄子所说的"用志不分,


my gametag:...三国志11 幻想三国志3 模拟人生 极品飞车 暗黑之门 FIFA NBA 荣誉勋章 使命召唤4 变形金刚 魔兽世界 孤岛危机 质量效应 网元网 >> XBOX360专区 >>X360除暴战警(Crackdown)最新试玩感受发...

The Magical World of Winnie the Pooh A Great Day Of Discovery:小熊維尼奇妙世界生活的惊喜

The Magic Sword 魔剑 | The Magical World of Winnie the Pooh A Great Day Of Discovery 小熊維尼奇妙世界生活的惊喜 | The Magnificent Seven 七侠荡寇志




满载珠宝首饰界的最新成果、趋势与相关资讯,受到世界瞩目的珠宝专门志. 本期介绍了贵重宝石与次贵重宝石的浮雕(cameo)与凹雕(intaglio)、Daniel Brush的新作、现在受到瞩目的Maharaja风等.


他们的结果支持一种所谓的"巡游"(itinerant)基态,而不是在铜氧化物超导体中所发现的"Mott insulator"态. (看过王志文演得的一个电影,就是世界各国在超导比拼的故事,很好. 可惜现在没有这样的题材故事了.

Margaret Mead:瑪格麗特米德

人类学家玛格丽特 米德(Margaret Mead)曾说过:『不要低估有决心的小众,他们也拥有改变世界的力量』. 『财团法人植物保护科技基金会』与『食农游艺社』的有机志工们5年来不遗余力将「推动有机 散播爱」的理念,融合生态、生命、生产、生活的内涵,

Shigella spp:志賀氏桿菌

分别为第一,第二,第三及第四型,重复感染到不同型的登革病毒,可能会引起较严重的登革出血热.杆菌性痢疾由志贺氏杆菌(Shigella spp)引起之肠道传染病.世界各地均曾发生过流行,


德堪多在他的>(1813年)一书中,首次引入"分类学"(taxonomy)这个术语. 19世纪欧洲帝国向外扩张的时候.这些国家的植物学家们的工作重点也转向世界各地,为他们的殖民地和属地编写植物志,这大约用了150-200年时间.

AHXE Harlem Globetrotters - Wo:哈林花式篮球队 世界巡回赛

1030 AX6J Gamics Vol. 1 - Yokoyama Gamics Vol.1横山光辉三国志第四卷 三国 | 1031 AHXE Harlem Globetrotters - Wo 哈林花式篮球队 世界巡回赛 | 1032 AD8J Chokoken no Sweets Depart 巧克力犬的点心店