英语人>词典>汉英 : 世俗权力 的英文翻译,例句
世俗权力 的英文翻译、例句


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On the religious doctrine , ceremony of church, reform the organization of church and formed Anglicanism finally.


To nihilist, such as the metaphysician, Christian, fake philosopher, new doctrine person, authority and so on, Nietzsche taunted and repudiated them thoroughly.


Through the efforts of Ambrose, Gregory and other early church leaders, and Donation of Pepin, and the reform of Congregation of Cluny, the church had gathered enough strength to fight against the monarchy and was coveting for a power above the king by the time of the church reform by Gregory VII.


The dissertation presents a systemic expounding of Christian dualistic conception of politics, its connotation and contents, including the analysis of dualistic character of man and man's life, the observation and understanding of divinity and secularity of state, the separation between spiritual power and temporal power, ecclesiastical power and imperial power, the things that is Caesar's and the things that is God's, and so on .


The dissertation presents a systemic expounding of Christian dualistic conception of politics, its connotation and contents, including the analysis of dualistic character of man and man life, the observation and understanding of divinity and secularity of state, the separation between spiritual power and temporal power, ecclesiastical pow- er and imperial power, the things that is Caesar and the things that is God, and so on .


This is the Messianic hope of the Pharisees, voiced in all parts of the synagogal liturgy; but it meant also the cessation of the kingdom of the worldly powers identified with idolatry and injustice (Mek.,'Amalek).


When they are not strengthened with the civil power, then they can bear most patiently and unmovedly the contagion of idolatry, superstition, and heresy in their neighbourhood; of which on other occasions the interest of religion makes them to be extremely apprehensive.


A system which knows no God in the Western sence, which denies a soul to man, which counts the belief in immortality a blunder, which refuses any efficacy to prayer and sacrifice, which bides men to look to nothing but their own efforts for salvation, which in its original purity knew nothing of vows of obedience and never sought the aid of the seculararm, yet spread over a considerable motley of the old world with marvellous rapidity and is still, which whatever base admixture of forcing superstitions, the dominant creed of a large fraction of mankind.


A system which knows no God in the Western sence, which denies a soul to man, which counts the belief in immortality a blunder, which refuses any efficacy to prayer and sacrifice, which bides men to look to nothing but their own efforts for salvation, which in its original purity knew nothing of vows of obedience and never sought the aid of the seculararm, yet spread over a considerable motley of the old world with marvellous rapidity and is still, which whatever base admixture of forcing superstitions, the dominant creed of a large fraction of mankind.


Through the efforts of Ambrose, Gregory and other early church leaders, and Donation of Pepin, and the reform of Congregation of Cluny, the church had gathered enough strength to fight against the monarchy and was coveting for a power above the king by the time of the church reform by Gregory VII.


更多网络解释与世俗权力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




41).大学场域的世俗及文化两极不单与权力场域有结构性的类同(structural homology),它通过对成员的选拔(selection)及教导(indoctrination),再制了权力场域的阶级关系.因为统计资料显示法学院及医学院的教授及学生较多来自主导阶层的主导部分;


这段话出自圣经新约, 马太(Matthew)在布道山(Sermon on the Mount)上面的赐福. 这句话意味着放弃那些世俗权力将受到奖励而得到天国王朝(Kingdom of heaven) .Driveshaft这个乐队看起来像是影射英国的绿洲乐队(Oasis).

Il Principe:君主论

>(Il Principe)撰于1513年,那是在美第奇家族1512年重掌权力,以及马基雅维里在佛罗伦萨政府的军事和外交职权遭到免除之后. 他是史学家,也是通晓世俗之人,曾写下佛罗伦萨史和军事学书籍. 他并不如卡斯蒂利昂所自称的那般关心理想,


(3)乔凡尼(Giovanni)族和其他氏族相比,也许贬多于褒,因为其族人大多是大商业主或死灵法师. 藉由玩弄世俗凡人的商品与经济,乔凡尼获得了巨大的权力和财富. 成为吸血鬼后不久,乔凡尼的领导人便谋杀了主人,依照自己的意思建立此一氏族.

Church of England:英国国教

...rds Spiritual)(即[[英国国教]](Church of England)中的高级[[神职人员]])和上议院世俗议员(Lords Temporal)(即[[贵族]]成 .... 郡守(Earldormen),或各郡的行政司法长官,以及高级神职人员在谘议院同样拥有席位. 国王仍拥有最终权力,但法

Innocent III:英诺森三世

所有的公国与王国都在其管辖之下. 有些人也主张,身为基督在地面上的化身,教皇应拥有至高无上的权力,所有世俗间的君王都应俯首称臣. 1198年,温和派的教皇塞列斯汀三世(Celestine III)去世,继任者为精明跋扈的英诺森三世(Innocent III).