英语人>词典>汉英 : 丑角 的英文翻译,例句
丑角 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gracioso  ·  harlequin  ·  merryman  ·  jackpudding  ·  graciosos  ·  comedians  ·  harlequins  ·  punchinello  ·  comique

jack-pudding · merry-andrew
更多网络例句与丑角相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Act the fool/giddy goat 扮丑角 In the party,Dick acted the giddy goat.


Racine,"Andromache" He plays simple and concise, the story of a high degree of enrichment.


I have seen clowns enough holding tapers aslant, both with and without cowls, to last me for my life


He leaned down across the counter until his mouth was near her ear and hissed, in a very creditable imitation of the stage villains who appeared infrequently at the Athenaeum Hall: Fear not, fair lady!


And begob what was it only that bloody old pantaloon Denis Breen in his bathslippers with two bloody big books tucked under his oxter and the wife hotfoot after him, unfortunate wretched woman, trotting like a poodle.


"After all, Michaelis was really more dignified in the matter, and far, far more successful. Really, if you looked closely at Clifford, he was a buffoon, and a buffoon is more humiliating than a bounder."


You should know he pretty much felt that you're an incompetent buffoon.


Scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango


No-one knows the masque better then harlequins,they have a performance that tells the tale of how the Masque once infiltrated one of their troupes, as the harlequins and their audience were drawn into the Masque's whirling spell,a solitaire appeared.


It has opened up new study field of poetics. As one part of Bakhtin's carnivalization, the theory of grotesque merry-andrew claims that cognizes the literary images over again from a angle of the folk facetious culture and the carnival culture, including the grotesque clay, cheats, clowns, fools etc.


更多网络解释与丑角相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

act the fool:扮丑角, 胡闹

energetic recoil nucleus 高能反冲核 | act the fool 扮丑角, 胡闹 | Turkey 土耳其

act the fool:扮丑角, 胡闹 干蠢事, 荒唐

play the fool 扮丑角, 胡闹 干蠢事, 荒唐 | act the fool 扮丑角, 胡闹 干蠢事, 荒唐 | play the fool with 损坏, 糟蹋 愚弄, 戏弄, 勾引


antibusing 反跨区学童 | antic 丑角 | anticancer 抗癌的

III. Arlequin:丑角

16. II. Pierrot 皮埃罗 | 17. III. Arlequin 丑角 | 18. IV.Valse noble 高雅的圆舞曲


66. brute: 残忍的人. adj.残忍的. | 67. buffoon: 演出时的丑角,粗俗而愚蠢的人. | 68. bully: 欺负别人者. v. 恃强凌弱.


"clown"一词原指"呆子""乡巴佬"(clod),由于这些村夫看上去很滑稽,于是喜剧演员开始模仿他们的动作,这些演员就成了戏剧中的丑角(clown). 此前,"zany""jester""fool" "minstrel""mime"等词都曾是"clown"的代名词.

clown fool:小丑,丑角,傻瓜,扮小丑,装傻

closet 壁厨,私下的,隐蔽的,把...引进密室会谈 | clown fool 小丑,丑角,傻瓜,扮小丑,装傻 | cluster bunch, group, collection, band, gather, collect n.串, 丛 vi.丛生, 成群


classical music古典音乐 | comedian喜剧演员,丑角式人物 | comedist喜剧作家


德瑞尔特别憎恨亚克拉绪最著名的怪盗--丑角(Harlequin). 宗教法庭(Inquisition)编制内的特别机构,由帝国宗教裁判官(Inquisitor)寇尔威寇特(Corwin Khorto)所建立. 在由德兹(Dirz)所领导的鍊金术师发起叛变并逃离亚克莱尼(Akkylanie)之后,

play the fool:扮丑角, 胡闹 干蠢事, 荒唐

One fool makes many. [谚]听蠢人话的人也将变成蠢人; 愚蠢也能传染. | play the fool 扮丑角, 胡闹 干蠢事, 荒唐 | act the fool 扮丑角, 胡闹 干蠢事, 荒唐