英语人>词典>汉英 : 与...紧密联系在一起 的英文翻译,例句
与...紧密联系在一起 的英文翻译、例句


be bound up with
更多网络例句与与...紧密联系在一起相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the daily management of distribution network, the network structure and the equipment and they locate the geographical environment close correlation, like equipment such as transformer substation, pole tower, user, transformer, with geographical coordinate closely relates in together, but power distribution equipment management, movement management, production scheduling, plan design and so on not only must understand electrical network analysis situs relations and equipment situation, but also must grasp space position which his they is at, therefore must and its geographical coordinate the characteristic position relates the equipment the unification management.


Anciently intercourse in architectural technology was concerned with Buddhism intercourse between china and Vietnam.


That is to say, Industrial Organization Rationalizition must be closely related with the reform of our SOEs.


Dreiser's conception of God or the transcendent world is finally connected with this world Love for God is exhibited in the love for men, especially for the poor and depressed Dreiser writes that he could not help sympathizing with the workmen and bear the thought of the stronger taking the profit of the weaker Dreiser's favorite passage in the Bible is To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and keep himself unspotted from the world Cowperwood's life, which faithfully follows Yerkes's outward life, is made worthwhile by its connection with the transcendent God through Berenice Dreiser obviously projects his views onto Berenice Prompted by her understanding of Brahman and love for the poor, Berenice succeeds in founding a charity hospital, which Cowperwood has so earnestly wished to build and Aileen has failed to actualize in their life.


Truncation mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli protein are responsible for familial and sporadic colonic tumours. Except for its function as a role in regulating b-catenin, recent studies show that APC has additional roles in cytoskeletal regulation. It binds to microactin and microtubules directly and indirectly. Furthermore, APC plays an important role in mediating the detraction of chromosome.

编码APC蛋白(adenomatous polyposis coli, APC)基因的缺失突变会导致家族性和散发性的结肠癌,APC蛋白除了能直接参与Wnt信号途径调节b-catenin的浓度之外,最近的研究表明APC蛋白能够与细胞骨架的主要成分微管和微丝直接或间接结合,通过调节微管的解聚和聚合,间接调节染色体的分离,作为潜在的细胞骨架调节分子将细胞骨架与重要的细胞信号转导通路紧密联系在一起。

Rural endowment insurance is closely linked with the emergence and development of the country's political, economic and cultural development, is a product of social development.


At more than 600 acres and with 1.5 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, the site offers a milestone opportunity to create an innovative and sustainable new community that will be compact, pedestrian-oriented, and closely tied to transit, which will connect people to the lakefront for the first time in over a century.


In the common knowledge of people, Utopia is always connected with fantasy and unreality. All definition of Utopia is the only pseudoscience and will never to be realized.


The rest of the world has a big stake in this race, too: By casting its fortunes with the global economy, China has entwined its fate with those of governments and companies spanning the earth.


Human resources management is the core of business management, so the further network, technological and international development of SMEs intimately tie up with the flexibility,opening and high- quality of personnel.


更多网络解释与与...紧密联系在一起相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"爹死婆死"了,树倒猢狲散,确要"散开"(disperse) 了. 把disperse与"散开"紧密地联系在一起了. 小学生在上美术课的时候,"不"(b)愿把颜料"借给"(lend) 别人,留着自己"混合"(blend)、调色用. 这样blend与lend就联系起来了.


所谓部分正义,是整体正义的一个部分,它涉及的是体现于某一正当(公平)、平等(fairly, equally)行为当中的那种善的具体形式,即部分正义与"公平"(fair)和"平等"(equal)紧密地联系在一起.

improper :不恰当



当孩子意识到独立并不是为所欲为时,他的自我意识就能与社会意识紧密联系在一起. "独立"(independence)并非与世隔绝,并非孤立,相反,独立为了是能够更好地与他人相处(inter-dependence),也能够有效地避免不必要的伤害.


早在古希腊时期,"法"(jus)就与"正义"(justita)紧密联系在一起. 柏拉图的著作>有一副标题即为"论正义",主要围绕正义来阐述其法律、政治思想. 亚里士多德更是在>一书中指出:

the Amazon:亚马逊河

埃及光辉灿烂的古代文明与尼罗河(The Nile),传奇般的玛雅文化及古代文明与亚马逊河(The Amazon),和欧洲文明与多瑙河(The Danube)和莱茵河(The Rhine)紧密地与他们的发祥地-大山联系在一起.




大学内部学术自由的实现程度与作为学者团体的教师群体在大学内部管理活动拥有的权利大小息息相关. "教授治校"制度是大学内部学术自由的制度保障. 正是"教授治校"制度把学术自治与学术自由紧密联系在一起,成为一对"孪生"(twin)概念并共同构成现代大学的基本组织制度.



Ecole Polytechnique:巴黎理工学校

巴黎理工学校 (Ecole Polytechnique)是法国历史悠久、享有盛名的高等学府之一,它的校史与近代和现代的巴黎乃至整个法兰西共和国的历史紧密联系在一起. 攻读深入研究文凭(DEA)的外籍学生的招收 申请攻读综合理工大学深入研究文凭的学生必须获得法国大学第二阶段学习的文凭,