英语人>词典>汉英 : 不闻不问 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与不闻不问相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bartleby sat in his hermitage, oblivious to everything but his own peculiar business there


I feel is not accidental, because had made a few stations before, pass the be indifferent to sth after the space, also collected very quickly.


If the judiciary department was indifferent to this matter,that's their breach of duty.


If justice department does nothing to this,it breach of duty


It is breach of duty if justice department do nothing for it.


It is kind of breach of duty if Justice department turn a deaf ear to that.


Whenever trouble and distress bring us to the verge of ruin, it is as if Christ were sleeping, as if He could neither hear nor see what is happening to us.


How can you turn aside from a child that is being cruelly treated?


That old fool had made a trade and got forty dollars, and when we found him in the doggery the loafers had matched half-dollars with him and got every cent but what he'd spent for whisky; and when I got him home late last night and found the raft gone, we said,'That little rascal has stole our raft and shook us, and run off down the river.


My host pardoned many of his foible s.


更多网络解释与不闻不问相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

why did chase screw up?|Chase:为什么会搞砸

Yeah.|是啊 | Why did chase screw up?|Chase为什么会搞砸?? | Because he doesn't give a crap about patients.|因为他对病人不闻不问


"审判"(Conviction)是另一种得到提升的技能,它将抵消怪兽的抵抗能力,从而使敌人在承受游侠接下来的元素攻击时更加不堪一击. 野蛮人也变得更加强大. Blizzard North注意到,很多玩家对于那些缺乏魅力的技能都会退避三舍,不闻不问,


他对尼 罗(Nero)的统治深有见地,在尼罗统治的时候,恬静默忍乃是聪明之道. 他做了一任大法官(19),在大法官任上,同样也以不闻不问为治,也没有 什么司法事务落到他身上来. 至于仕途的竞逐和官场中的其他排场,

turn one's back on / upon:背弃...,抛弃...;对...不闻不问

know... like the back of one's hand.对...了如指掌 | turn one's back on/upon...背弃...,抛弃...;对...不闻不问 | by the back door 通过后门;用不正当的途径

turn one's back on / upon:背弃,不闻不问,拒绝

turn down 拒绝,摒弃 | turn one's back on/upon 背弃,不闻不问,拒绝 | turn sb.'s head 使人感到骄傲,使人头脑发热

by the back door:通过后门;用不正当的途

14.turn one's back on/upon...背弃...,抛弃...;对...不闻不问 | 15. by the back door 通过后门;用不正当的途 | 16. bring home the bacon 养家糊口;成功,取胜

workplace romances:办公室恋情

workplace romances 办公室恋情 | turn a blind eye to 不闻不问 | Get /have butterflies in one's stomach 忐忑不安

