英语人>词典>汉英 : 不退让的 的英文翻译,例句
不退让的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Thus, then, did her feet bear the goddess to Olympus, and meanwhile the Achaeans were flying with loud cries before murderous Hector till they reached the ships and the Hellespont, and they could not draw the body of Mars's servant Patroclus out of reach of the weapons that were showered upon him, for Hector son of Priam with his host and horsemen had again caught up to him like the flame of a fiery furnace; thrice did brave Hector seize him by the feet, striving with might and main to draw him away and calling loudly on the Trojans, and thrice did the two Ajaxes, clothed in valour as with a garment, beat him from off the body; but all undaunted he would now charge into the thick of the fight, and now again he would stand still and cry aloud, but he would give no ground.


We abate nothing of our just demands: not one jot or tittle do we recede.


None of the lads of Pampinara, Palestrina, or Valmontone had been able to gain any influence over him or even to become his companion.


But our time of stand ing pat (不换牌;坚持己见,不退让), of protecting narrow interests and put ting off, unpleasant decisions - that time has surely passed.


I don't know. Many people say I need a more unrelenting determination, but I don't think so.


Their passion for fashion is unrelenting, and their dedication knows no bounds.


Both the government and the opposition insist they went back down the dispute of reelection of president Amar Tinerjard.


Mrs Clinton later awkwardly backpedalled , assuring the Palestinians that she still considered all settlements "illegitimate", while pleading with them to resume talks.


ExxonMobil - seen as the strictest among its peers on sanctity of contract - is sticking to its guns and has taken Caracas all the way to the courts in the US, the Netherlands and the UK, antagonising the government of President Hugo Chávez in the process.


He said that the United States of repeated provocations, China "can not be indefinitely concessions."


更多网络解释与不退让的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


毕竟近现代这些国家男盗女娼装聋作哑掩耳盗铃的事情干的不老少. 另说一句,我不是很在意欧美维护人权道德的书生气, 我们自己善良的同胞有时书生气重了些. 妥协折衷(COMPROMISE)是常态,但是必须提醒自己也要提醒他们,妥协是相互的,单是一方的退让不叫妥协.


她被弄得沮丧又被迫:「为什么我们的对话非要这么冲不可呢?」这一刻,麦肯尼小姐显然还不打算向达登先生的穷追猛打投降,所以她敢正面迎敌. 但当他一付不退让状时,她开始生气了,结果她就变得尖锐,证词也对起诉起了不良的影响. 难过(Grief)/悲伤(Sorrow)