英语人>词典>汉英 : 不详尽的 的英文翻译,例句
不详尽的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inexhaustive  ·  uncircumstantial

更多网络例句与不详尽的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The researches show that the substrate plays an important role in the development of keratoconus. Cornea substrate's agenesis leads to the reduced solidity, which is possibly related to kearatoconus. There is still a lot to be researched on etilogy and early diagnosis of keratoconus.


This issue is not intended to be an exhaustive explanation regarding the armamentarium or clinical paradigms for the treatment of head and neck cancer.


I mean I don't think you can have an exhaustive inquiry.


And when adjusting parameter t, a family of subdivision surfaces can be constructed.


According to a statement released by the World Bank,"Where detailed studies have been carried out, the range of glacier dynamics are so complex that it's virtually impossible to generalise and dangerous to fix on one figure or another".


If legal action is taken, employers go to increasingly greater lengths to keep targets quiet, usually by offering a small out-of-court settlement with a comprehensive gagging clause


Thus, Chief Justice Taney was not innovating when in his opinion in the Dred Scott case he pronounced, without elaboration, that one of the reasons the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional was that an act of Congress which deprived 'a citizen of his liberty or property merely because he came himself or brought his property into a particular territory of the United States, and who had committed no offence against the laws, could hardly be dignified with the name of due process of law.


This thesis regards the language fact of the sentence's type as the foundation , with the " hypothesis of pivotal status of clauses " as its theoretical basis , with many angles , with many aspects , and the quantitative and qualitative research method as the way of thinking , put forward the detailed depiction of the choosing sentence of "bushi A, jiushi B".


There are secondary inflexions, particularly for the strong neuter singular and irregular nouns among other contexts, which are not described here.


Sanctuary有很详尽的描述:Down to the time of Louis XI, every town in France had its place of sanctuary, forming,in the deluge of penal laws and barbarous jurisdictions, that inundated the cities, islands, as it were, which rose above the level of human justice.


更多网络解释与不详尽的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"6.病理性赘述(circumstantiality) 思维活动停滞不前迂回曲折,联想枝节过多,做不必要的过分详尽的累赘的描述,无法使他讲得扼要一点,一定要按他原来的方式讲完.

complete; with nothing missing:完全的;完整的;详尽的

You can't run on a full stomach. 饱餐之后不能跑步. | complete; with nothing missing 完全的;完整的;详尽的 usually before noun | Full details are available on request. 详情备索.




这些根据在现实中并非是详尽无遗的(exhaustive),而且它们都可能具有交替重叠(overlap)的情形. 比如,作出影响公民个人权利的行政决定未说明理由、缺乏证据,这既可归属为程序不当,也可理解为不合理. 再如,符合比例原则应当是合理性的重要体现,

exhaustless:无穷尽的; 用不完的 (形)

exhaustive 无遗漏的; 详尽的; 彻底的 (形) | exhaustless 无穷尽的; 用不完的 (形) | exhibiter 展出者; 提供者; 显示者; 提出者 (名)

impenetrable: a.1:穿不透的 2.费解的,难以探测的 3.冥顽不化的

euphemism: n.委婉说法,委婉语 | impenetrable: a.1.穿不透的 2.费解的,难以探测的 3.冥顽不化的 | particularity: n.1.特殊性,特征 2.个性,癖性 3.详细,详尽,精细



particularity: n.1:特殊性,特征 2.个性,癖性 3.详细,详尽,精细

impenetrable: a.1.穿不透的 2.费解的,难以探测的 3.冥顽不化的 | particularity: n.1.特殊性,特征 2.个性,癖性 3.详细,详尽,精细 | subjectivity: n.主观,主观性



a blow-by-blow account:极为详尽的, 逐一记录的

rant咆哮, 激昂地说 | a blow-by-blow account 极为详尽的, 逐一记录的 | an uneasy alliance 不稳定的联盟