英语人>词典>汉英 : 不能压制的 的英文翻译,例句
不能压制的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
irresistible  ·  incoercible

更多网络例句与不能压制的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Note that this magical armor applies against attempts to grapple the caster (both his Defense and Temporal Dodge armor are subtracted from the grappler's dice pool when he attempts to achieve a hold on the mage), but it does not protect against attempts by an opponent to overpower and/or inflict damage once he has managed to grapple the mage.


Ain Suppression: No longer can be cast while under the effects of Incapacitate or Cyclone.


It is not depended on formalistic controlled power mode to prevent the repressive danger in the author's opinion.


However, various intrinsic problems exist in a conventional DLL such as narrow operation frequency range, harmonic locking, lack of frequency synthesis function, mismatch among delay stages, and unsuppressed VCDL noise.


No stronger case can be shown for prohibiting anything which is regarded as a personal immorality, than is made out for suppressing these practices in the eyes of those who regard them as impieties; and unless we are willing to adopt the logic of persecutors, and to say that we may persecute others because we are right, and that they must not persecute us because they are wrong, we must beware of admitting a principle of which we should resent as a gross injustice the application to ourselves.


There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).


While the behemoth size of the military quells innovation, its gigantic scale allows the military to attempt the grand -- which nimble commercial entrepreneurs cannot.


We know it cannot, and yet, it would seem your administration is wielding it as a way to silence citizens in a democracy.


Either my group is in power or I'm dead, in prison, in exile or lying very low.


It seems too many days since my last cook, busy studying, busy working. Today, im going to cook one of the most popular Chinese cuisine - BRAISED PORK BELLY STRIPS. There're many flavors when people cooking, what im going to do is one of them, the original flavor.


更多网络解释与不能压制的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在同样向新起点(beginning)开放的结尾处她写道,"其他人都睡着了",通过压制可重复性的运作,每个签名都把自己装扮成纯粹的起源. 某种程度上,它只说一次"是". 但这(我们知道)不能算作使某物成为承诺的充分条件. 承诺永远不是一次性的.

destine vt.1:注定 2.事先决定,预定 3. 朝着(一个给定的目的地)

irresistible a.1.不可抵抗的, 不能压制的 2.有不可抗拒的魅力的 | destine vt.1.注定 2.事先决定,预定 3. 朝着(一个给定的目的地) | destination n.1.目的地,终点 2.目标,目的


另外,芬兰的Modilis则是使用大小不到1的金属,嵌入在柔韧的基板后压制成导光板,也就是采用压印(imprint)技术,将具有柔韧性的基板卷圆筒型的薄型品,再以roll to roll连续生产技术大量生產,并能实现液晶荧幕和键盘作为背光源共有化的技术.

irresistibility:不可抗拒 (名)

irreproachably 无可指责地; 无过失地 (副) | irresistibility 不可抗拒 (名) | irresistible 不可抵抗的; 不能压制的 (形)

irresistibly:无法抵抗地; 不能压制地 (副)

irresistible 不可抵抗的; 不能压制的 (形) | irresistibly 无法抵抗地; 不能压制地 (副) | irresolute 无决断的, 踌躇不定的, 优柔寡断的 (形)




再在母模的表面进行相同的电镀,制造出称为压模(STAMPER)的金属原盘. 在母模上形成的声纹,可用唱针跟踪试听. 但是,压模的高低起伏情况跟父模一样,因此不能直接用唱针试听. 由于做成起伏不平形状,因此这种型式可能成为成型压制的模具.


这时,被告人对权利的放弃不能是引诱的或"压制"(Suppression)的. 放弃米兰达权利不一定必须是"明示"(Express)的,而是可以从被讯问者的言行中推断出来的. 比如,当问及是否明白了自己的权利时,被告人作肯定的答复,而当问及是否希望放弃权利时,


永不妥协(Uncompromising) 卡拉姆佐夫审判长不仅具有公正无私的声名,同时对那些没能完成使命的人同样严厉无情,所以在他附近12英寸内的友军单位,在士气测试或者压制测试失败的时候可以重掷一次骰子.

dead weight tester:静重压力标定台

自压安全阀 dead weight safety valve | 静重压力标定台 dead weight tester | 不能自喷的井;停产井;被压制井 dead well