英语人>词典>汉英 : 不繁荣的 的英文翻译,例句
不繁荣的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不繁荣的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After all, change is the only changeless thing in the world which brings life and prosperity.


I am a reluctant shopper (probably because of my dubious and uncertain aesthetic judgment), but, as a matter of principle, I love this country's commercial cornucopia.


We are going to Build an economically prosperous country.


No, I don't," answered Luke;"and I don't care who knows it; and, as I said before, if folks hadn't been so precious stingy, I might have had a public in a thrivin' market town, instead of this tumble-down old place, where a man has his hair blowed off his head on a windy day.


Good times 打印此页歌手:eddie brickel Eddie Brickell Good Times You don't even have to try It comes easy for you The way you move is so appealing It could make me cry Go out driving with my friends In Bobby's big old beat up car I'm with a lot of people then I wonder where you are Good times, bad times, give me some of that Good times, bad times, give me some of that I don't want to say goodbye Don't want to walk you to the door I spend a little time with you I want a little more Good times, bad times, give me some of that Good times, bad times, give me some of that Good times, bad times, give me some of that


Professional persons analysis, the rate of increase in domestic orders in unstable conditions, this level does not Daibiao level of economic boom, even Ke Yi said that the absolute value of orders for new Jixie still small in absolute terms the level of economic boom, Germany Gong Ye still in the recovery period.


Eventually such clumsy responses may make countries approach things narrowly and nationalistically, creating more global instability and less peace and prosperity.


Should their interests be ignored or even harmed, the world would not enjoy stability, not to say universal prosperity. And there would emerge a multitude of problems, risks, inequalities and irrationalities, which would ultimately jeopardize the interest of developed countries.


Mr. Wens comments about the safety of Chinese assets at the National Peoples Congress this year is consistent with what he said in the same venue two years ago. In March 2007, with the U.S. economic juggernaut generally unaware of the credit iceberg ahead, and with China growing by more than 10% a year Mr. Wen warned that Chinas economy is unstable, unbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable.


Knife killer hoarse voice of wind and string music to take you to see who is outside the city killing one of the seven re-Sha Yi Blood-stained white gauze under siege is not fat Surprisingly, six Army Good-bye is not life and death over the red line then, and wrapped that 1000 turns the ages Weirenzuojia Road scars of old wounds who It can not turn a hair in a flourishing tea Tasui bloodshed Jiangshan fireworks painting the enemy how you answer to his eyebrows a little carmine, but the world is worth mentioning is always a busy bloodshed on the Peach Pitt would like to see you again Leiruyuxia dumb dumb to listen to the sword high-rise buildings is that a life of dying Qingta Who you are guilty of peach blossom which counted the most is the impeccable Merry hexagram painted floor, do not leave heaters Sipan Piper bounce everywhere who distracted to grant the soul and the reversal of colors allow China refuses to uphold the contrast wax Shuo Ai end of the day off to spend does not love his innocent hexagram which counted for the final review of the world you are the moon illuminate the horizon who would have been the last Reeds Jiangshan neighing horses that embrace the quiet hubbub over heaven and earth wind chill Yung Hua Xie board after the monarchs of the sky Kokonoe Sa Da Pagoda to see a night meteor back to the moment people are also afraid of the silent days of the branches had grown Kuteng time upstairs on the dream has been lightly graze under the prospect of a still standing for you ah flick clothing on the snow side by side to see the vast Heaven and Earth


更多网络解释与不繁荣的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Euclidean geometry:欧几里德几何

"分形几何是一个'尘世'的几何学,与欧几里德几何(Euclidean Geometry)不同,它繁荣兴旺于粗糙和非对称性. 客观物体在几个完美和对称的形式上是不变的,可它却是无限复杂的. 你越接近地观察分形,就能揭示出越多的细节来.

of libations and fornication:诸如酗酒,强奸等这些城市的梦想

lt is not some Sin City|它不是一些罪恶横行 | of libations and fornication.|诸如酗酒,强奸等这些城市的梦想 | lt is the heart|of all future prosperity.|修建铁路是有一个繁荣未来的关键所在.

home market:国内市场

不但中国人民解放军(PLA)已进驻香港,保障着香港充满活力的经济走向繁荣,而且该地区已毫无疑问地成为中国大陆大型公司的"国内市场"(home market). 香港的好运部分源自于上海的不幸. 不灵活的监管规定、不合格的经纪商以及普遍的腐败行为等,

in full blossom:开满花,繁荣兴旺--考生看过来

in full 充足,以全文,用完整的词(不缩写)--考生看过来 | in full blossom 开满花,繁荣兴旺--考生看过来 | in good shape 处于良好状态,健康情况良好--考生看过来


无论是中央集权制还是麦戈文(McGovern)式的极端自由主义都不是白宫应该采取的做法,特别是在近期的选举中,投资股票的选民比例已经达到了三分之二. 我对投资者的建议是,保持乐观,长期持股,因为经济自由化是增长和繁荣的康庄大道.

pessimism negative:悲观的,忧郁的

not require unnecessary 不需要,不必要 | pessimism negative 悲观的,忧郁的 | prosperous thriving 兴旺,繁荣


他坚持认为谁也不应予以不必要的限制,这样会阻碍医药产业的繁荣;同时谁也不应扮演"教皇"(pontificate)的角色对药品有效性进行评判. 他认为应适用更为柔性的规制进路,与药业公司保持非正式的联系和愉快的合作关系,


thrift节俭,节约 | thriftless不节约的,浪费的;无用的,无价值的 | thrifty节俭的,节约的;繁荣的,茂盛的




由两千多个沙洲(cay)和七百个岛屿组成. 最早居民为印第安人. 17世纪时,是加勒比海域的海盗栖息地. 美国独立战争胜利后,有一群对独立不爽的老美跑到此地种棉花. 二战之后,旅游业开始蓬勃发展,巴哈马群岛上的广大人民群众们开始过上了安定繁荣的小康生活.