英语人>词典>汉英 : 不精明的 的英文翻译,例句
不精明的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不精明的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is a very astute merchant, and can not accept to be the first offers a price.


Notice in today's Gospel we have the story of the rich man and the unjust manager. Here we find the rich man commending the manager for his astuteness in providing for his future; for the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light!


A cagey lawyer too clever to be sound .


I don't think Harold is a hard-headed merchant.


Roy Hodgson is an experienced, canny manager, who will relish his trip to Old Trafford.


His brain is none too small,but he is weak in memory and sloppy in thinking.


I do not mean that you should keep an account of the shillings and half-crowns which you may spend in chair-hire, operas, etc.: they are unworthy of the time, and of the ink that they would consume; leave such minutia to dull, penny-wise fellows; but remember, in economy, as well as in every other part of life, to have the proper attention to proper objects, and the proper contempt for little ones.


If the professional is not smart property buyers to see the two prices and saleable compared can judge worth.


He didn't get to where he is today by not being shrewd with people.


No,Timothy,not when we have a woman who according to Rudd,is one of the shrewdest legal and political minds of our time.


更多网络解释与不精明的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cut a teeth:牙齿透(牙)肉而出;长新牙

He is too far north.他是精明的(不会受骗的) | Cut a teeth牙齿透(牙)肉而出;长新牙 | The child cut his wisdom teeth.孩子开始懂事.


像"香榭丽舍"一样,"枫丹白露"(Fontainebleau)这个译名会让人不自觉地陷入无尽的美丽遐想. 思海里有树影的摇曳,有清秋的薄露,有季节的转换,有时光的永恒……因此,一个精明的房地产开发商为他在北京的住宅小区取名时,

Ben Foster:科士打

至少,近十年他就当过不少中型制作的男主角,演过精明干探、忠心保镳、老练前辈或好爸爸之类的角色,既能在有限范围内发挥锤炼了二十几年的演技,又能引导新演员一步一步入戏,未尝不是银幕上一个好导师,曾与他合作的后辈就包括>的宾科士打(Ben Foster)、>


itinerant巡回的,巡游的 | imprudent不精明的,轻率的 | indelible持久的,擦不掉的,去不掉的


imprudent不精明的,轻率的 | indelible持久的,擦不掉的,去不掉的 | languid倦怠的,没精打采的

I ain't the smartest coach, but I bust my butt and I outwork smarter coaches:我也不是最精明的教练 但我比那些最好的教练更加努力

But I busted my butt. and I o... | I ain't the smartest coach, but I bust my butt and I outwork smarter coaches.|我也不是最精明的教练 但我比那些最好的教练更加努力 | And when I see the talent you got an...


輸入整流部份採用 Dual-Bridge 設計,精明的讀者可能會問為何單一組 Bridge 已可應付 AC/DC 整流 (Rectification) 的需求, Dual-Bridge 設計不是顯得多餘嗎 ?


但撒玛利亚省长参巴拉(Sanballat)甚为恼怒,他用武力来恐吓,以致他们要卫兵带武器保护,继续进行工程. 在尼希米精明的领导下,不到两个月,便完成了全部修补工程(尼六15,16),于是耶路撒冷的城墙便又完整了. 在尼希米治理期内,


shiftless "a. 无计谋的,偷懒的,不中用的," | shoddy ",以次充好的" | shrewd "a. 精明的,锐利的,厉害的,机灵的,"

sweep the board:本意指把所有的赌注都赢走,引申为大获全胜,,获得所有的荣誉

@ out of sports 本意指牌不能用了,引申为状态不好,身体不适; | @ sweep the board 本意指把所有的赌注都赢走,引申为大获全胜,,获得所有的荣誉; | @ play one's cards right/well 做事精明