英语人>词典>汉英 : 不燃性的 的英文翻译,例句
不燃性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incombustible  ·  asbestic  ·  asbestine

non-flame properties
更多网络例句与不燃性的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method of testing the non combustibility of the composite material by using calorimeter is scientific and its determination conditions are rather safe and practical.


Quality of the carpet not fade, mildew, moth and processing continued incombustibility guarantee.


Features: It is mainly to thin-walled, light weight, high strength and incombustibility and indoor humidity regulated environment, to achieve their comfortable living environment.


The iron wire construction decoration fishing gear has the incombustibility, excel, firm, easy to maintain, functionality, the decoration effect is vivid, is intense, and can very good to the construction structure protective function.


Produced by BeijingéInsulation Mortar Fire Detected identified as A-class does not incombustibility materials, construction materials testing by the National Center for successive sampling, the indicators all meet the requirement, and non-radioactive and harmful ingredients are green environmental protection products, at unrestricted use of the project.


The indexes (including the appearance, dimension, density, thermal conductivity, temperature for shrinkage under hot load and so on) in this standard are identical with the Japan standard, but those the Japan standard doesn't have (for instance, the pipe shell eccentricity, water content, shot content, incombustibility and so on) are added.


The sheet possesses good heat, cold and water resistance and incombustibility. Besides, excellent dielectric properties including proof tracking and arc resistance.


TEO-2R, 3R series of ultrasonic launder machines use incombustibility organic flux like: chloroethylene, ethane or some environmental cleanout lotion with the similar capability as their cleanout lotion.


4A section of incombustible hose of 200~300mm should be connected at the joint between air tube and entrance and exit of equipment.


The result shows that the requirements and testing methods for flammability of building materials are similar between the United State and Canada, and they mainly are engaged in the test of combustibility and flame spread. In European Union, a new classification system for flammability of building materials was implemented in 2001, which includes two systems; one is for floor coverings and the other for all other building units. In Japan, the interior materials are classified into non-combustible, quasi noncombustible and fire-retardant materials according to Cone Calorimeter method (ISO 5660). China has established a non-combustible test, a three-class classification system for combustible wall and ceiling interior finishing materials and a two-class classification system for combustible floor coverings.

通过研究认为:美国和加拿大对建筑材料燃烧性能的要求和试验方法基本相似,他们主要针对材料的燃烧性、火焰传播进行检测;欧盟于2001年颁布了新的燃烧性分级体系,该分级体系包括专门针对铺地材料部分和针对其他所有建筑构件材料和产品部门;日本采用锥形量热计法(ISO 5660)将内装饰材料分为不燃、准不燃和阻燃材料3个等级;我国对建筑材料的试验方法包括不燃性试验方法、墙和天花板内装饰材料的三级分级体系和铺地材料两级分级体系。

更多网络解释与不燃性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

incombustibility:不可燃烧性 不燃性

Incoloy耐热镍铬铁合金 | incombustibility不可燃烧性 不燃性 | incombustible不燃烧的 不燃物


incombustibility 不燃性 | incombustible 不燃性的 | income 收入

incombustible material:不燃性材料

incombustible material 不燃材料 | incombustible material 不燃性材料 | incombustible 不燃的


noncombustibility 不燃性 | noncombustible 不燃的;非燃性的;不燃物 | noncombustiblematerial 不燃物质


noncokingcoal 非结焦煤 | noncombustible 不燃性的 | nonconductingdust 不导电的尘末

noncombustible material:不燃物质

noncombustibility 不燃性 | noncombustible material 不燃物质 | noncombustible 不燃的;非燃性的;不燃物

noncombustible material:不燃性材料

noncollapsible container 固定型集装箱 | noncombustible material 不燃性材料 | noncombustible 不燃的

asbestic:石棉的, 不燃性的

asbestic tile | 石棉瓦, 石棉水泥板 | asbestic | 石棉的, 不燃性的 | asbestiform mineral | 石棉形矿物

non-flammable film:不燃性胶片

non-flame properties ==> 不燃性,不燃性的 | non-flammable film ==> 不燃性胶片 | non-flammable fluid ==> 不燃液体

incombustible conveyor belt:不燃性运输带 防火运输带

remindful 提醒的, 记得的 | incombustible conveyor belt 不燃性运输带 防火运输带 | diactor [电]直接自动调整器