英语人>词典>汉英 : 不温柔的 的英文翻译,例句
不温柔的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
unfeminine  ·  untender

更多网络例句与不温柔的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think it would not be very likely to promote sisterly affection or delicacy of mind.


The second,no matter what the woman or the man are egality in difference plances at work! if you are very gentilesse at work ,you will be wash out.what should we do? we should gentilesse in our external,but shouldn't gentilesse in our internal.we should have enterprise at work!


Gentilesse is one of women's nature,even they laugh loudly,have their own career and being an outstanding person.i believe a large majority of women are still gentilesse to others,especailly their lovers and family ...


Having just completed martial arts training at 坡州,SSH came to the art studio for photography of the magazine cover. He is no longer Junsuh in AIMH who said loudly "赦免你的罪" with his sad eyes. He is also no longer the simple and gentle guy Min-woo from Summer Scent.


Gentle is not one kind of pretext, the gentlest person is the most


"Mr Qiu Jier," goodwife tells him softly,"We do not admit ' chest ', the habit call it ' plain boiled pork ', burn not white drumstick flesh to call ' black flesh ".


I don't know where he is," she says, applying salve rather ungently."


I am not warm and fuzzy, and you are basically a stuffed animal made by Grandma.


I don't know where he is," she says, applying salve rather ungently."


Hermione woke him three hours later by ungently poking him in his side, and whispering angrily,"Come with me, right now."


更多网络解释与不温柔的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

groping gropingadj:探索的, 暗中摸索的

receiving n.接受adj.接受的 | groping gropingadj.探索的, 暗中摸索的 | softest adj.软的, 柔软的, 温和的, 温柔的, 不含酒精的n.软件


- tender 温柔的, 亲切的 | - irreverent 不尊敬的 | - disapproving 不赞成的


严酷(HARSHNESS)l温柔(MEEKNESS):甘心放下自己的权益与期望乐意服务. 易怒(ANGER)l喜乐(JOYFULNESS):即使面对不称心的事仍保持好的态度. 自怜(SELF-PITY)l信心(FAITH):即使不能预先看见仍确信好品格带来好结果.

A mild-mannered woman is attractive to most men:大多数男人喜欢温柔的女人

mild a.温和的,不严重的; (烟,洒)味淡... | A mild-mannered woman is attractive to most men. ;大多数男人喜欢温柔的女人. | Mild punishment can be effective in educating children. ;教育孩子时利用轻微的惩罚也...


sofan.长沙发,沙发 | softa.软的;温柔的;细嫩的,光滑的;不含酒精的 | softwaren.软件

I am not warm and fuzzy, and you are basically a stuffed animal made by Grandma:我不温柔不毛绒绒,你基本上也是一个 被奶奶喂饱了的小动物

I'm just trying to figure out w... | I am not warm and fuzzy, and you are basically a stuffed animal made by Grandma.|我不温柔不毛绒绒,你基本上也是一个 被奶奶喂饱了的小动物 | I don't think that's why y...

De toujours et de tendresse:关于永恒,关于温柔

De mots qui n'existent pas 那些不存在的词句 | De toujours et de tendresse 关于永恒,关于温柔 | Et je n'entends que sa voix 而我的世界里只剩下他的声音


Tender 温柔的 | Unending 不止息的 | Unfailing 不变的


那个不分时地不问原由与我一起的--DAN | 那个嘴巴很硬动作温柔的--MAOMAO | 那个头发短短喜欢画画的--LILI

You are mildest lady I've ever seen:你是我见过最温柔的女子

Not not I am not beautiful at all and sexy 不,不,我一点也不漂亮和性感 | You are mildest lady I've ever seen你是我见过最温柔的女子 | True of ?Thank you to cry up真的吗?谢谢你的夸奖