英语人>词典>汉英 : 不混乱的 的英文翻译,例句
不混乱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不混乱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In depi8cting Greeley, a competitive editor said that he "is self-educated, and very imperfectly at that-has no great grasp of mind, no great political insight, and has his brain crammed with half truths and odds and ends of ideas."


And .. natural sex is almost never strictly monogamous sex.


He argues that the essence of beauty lies in harmony and order. The origin of beauty comes from the preordination of God. Thereby he introduces the factor of purpose into his explanation of beauty in an attempt to establish a link between imagery and the rational realm. Starting from his theories of monads, he demonstrates the duality of esthetic sense, which is both clear and confused. His th...


Sleepwalking, or "somnambulism," is part of a larger category of sleep-related disorders known as parasomnias, which include night terrors, REM behavior disorder, restless legs syndrome and sleepwalking.


The more they do so the more there is chaoticviolence, and the more there is chaotic violence, the more the states find themselves unable to handle the situation, and therefore the more people disinvest the state, which further weakens the ability of the states to limit the spiral.


In this issue of the GEAB, our team analyses the trends at work (real estate market, srategic issues…) within the current chaos resulting from a flood of unchecked public expenditure and a persistently uncontrolled financial system in a context of growingly inconsistent statistics.


Being a human robot means to be mentally ill, means to be a person suffering from Multi- ple Personality Disorder, the difference between a "natural" MPD and a artificial, mind-controlled MPD is, that the latter was consciously tailored by the controllers to whom the victim is tied by invisible uncon- scious chains.


In this paper, the author analyzed the popular but confused phe nomena from the point of view of toponomy, psychology, history and culture.

文章 从地名学、心理学、历史学、文化学等不同角度出发,对这种看似时尚实则混乱的现象进行剖析,认为旅游城市的更名要兼顾历史与现实,不能盲目地更名,否则会顾此失彼,以至产生认识、实用及管理方面的混乱。

We claimed victory in the battle in an unnecessarily messy brawl that saw our medium vessels chase down the enemy--a battle that probably could have been less messy had we carefully negotiated the seas and the wind direction, because Empire, like other Total War games before it, physically models the ballistics of all missile weapons, so the crafty British ships turned at odd angles, requiring our ships to turn in reaction to lay broadsides, and occasionally landing fire on our own ships.

我们胜利的战斗中的不必要的混乱斗殴的看到我们的中型船只大通下跌的敌人-一场可能本来可以减少混乱了认真的谈判,我们的海洋和风向,因为帝国,像其他共计战争游戏面前,身体的弹道模型的所有导弹武器,所以狡猾的英国船只变成奇数的角度,需要把我们的船在反应奠定broadsides ,偶尔在我们到达火灾自己的船只。

I sat in the cafe by the cracker factory You were practicing a magic trick And my thoughts got rude, As you talked and chewed On the last of your pick and mix Said your mistaken if your thinking that I haven't been caught cold before As you bit into your strawberry lace And then a flip in your attention in the form of a gobstopper Is all you have left and it was going to waste Your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I love that little game you had called Crying lightning And how you like to aggravate The ice-cream man on rainy afternoons The next time that I caught my own reflection It was on it's way to meet you Thinking of excuses to postpone You never look like yourself from the side But your profile did not hide The fact you knew I was approaching your throne With folded arms you occupy the bench like toothache Saw them, puff your chest out like you never lost a war And though I try so not to suffer the indignity of a reaction There was no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw And your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I hate that little game you had called Crying lightning And how you like to aggravate The icky man on rainy afternoons Uninviting But not half as impossible as everyone assumes You are crying lightning Your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I hate that little game you had called Crying lightning Crying lightning Crying lightning Crying lightning Your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I hate that little game you had called Crying


更多网络解释与不混乱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]






Dis- 否定前缀 | Disordered 不按顺序的,混乱的 | Dis-order (顺序 命令)

fucked up:混乱的; 遭麻烦的; 被搅成一团的; 精神不正常的

fuck you 去你妈的, 见鬼去吧, 走开 (脏话) | fucked up 混乱的; 遭麻烦的; 被搅成一团的; 精神不正常的 | fucker 蠢人, 混蛋, 下流的人 (俚语) (名)


apprehensive 忧虑的 | garbled 混乱不清的 | stammer 结巴

Imperturbable: perturbation:混乱. 不混乱,稳定的,冷静沉着的

Ticklish:不稳定的,易受影响的 | Imperturbable: perturbation混乱. 不混乱,稳定的,冷静沉着的 | Stroke:各种动作几乎都可以用此词表示,安抚

off the rails:出轨的, 混乱的

Off the mark 不相关 | Off the rails 出轨的, 混乱的 | Off the record 非正式地, 不可引用地


unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的 | unruliness 难驾驽


unrounded 非圆唇的 | unruffled 不混乱的 | unruffled 不骚动的


woolly /羊毛制的/ | woolly-headed /头脑不清的/思考混乱的/ | woolman /羊毛商/