英语人>词典>汉英 : 不模棱两可 的英文翻译,例句
不模棱两可 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不模棱两可相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Equivocal, as in classification or nature.


No wavering, no relenting, no mucking and wasting, let us be firm to push on with our open policy, be firm to stick at our own pursuit of socialism, let us be assured that our vision will be realized, our goals will be achieved.


And keyword rank is inside story of a plot however heavily, it is to discover regulation is amphibolous more after research, the amount is huge, and still can appear not timely new regulation, still did not inform everybody.


As the transition of E3, many game manufacturers chose to fade, for instance Activision-Blizzard has been the member that ESA organizes no longer, also will attend E3 forever henceforth, NCSoft and Foundation 9 also agree with appearance to won't be joined truly today exhibit, the manner of Id Software is additionally more amphibolous: Do not have on list, affirm subsequently ginseng exhibit, did not decide again later.

随着E3的转型,不少游戏厂商选择了淡出,比如Activision-Blizzard就已经不再是ESA组织的成员,今后也永远不会参加E3,NCSoft和Foundation 9今天也确认同样不会参展,另外id Software的态度比较模棱两可:名单上没有,随后确认参展,后来又不确定了。

NOTE: Unfortunately, WordPress does not allow invalidly formatted e-mail addresses to be used in one's profile, so obfuscating your e-mail address there will not work.


NOTE: Unfortunately, WordPress does not allow invalidly formatted e-mail addresses to be used in one's profile, so obfuscating your e-mail address there will not work.


In summary, the argument is based on ambiguous evidence that neither proves or disproves anything.


Vagueobvious, clear mˋ gju 模棱两可的, m Truman got the Korean War because he was ambiguous, and Saddam took Kuwait because Bush didn't say "No" straight out.

TIME, Feb.19,1996, p.36 杜鲁门惹了个朝鲜战争,因为他的立场不明确,而萨达姆占领科威特,是因为布什没能直截了当地说&不&。

Vagueobvious, clear mˋ模棱两可的, m gju Truman got the Korean War because he was ambiguous, and Saddam took Kuwait because Bush didn't say "No" straight out.

TIME, Feb.19,1996, p.36 杜鲁门惹了个朝鲜战争,因为他的立场不明确,而萨达姆占领科威特,是因为布什没能直截了当地说&不&。

Mˋ 模棱两可的, m gju 昧的 vagueobvious, clear Truman got the Korean War because he was ambiguous, and Saddam took Kuwait because Bush didn't say "No" straight out.

TIME, Feb.19,1996, p.36 杜鲁门惹了个朝鲜战争,因为他的立场不明确,而萨达姆占领科威特,是因为布什没能直截了当地说&不&。

更多网络解释与不模棱两可相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amphibolia 不稳定期 | amphibology 模棱两可 | amphichroic reaction 两性反应

equivocal:意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的

field interpolator 场内插器 | equivocal 意义不明确的, 模棱两可的, 可疑的 | quart 夸脱(容量单位)


equivalent 相等,等量的 | equivocal 模棱两可,可疑的 | inadequate 不充分的

i am not a man to equivocate:我不是模棱两可的人,说话不含糊、说一不二

you have the habit of answering a question with a question.用反问... | i am not a man to equivocate. 我不是模棱两可的人,说话不含糊、说一不二. | i will not be cowed into forsaking any beliefs.我不会因为...

I'm not a man to equivocate:我不是模棱两可的人

Are you saying you won't do it? 你是说您不打算那么做了? | I'm not a man to equivocate. 我不是模棱两可的人 | You're what... 62 years old now,Your Excellency. 您...有62岁了吧 主教大人

I'm not a man to equivocate:我不是说话模棱两可的人

35 You have a habit of answering a question with a question. 你有个用问题... | 36 I'm not a man to equivocate. 我不是说话模棱两可的人. | 37 I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs. 我不会因威吓而...

I'm not a man to equivocate:你是说您不打算那么做了

- Are you saying you won't do it?你也很喜欢问那种越追究问题越多的问题 | - I'm not a man to equivocate.你是说您不打算那么做了? | - You're what...我不是模棱两可的人


unequipped 未装备的 | unequivocal 不模棱两可 | unerase 取消擦除


unequipped /未装备的/ | unequivocal /不含糊/明白/不含糊的/不模棱两可/明白的/ | unerase /取消删除/取消擦除/

ambiguity vagueness:模棱两可;意义不明确

ambidextrous 两手都善用的 | ambiguity vagueness 模棱两可;意义不明确 | ambition 雄心,抱负,野心