英语人>词典>汉英 : 不是王室的 的英文翻译,例句
不是王室的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Ballets were not then professional shows; they were performed by the aristocratic courtiers often by the royal or ducal host as well and, accordingly, their steps and movements were formal rather than difficult.


On the other side, the Danish royal family Prince Edward did not want to become a tool, in particular, do not want their marriage into a sale.


We determine and decree that the prelates of France, chapters of churches and monasteries, and laymen favouring them, of whatever rank they may be, even royal, who approve or falsely use the said sanction, together with each and every other person thinking, either individually or in a group, that this sanction is to his advantage, be warned and cited, within a definite adequate term to be established, by a public edict -- which is to be fixed on the doors of the churches of Milan, Asti and Pavia, since a safe approach to France is not available -- that they are to appear before us and the aforesaid council and declare the reasons why the said sanction and its corrupting effect and misuse in matters concerning the authority, dignity and unity of the Roman church and the apostolic see, and the violation of sacred canons and of ecclesiastical freedom, ought not to be declared and judged null and void and be abrogated, and why those so warned and cited should not be restrained and held as if they had been warned and cited in person.


Indeed one of Cascarellian's spies,who had been a guard at the pal ace the night of the slaughter,had seen the creature everyone called The Scyt he-Meister washing his weapons in one of the Palace's many fountains.The info rmant had escaped the massacre without harm coming to him,and reported that u nlikely as it seemed the semi-mythical figure of The Scythe-Meister bore a sub tle but undeniable resemblance to Zarles Kreiger.


That is, until the media uncover ed Wisse Smit's past relationship with a drug lord, which she had kept from the Dutch parliament, whose members must approve highranking royal marriages, rather than call off the wedding.


That is, until the media uncovered Wisse Smit's past relationship with a drug lord, which she had kept from the Dutch parliament, whose members must approve highranking royal marriages, rather than call off the wedding.


That is, until the media uncovered Wisse Smit\'s past relationship with a drug lord, which she had kept from the Dutch parliament, whose members must approve highranking royal marriages, rather than call off the wedding, Johna Friso gave up his right to the throne and weded Wisse Smit in a quiet April ceremony.


Most of the royals are too scared of giving opinions. But if she didn't like something,she'd say,'Wasn't it awful?


She never forgave her for what, I am not sure and hounded her across the empire, ensuring she never got a royal title and was ostracised by the sort of people who care about the royal family; that is, the only people Simpson and Edward cared about.


Then the King declared,"This is my son, who's of loyal ancestry and born in Carnarvon Castle one week ago.He can't speak English, nor French.He's never done anything wrong, nor offended anyone.He is Edward,the Prince of Wales!"


更多网络解释与不是王室的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Buckingham Palace:(英国)白金汉宫

大钟...英国 白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)建于1703年,最早称白金汉屋,意思是他人的家. 1762年,王室将其买下,又不断加以改装、增建,最终形成了这座色调不尽一致,式样五花八门的补丁宫殿...俄罗斯天然气之都(Gazprom City)屹立在俄罗斯圣彼得堡(ST.

Great Dane:大丹犬

大丹犬(GREAT DANE) 历史:此犬体型大如敖犬的品种. 在古代文学作品里有许多描述. 生长在地中海亚南地区的大丹犬是随早期的波斯商人或罗马军队到达德国,可以确定,现在大丹犬的祖先曾被欧洲王室及贵族饲养. 中世纪,大丹犬不但是贵族的象征,

princess royal:公主

长公主(Princess Royal). 女王于1987年授予她唯一的女儿安妮公主 (Princess Anne)这一头衔. 该头衔只能授予君主的长女,但君主的长女也并非一定会受封该头衔. 长公主有过两次婚姻,育有二子,她被认为是王室里最勤勉不倦的一位成员.


国王的木乃伊被用一个雪橇(sledge)运送到他的墓地,两个维西尔(visiers)和一个内务总管(General Hoermheb)也在送葬的队伍中. 这样描绘的送葬场面对于当时的普通人来讲是很普遍的,但是对于一个国王来说,这是不符合王室风格的.


今天的传记作者,大都以为甘地一生最大的贡献是领导印度的独立,尤其是以"非暴力"(Non Violence)之方式,也完成了甘地个人伟大的人格. 其实3. 由于英王拉拢诸小邦酋长,亦以王室礼相待,所以英国东印度公司不便于征服. 1877年,