英语人>词典>汉英 : 不断讨好 的英文翻译,例句
不断讨好 的英文翻译、例句


keep in with
更多网络例句与不断讨好相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tartuffe and Joseph Surface, Stigginsand Chadband,who are always preaching fine sen-timents and are no more virtuous than hundreds of those whom they denounce and whom they cheat,are fair objects of mistrust and satire; but theirhypocrisy,the homage,according to the old say-ing,which vice pays to virtue,has this of good init,that its fruits are good:a man may preach goodmorals tho he may be himself but a lax practition-er;a Pharisee may put pieces of gold into the char-ity-plate out of mere hypocrisy and ostentation,but the bad man's gold feeds the widow and the fa-therless as well as the good man's.


The university said it had decided Rosemary Radford Ruether was the wrong person for the prestigious post because of her service on the Board of Directors of the abortion-rights organization Catholics for Choice.


更多网络解释与不断讨好相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

keep indoors:呆在家里, 不外出

keep in with sb. 与某人友好相处; 不断讨好 | keep indoors 呆在家里, 不外出 | keep it up 不松劲, 照原样继续下去

keep in with sb:与某人友好相处; 不断讨好

keep in 扣留; 抑制; 隐瞒; 使(火)不熄灭; 使维持(某种)状态 | keep in with sb. 与某人友好相处; 不断讨好 | keep indoors 呆在家里, 不外出

keep in:抑制

keep in with 不断讨好 | keep in 抑制 | keep it up 继续下去

archetypally: adv.1:原型地 2.典型地

perennially: adv.1.终年地 2.长期地,不断地 3.反复地 | archetypally: adv.1.原型地 2.典型地 | cautiously: adv.难讨好地,吹毛求疵地,挑剔地

keep in with:不断讨好,和......保持友谊

I feel ill, doctor, and I can't keep any food down. 我病了,医生,吃的东西都吐了. | 3. keep in with 不断讨好,和......保持友谊 | eg: She still keeps in with her former husband. 她仍和前夫保持友谊.

keep in with:不断讨好

keep in touch 保持联络 | keep in with 不断讨好 | keep in 抑制

keep in with:不断讨好...... ;继续和......相好

keep...in把......抑制住;隐瞒...... | keep in with不断讨好...... ;继续和......相好 | keep off不(使......)接近......;把......驱开