英语人>词典>汉英 : 不懂 的英文翻译,例句
不懂 的英文翻译、例句


ignorant of · not have a clue
更多网络例句与不懂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A physician know everything but can do nothing; a surgeon can do everything but know nothing; only the anesthetist know everthing and can do everything!


We anticipate problems before they crop up,and come up with solutions to address these problems.


But now, I get inspired, even though it is very unfair, though I do not accept, but I accepted my own ability, I have a rough estimate of the scope of my ability, I am not a strongman, not a wise man, I have a Many do not know, or know how to express, do not understand plans, do not understand summary do not know to think, or know how to measure, I do not know very many things.


Tab 19:51:49 Joan Jett - I Hate Myself For Loving You Midnight gettin' uptight Where are you You said you'd meet me now it's quarter to two I know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you Hey Jack It's a fact they're talkin' in town I turn my back and you're messin' around I'm not really jealous don't like lookin' like a clown I think of you ev'ry night and day You took my heart then you took my pride away I hate myself for loving you Can't break free from the the things that you do I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why I hate myself for loving you Daylight spent the night without you But I've been dreamin''bout the lovin' you do I won't be as angry 'bout the hell you put me through Hey man bet you can treat me right You just don't know what you was missin' last night I wanna see your face and say forget it just from spite I think of you ev'ry night and day You took my heart then you took my pride away I hate myself for loving you Can't break free from the the things that you do I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why I hate myself for loving you I think of you ev'ry night and day You took my heart then you took my pride away I hate myself for loving you Can't break free from the the things that you do I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why I hate myself for loving you I hate myself for loving you Can't break free from the the things that you do I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why I hate myself for loving you I hate myself for loving you I hate myself for loving you Tab 19:52:00我听一首复制一首歌词给你们哈 Tab 19:52:08反正我是看不懂滴资深男人 19:52:31你看不懂就别发了哈丝妮雅 19:52:35呵呵,Tab进步哦资深男人 19:52:53东方,你要给我介绍女人么 Tab 19:52:56 Tab

19:53:02不发就不发吧丝妮雅 19:53:19我想你用不着我介绍吧资深男人 19:53:34我很是用的着啊丝妮雅 19:53:48哪方面用得着?资深男人 19:54:03哪个方面都用的着资深男人 19:54:09你是海南的?丝妮雅 19:54:30开玩乐,资深,已经够格哦丝妮雅 19:54:42对啊,欢迎来海南玩资深男人 19:54:46哈哈资深男人 19:55:02也欢迎你有时间到西安玩啊 Tab 19:55:22 I'm alive 丝妮雅 19:55:24西安古城,早就想往啦资深男人 19:55:36那怎么还不来啊丝妮雅 19:55:45 TAB,又说什么啊?丝妮雅 19:55:56没人民币啊资深男人 19:55:56 TAB想说话了资深男人 19:56:31美元也是可以的,不是非得用RMB啊 Tab 19:56:42不说,听话丝妮雅 19:56:55呵呵,还没见过美元呢资深男人 19:57:16难道你一直用英镑?丝妮雅 19:57:33我一无所有,好可怜资深男人 19:57:41或者是欧元 Tab 19:57:41呵呵资深男人 19:57:44呵呵 Tab 19:57:49老板不用谦虚丝妮雅 19:58:05呵呵,舒服,有人称我老板啦资深男人 19:58:24这个群里还是南方人多哈 Tab 19:58:32是老板嘛丝妮雅 19:58:32是吗? Tab 19:58:36大小事自己做主 Tab 19:58:42俺四川人在广州 Tab 19:58:47不是南方银资深男人 19:58:56你不要说俺行不?》丝妮雅 19:59:01四川不算南方吗?资深男人 19:59:08我是山东人在西安 Tab 19:59:11不算 Tab 19:59:16西南方资深男人 19:59:23我还没说俺这个字呢 Tab 19:59:26南方从湖南才开始算丝妮雅 19:59:55不对,起码也是西南了丝妮雅 20:00:17山东人怎么跑到西安啦?资深男人 20:00:25不可以么?

Six. Too shy that the thing not understood is ignored too, though there are a lot of questions not understood in study, but does not dare to ask a teacher either; Too concerned about face-saving, like puffing oneself up to one's own cost , does not understand that pretend to know too , the thing not known is not always consulted others ; It is unsure to study in the heart , can not make clear which places understands by oneself, which places does not understand , seem nothing understand a bit , know at all.

六。 不懂的东西也不问过於害羞,虽然学习上有许多没有搞懂的问题,但也不敢问老师;太爱面子,喜欢打肿脸充胖子,不懂也装懂,不会的东西从来也不向别人请教;学习心里没数,自己都搞不清楚哪些地方懂,哪些地方不懂,似乎什麼都懂一点,但又没有完全掌握。

The 《 pulls far 》 but until one day I starts a little bit anything of understanding the affair that have we experienceds and then could be we owned although the sometimes is very brief and brief to let person deploring greatly we have owned to ignore you to have to have ever owned to liking to like to cherish to say the least of it in the process here..........


So you happiness than I Because you or at least princess Nightmare sail, starting with angst Another place where the Those past more permanent than permanent, and the future more than barren desolation For this reason in the end I do not know, know, know you I do not know '''''''' Other understand something

所以你比我幸福因为你至少还是个公主梦魇起航,喧器出发某个地方,在哪个地方那些过去比永久更永久,而未来比荒凉更荒凉这道理到底懂不懂不懂你懂不懂不懂'''''''' 不懂不懂装懂

Disobey traffic rules,passerbys pass through at will,the traffics placed the wrong zone ,some impolite behaviors on the bus ,no treasures for city public situation,throw baggages,expectorations here and there ,stick and draw some stuffs,misunderstand convenance ......


One who is entirely ignorant of the modes of Art in its revolution or the moods of thought in its progress, of the pomp of the Latin line or the richer music of the vowelled Greek, of Tuscan sculpture or Elizabethan song may yet be full of the very sweetest wisdom.


International Phonetic Alphabet to master pronunciation of English not good, hard American accent or English accent. 3 unfamiliar grammar structures, do not know how the combination of the laws of English sentences. 4 a lack of listening skills and do not know how to listen to only the most effective. 5 the lack of positive and effective English thinking, do not understand the use of Chinese thinking on the English-speaking听说读写译especially great to hear a negative transfer effect. 6 psychological barriers exist, do not know the owner of that happy state of good full confidence and strong desire to make listening better listening comprehension.


更多网络解释与不懂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


农民, 粗野的人, 不懂礼貌的人, (Boor)波尔人 的英文翻译短语:[农民, 粗野的人, 不懂礼貌的人, (Boor)波尔人 ]农民, 粗野的人, 不懂礼貌的人, (Boor)波尔人 : boor

(it sounds) Greek to me or it's double Dutch:完全不懂的 (不是"希腊语/两倍的荷兰语

Dutch treat 各自付钱 (不是"荷兰人的招待",不常用) | (it sounds) Greek to me or it's double Dutch 完全不懂的 (不是"希腊语/两倍的荷兰语") | Indian giver 要回送出礼物的人(不是"印第安给与者",不常用)

incomprehension:不理解, 不懂 (名)

incomprehensibly 费解地; 不能理解地 (副) | incomprehension 不理解, 不懂 (名) | incompressible 不能压缩的 (形)

No,I don't understand:不,我不懂

23. Yes, I understand. 是,我懂了. | 24. No, I don't understand. 不,我不懂. | 25. Listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍.

Petunia Dursley:佩妮.德思礼,哈利的姨妈,是个不懂魔法的麻瓜,非常讨厌有关魔法的东西

Petunia Dursley:佩妮.德思礼,哈利的姨妈,是个不懂魔法的麻瓜,非常讨厌有关魔法的东西 | Vernon Dursley:费农.德思礼,哈利的姨夫,也是个不懂魔法的麻瓜,非常讨厌... | Godric Gryffindor:戈德里克.格兰芬多,霍格沃茨的...

is to attach the utmost importance in thoroughness:(这句实在看不懂,词也不懂)

The right way in teaching, 应该教育 | is to attach the utmost importance in thoroughness (这句实在看不懂,词也不懂) | Of old, the mother of Mencius 以前孟子他妈

tweedle dumber:这个看不懂,有什么寓意吗

36.see you have pulled看见你被骂啦?(这个看不懂希望高手帮助) | 37.tweedle dumber这个看不懂,有什么寓意吗? | 38.let go of me放开我

Zone Defense Spacing:(看不懂,我覺得是指三秒區防守的站位問題)

Freezing with 2K Share, Who's Online, Team Up 这代可以选择下玩家的存档等等,但是,... | Zone Defense Spacing (看不懂,我觉得是指三秒区防守的站位问题) | DPad with On the Fly Coaching is too quick (看不懂,可...

Sorry, I didnt understand:抱歉,我听不懂

1. Sorry, I didnt catch you.对不起,我听不懂你说的. | 2. Sorry, I didnt understand. 抱歉,我听不懂. | 3. Sorry, I didnt get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话.

Knowing neither abortions nor bitchery:不懂堕胎也不懂淫荡

A series of weddings. 一连串的婚礼 | Knowing neither abortions nor bitchery, 不懂堕胎也不懂淫荡 | Truer than women, 比女人真实