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不张 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与不张相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fibrosis bronchoscope is a safe and effective method of diagnostic pulmonary closure.


As a result of domestic stamp inks moisture absorption and volatile lost significant tratified precipitation, Ph drop leavin'the extrameridian yuanpeng thicking yrdp, thick hair color adjustment degraded, squeegee pressure angle and color changes, particularly the tiscosity veinpuncture and coacervate may result in the next business card printing and membership card when the job is not making up China and India.


If the low-speed machines "dead weight" down prematurely, resulting in lateral control drawing is not complete and paper La resistance of phenomenon, in such a situation, you should down to resize "dead weight" pressure "dead weight" in the side control raised when you were not lifted, sometimes down to the technical issues in turn make an adjustment, such as "dead weight" lift up the time properly, too, would like to stress the work of the side syndiospecific faster time-to-side gauge time control of cam to the machine up forward direction.


Results Of 177 cases,contusion of lung(n=115),traumatic wet lung (n=17),laceration of lung and hematomas of lung (n=16),atelectasis and consolidation (n=24)(includingthedelayed11),hemothorax(n=85)(includingthedelayed21)pneumothorax(n=17),pneumohemothorax (n=15),hemomediastinum(n=7),peumomediastinum(n=9),fracture of rib (n=94) and other organs' injuries.


Chairman张宝全think, should not be "land transaction", said the change has become a "market" will be the impact of changes in the form of land transactions, the developer of the powerful is a good thing, the real estate market is a good thing, This will re-enact the real estate market rules of the game.


Chairman张宝全stress that should not be "land transaction form" change that has become the "market" will be the impact of changes in the form of land transactions, the developer of the powerful is a good thing, the real estate market is a good thing, which will re-enact the real estate market rules of the game, and the entire market and will not be change their own works.


Results The bronchi stricture can be seen at lobar bronchus or segmental bronchus and the bronchial walls were thickened. No mass and opposite "S" sign can be found in all the cases. Among them,centripetal stricture can be found in 6 cases, and eccentric stricture in 11 cases. Bronchi stricture with obstructive atelectasis in 12 cases. In which "Air bronchogram" can be found in 9 cases. Bronchi stricture with pleural effusion in 8 cases. With intrabronchial polypoid shadows in 5 cases. With active pulmonary TB in 9 cases.


The high smoothness, transfer and deposit real fine surface covering barely high density monlchamus layer, the little dot reproducibility; on the contrary, the ink layer that you want printed on the largening business card printing and membership card making pressure to the heel holdout, resulting in imprinted dot gain and deformation and other adverse effects, which in turn affect the image and color of normal again.


A variety of business card printing and membership card making pressure control within a reasonable scope will printing plate cylinder and rubber roller pressure control in 15 ~ 20 wire, two rubber roller pressure control in the 22-38, 28, and make sure that two rollers by version and parallel plate cylinder, below the 100 mm diameter rollers by Edition and nano-imprint lithography printing plate cylinder is 5-6 mm, more than 100 mm diameter rollers by Edition and nano-imprint lithography printing plate cylinder is 6 ~ CCDs used in àw±a?


The plates of the rollers and rubber roller pressure control in 15 ~ 20 wire, two rubber roller pressure control in the 22-38, 28, and make sure that two rollers by version and parallel plate cylinder, below the 100 mm diameter rollers by Edition and nano-imprint lithography printing plate cylinder is 5-6 mm, more than 100 mm diameter rollers by Edition and nano-imprint lithography printing plate cylinder is 6 ~ CCDs used in àw±a?


更多网络解释与不张相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


六、肺不张和肺萎陷 肺不张(atelectasis)是指肺组织含气量过少,肺泡不能完全张开. 肺萎陷(collapse of lungs)是指原已充满空气的肺组织因空气丧失而导致肺泡塌陷关闭的状态. 肺不张是先天性的,往往见于早产儿,


1.局部表现 新生儿出生后,胃及肠管于脐旁裂口处突出于腹壁外,无羊膜覆盖,也...肺不张(atelectasis)系指一个或多个肺段或肺叶的容量 或含气量减少. 由于肺泡内气体吸收,肺不张通常伴有受累区域的透光度降低,

atelectasis:肺膨胀不全 肺不张

肺萎陷(collapse of lungs)又称肺膨胀不全,肺不张(atelectasis),是指肺泡内空气含量减少甚至消失,以致肺泡呈塌陷关闭的状态. 肺不张或肺膨胀不全一般是指先天性的,即肺组织从未被空气扩张过,由于呼吸道被胎粪、羊水、黏液阻塞或胎儿呼吸中枢发育不成熟等原因,

pulmonary atelectasis:肺不张

pruritus 骚痒 | pulmonary atelectasis 肺不张 | pulmonary blood flow 肺血流(量)

pulmonary atelectasis:肺不张肺膨胀不全

pulmonary artery wedge pressure 肺动脉楔压 | pulmonary atelectasis 肺不张肺膨胀不全 | pulmonary atresia 肺动脉瓣闭锁

pulmonary atelectasis:肺不张[医]

切口裂开[医]disruption of wound | 肺不张[医]Atelectasis;Non-expanded lung;pulmonary atelectasis ;Unexpanded lung | 急性胃扩张[医]acute dilatation of stomach

lober atelectasis:[肺叶不张]

?pueumosclerosis[肺硬化] | ?lober atelectasis[肺叶不张] | ?pulmonary lobectomy[肺叶切除术]

lobular atelectasis:肺小叶不张

lobular 小叶性的 | lobular atelectasis 肺小叶不张 | lobular carcinoma in situ of breast 乳腺小叶原位癌

obstructive atelectasis:阻塞性肺不张

niche 龛影 | obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张 | obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿

obstructive atelectasis:阻塞性肺不张 临床实验室

niche 龛影 | obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张 临床实验室 | obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿