英语人>词典>汉英 : 不常发生 的英文翻译,例句
不常发生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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If agreement failed, as it often does in revolutionary times, then, however, reluctantly, he would cut the Gordian knot, for the nation's government must be carried on.


The CC MRI findings are characterized mainly by:(1)frequently-encountered multiple circular foci during the cysticercus survival:small excentric spotty images of the mural cysticercus scolex :slightly high signs on T1WI and middle-lower signs on T2WI;lower signs on T1WI and high signs on T2WI of the capsular liquid;lower signs of the cerebrospinal fluid but relatively high signs of the capsular liquid on FLAIR;and unremarkable peripheral edema;(2)scolex disappearance,enlarged capsular cavity and remarkable peripheral edema during cysticercus degeneration and necrosis;(3)lower signs on T1WI and T2WI and peripheral edema disappearance after the focal calcification;(4)findings shown by the enhanced scanning:strengthened (24/36) or non-strengthened (12/36) cyst-wall circular images;strengthened (22/36) or non-strengthened (14/36) small intracapsular spotty images;(5)cerebral-ventricular type often occurring in the third and fourth ventricles:one case in the third ventricle (1/36) and three cases in the fourth ventricle (3/36),all of suffered from obstructive hydrocephalus;(6)hydrocephalus caused by arachnoid adhesion (2/36) in meningeal type.

结果 脑实质型18例,脑室型4例,脑膜型3例,混合型11例,主要MRI特点:(1)囊虫存活期,病灶呈圆型,多发常见,附壁囊虫头节呈偏心型小点状影,T1WI呈略高信号,T2WI呈中低信号;囊液T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号;在FLAIR上脑脊液呈低信号,而囊液呈相对高信号;周围水肿不明显。(2)囊虫退变坏死期,头节消失,囊腔扩大,周围水肿明显。(3)病灶钙化后,T1WI及T2WI均呈低信号,周围水肿消失。(4)增强扫描表现为:囊壁环状增强(24/36),或不增强(12/36);囊内小点状影增强(22/36),或不增强(14/36)。(5)脑室型:常发生于第三、四脑室,其中第三脑室1例(1/36),第四脑室3例(3/36),均引起阻塞性脑积水。(6)脑膜型:因蛛网膜粘连,而引起脑积水(2/36)。

Factious followers are worse to be liked, they follow not upon affection to him with whom they range themselves, but upon discontentment conceived against some other: whereupon commonly ensues the ill intelligence that we many times see between great personages.


Such often occurred in feudal society, and should not take place in a socialist country.


Card gram calorie expresses, this kind of phenomenon often happens when parents or teacher are not attendant, come from the student of young force family or family of social ground floor, regular meeting lends machine ride roughshod over the classmate.


Grayson: Kim, you can't litigate every emotional dispute that comes along.

Kim 你不能让每个情绪上的争执,都寻法律解决,衰事常发生。

The patient after complete hemp drops after incidental tongue ministry of block larynx pharynx, the common cause that this is respiratory tract block [3] , often happen at pulling out the narcotic after tracheal spile, skeletal flesh is flabby medicine the patient that rudimental muscle strength has not recover completely [4] , as a result of ministry of old people mouth and pharynx ministry musculature is flabby, fat person cervical short, give out when breath lose by force the snore that differ, contain chirp news sometimes, expression is not block of complete respiratory tract [5, 6] , and pulse oxygen degree of saturation (SpO2) is shown undertake the gender drops.


E. , when they run under low temperature in winter, the formation of frost on airside heat exchanger surface has become a common problem, which leads to degradation of heating capacity and has effects on its normal running.


DNA methylation is a kind of ordinary pheonemena in eukaryote.


Temporal bone fracture occasionally occurs, but a pure fracture of tympanic portion of the temporal bone is less common.


更多网络解释与不常发生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.指(趾)炎(dactylitis) 在幼儿病例,血管闭塞常发生于手足背,引起指(趾)炎,也称为手足综合征(hand-foot syndrome),临床表现为手足非可凹性肿胀伴疼痛,1周后症状可有改善,但常可复发,通常不遗留后遗症,

infrequency of occurrence:不常发生

"inflation accounting",,,,,,"通货膨胀会计" | "infrequency of occurrence",,,,,,"不常发生" | "infrequency of occurrence",,,,,,"不常发生"

aortic insufficiency:主动脉瓣闭锁不全

资料来源: 主动脉瓣闭锁不全(Aortic insufficiency) 在慢性风湿性的主动脉瓣闭锁不全常因瓣膜出现变形或凹陷. 由於血流出现回流的情形,使得左心房发生肥大与扩大. 一般常并二尖瓣闭锁不全,如此一来,左心室更易发生衰竭. 临床症状 病人会出现易流汗,


*人工关节松动(Loosening)这是人工关节置换术最常发生的并发症. 以全人工膝关节为例,手术五年后,发生松动的机率约3% ~ 5%亦不常见. *人工关节脱位(Dislocation)较常发生于全人工髋关节,发生率约3%左右,大部分发生于术后不久,


unrelenting不宽恕的, 无情的, 冷酷的 | percutaneous 经皮的transhepatic经肝的 | infrequently罕有地,不常发生的稀少地; 珍贵地


CDH主要分成畸胎性(teratologic)及典型性(typical)两大类,而以后者较常发生. 典型性CDH发生在出生后,可分为不稳定型、半脱臼型及完全脱臼型. 通常女多于男,其发生率女性为男性的6-8倍,左边为右边的1.5倍,而白人又多于黑人.


病人常有辨距不良(dysmetria)、协同不能(asynergia),及协同困难(dyssynergia),平衡感觉亦可发生紊乱. (四)强直型 约占5%. 是由于中枢神经系统运动区广泛的病变所致. 一般常因缺氧及分娩时脑组织内少量而弥漫性出血所致.

autosomal dominant:常染色体显性

乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis virus B,HBV)家族性视网膜母细胞瘤呈常染色体显性(autosomal dominant)遗传. 能引起动物肿瘤或在体外实验中能使细胞发生恶性转化的逆转录病毒,其基因组中含有某些RNA序列,这些序列不是病毒复制所必需的,


而雷那德氏现象(Raynaud' s phenomenon)及淋巴水肿(lymphedema)二者之症状和乌脚病类似,但常发生於20岁前. 乌脚病之闭塞性血栓血管炎最易发生在肘或膝以下部位之末梢动脉处,一般不会发生在脏腑动脉(包括冠状及脑动脉)处.

Risking our lives? Yes:冒生命危险?对

This kind of thing doesn't happen all the time, does it?|这种事不常发生吧? | Risking our lives? Yes.|冒生命危险?对 | Playing chicken with a train? First time.|拿火车试胆?第一次