英语人>词典>汉英 : 不导热的 的英文翻译,例句
不导热的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
athermic  ·  athermous

更多网络例句与不导热的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aluminum nitrate enneahydrate and barium hydroxide octahydrate are considered as potential phase change materials for energy storage.


The proposed method has the merit that the numerical characteristics of stochastic temperature field response can be obtained by analyzing the random temperature field just in one time.3. Perturbed numerical algorithm of nonprobabilistic convex set theoretical models on the temperature fieldThe uncertain parameters of physical parameters and initial boundary conditions of heat conduction are described by the convex model. The perturbation formulas of the upper and lower bounds of temperature field response with unknown-but-bounded parameters are given via the combination of matrix perturbation theory and the convex set theory model.4. Numerical analysis for transient temperature field with interval parametersConsidering the uncertainties of the transient heat transfer, the physical parameters and initial boundary conditions are regarded as interval variables.


With advanced production equipment ."Golden Flatiron King" brand welding mouths with well-coated tin enjoy long service life and satisfactory function.


The density is in 150~2200 kg/m3 and the thermal conductivity is 0.0599W/m·K, density of 150 ~ 2200 kg/m3, thermal conductivity for 0.0599W / m · K. It has a great many merit such as anti-aging, thermal insulation, incombustible, environmental protection, benefit waste, acoustic, noise, low-cost (production cost of 40 ~ 70 yuan / m3), which is a waste of new energy-saving insulation materials benefit.

发泡体在凝固成型中体积不塌陷自然产生2%~5%的膨胀率,密度在150~2200 kg/m3,导热系数为0.0599W/m·K,耐老化,保温、不燃、环保、利废、吸音、隔音、廉价(生产成本40~70元/m3),是节能利废新型隔热材料。

Aiming at the laigh thermal conductivity of magnetic refrigerant materials, this paper presents a new technical scheme named vacuum diffusion bonding, which can improve its thermal conductivity. The results indicate that under the condition of temperature ranging from 550℃ to 620℃ in holding time ranging from 30 min to 120 min and a pressure ranging from 12 Mpa to 20Mpa, both Gd and Cu can effectively bond together.


Aiming at the laigh thermal conductivity of magnetic refrigerant materials,this paper presents a new technical scheme named vacuum diffusion bonding,which can improve its thermal conductivity.


After comparing with the thermal conductivity under two different conditions, the thermal conductivity with vacancy is lower than that with Kr, which accounts for phonon scattering on impurities due to lattice strain is stronger than that due to differences in mass between the defect and the surrounding matrix.


Used traditional measurement equipment and a new method-optimal approximation between measured and numerical calculation values, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of cornea was measured. It can be expressed by the equation of λ=0.10395+2. 75156×10〓t.


Barrel is the key part of artillery. In shot process, propellent gas of high pressure and high temperature flows in the tube at a high rate of speed, which brings an upheaval to the temperature field of the composite barrel. As to the composite barrel with metal inner, its poor thermal conductivity is more likely to cause uneven temperature distribution and bigger temperature gradient, to produce improper deformation and to make the work temperature of metal inner rise, all of which will affect the life span of barrel.


The temperature field produced by a single source of heat in an unventilated space with heat-conducting walls has been studied by Ye.

Ye。 V。 Kudryavtsev研究了一种温度场,它是由单一供热源以及导热墙组成的不通风的空间。

更多网络解释与不导热的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

thermal conduction:导热性; 热导率; 热传导

sit back 不采取行动, 休息一下 | thermal conduction 导热性; 热导率; 热传导 | holden hold的过去分词


用隔汽的胶粘剂(mastic)或密封胶(sealant)密封外保温层的穿透部位,如风管吊架、温度控制传感器等部位. 用隔汽盖板和玛帝脂膜盖住焊接的销钉紧固件. 对于保温风管的吊架,提供一层刚性泡沫玻璃衬垫,或其他的不可压缩的不导热材料衬垫,

thermal radiation:热辐射

从物理本质上讲,热辐射(thermal radiation)和其他所有各种辐射一样,都是电磁波. 它们之间的内在区别是导致发射电磁波的激励方式不同,而外在表现是发射的波长不一样,以及吸收该电磁波之后所引起的效应不同. 热辐射的特点与导热及对流有着显著的不同之处.


但由於蓝宝石基板导热性不佳,当操作在高电流下,容易於接面处堆积大量的热能而导致元件特性变差. 为解决热对发光体的影响,本论文将氮化镓薄膜转移至具有高电导率、高热传导率的金属铜基板上. 图1-8 不同晶粒形状(Shaped)之发光二极体 55


PA6T, 高温尼龙,透明尼龙及阻隔尼龙;APHAGARY的各种TPE弹性体以及各种电线电缆料;Premix的各种基材的导电塑料;COOLPOLYMER的各种基材的导热塑料;RACHIG的各种热固性塑料如酚醛树脂(PF), 不饱和聚酯(UP), 三聚氰胺聚酯(


athermancy 不透热辐射热性 | athermanous 不透热的[指一个物体或空间不允许热通过] | athermic 不导热的


athermanous 不透热的 | athermic 不透辐射热的;不导热的 | athodyd 冲压喷气发动机


athermanous 不透热的[指一个物体或空间不允许热通过] | athermic 不导热的 | atlas 地图册,图集

Succinic Acid:丁二酸

表面平整、内部形成独特完美的闭孔蜂窝结构,具有优越的保温隔热性能、良好的防潮及抗高压、、不吸水、耐腐蚀、导热系数低、 (发布时间:2009-01-02)简述:丁二酸(Succinic acid) 别名:琥珀酸 分子式:C4H6O4 分子量:118.09性状:无色结晶体,


沸点等 焊料:成分,组织,不纯物含量,熔点等 母材:母材的组成,组织,导热性能等 焊膏的粘度,比重,触变性能 基板的材料,种类,包层金属等 4, 回流焊接缺陷分析 问题及原因对策 1.吹孔(BLOWHOLES) 焊中(SOLDER JOINT)所出现的孔洞,