英语人>词典>汉英 : 不安宁的 的英文翻译,例句
不安宁的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
restless  ·  peaceless

更多网络例句与不安宁的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The avoid mentioning that exposes the surface just is opposite young when confused save atone for with a astatic kind -- positive-appearing image his moral quality nowadays is same, must break up, insane is mad, wandering in the brim... like that


He desired not the purple and the fasces, the insignia of vulgar command


We need to find God and God cannot be found in noise and restlessness.


If Urumqi had an edge of unrest on this Monday, it was sheathed in silence.


Woman is essentially unpeaceful.


Raymond fall into an unquiet slumber,and dream again of his son.


Raymond fell into an unquiet slumber, and dreamed again of his son.


In addition to revealing Earth's slightly slimmer silhouette, the results reveal that the Pacific seafloor is the most restless place on the planet, traveling to the northwest by around two inches a year.


China did not want its first military parade in a decade to be marred by any hint of the unrest that has roiled the distant regions of Tibet and Xinjiang in the past two years.


As the roaring rocket rose, the restless roosters rollicked.


更多网络解释与不安宁的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

respond to: v.1:对...作答(或回答) 2.对...作出反应,响应

resplendent: a.辉煌灿烂的,华丽的 | respond to: v.1.对...作答(或回答) 2.对...作出反应,响应 | restless: adj.得不到休息的,不平静的,不安宁的

restiveness:倔强; 喧闹; 难以驾驭 (名)

restively 倔强地; 喧闹地; 难以驾驭地 (副) | restiveness 倔强; 喧闹; 难以驾驭 (名) | restless 得不到休息的, 不安宁的, 不平静的 (形)

restlessly:不安地; 无休止地; 慌张地 (副)

restiveness 倔强; 喧闹; 难以驾驭 (名) | restless 得不到休息的, 不安宁的, 不平静的 (形) | restlessly 不安地; 无休止地; 慌张地 (副)

resurrect: v.1:使死而复生,复活 2.重新启用,使再度流行

restless: adj.得不到休息的,不平静的,不安宁的 | resurrect: v.1.使死而复生,复活 2.重新启用,使再度流行 | reticent: a.沉默寡言的,缄默的

squalidness:肮脏; 穷困; 脏污 (名)

squalid 脏的; 恶劣的; 卑鄙的 (形) | squalidness 肮脏; 穷困; 脏污 (名) | squally 多狂风的; 不安宁的; 多风波的 (形)


restless得不到休息的, 不平静的, 不安宁的 | thrilled激动 | unsettled不稳定的;动荡的;易变的

tranquil a.1:安静的,平静的,安宁的 2.稳定的,不变的

transparent a.1.透明的 2.明显的,显而易见的,清楚的 | tranquil a.1.安静的,平静的,安宁的 2.稳定的,不变的 | trade n.1.贸易,商业 2.行业,职业

The Unquiet Dead:借尸还魂 死不安宁

2 The End of the World 世界末日 世界末日 | 3 The Unquiet Dead 借尸还魂 死不安宁 | 4 Aliens of London 撞毁大笨钟 伦敦的外星人

The Unquiet Dead:借尸还魂 借尸还魂死不安宁

?02The End of the World世界末日 世界末日世界末日 | ?03The Unquiet Dead借尸还魂 借尸还魂死不安宁 | ?04Aliens of London外星人在伦敦 撞毁大笨钟伦敦的外星人

The Unquiet Dead 2005:年4月9日 借尸还魂 死不安宁

2 The End of the World 2005年4月2日 世界末日 世界末日 | 3 The Unquiet Dead 2005年4月9日 借尸还魂 死不安宁 | 4 Aliens of London 2005年4月16日 撞毁大笨钟 伦敦的外星人