英语人>词典>汉英 : 不可忍受的 的英文翻译,例句
不可忍受的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I would then argue that China's determination to thwart needed adjustment in exchange rates had become intolerable.


But I also know that it can be unpredictable, unexpected, uncontrollable, unbearable and strangely easy to mistake for loathing, and...


As to the "interim human discomfort" caused by radical free-market policies, Rusher believed that "a certain amount of deprivation today, in the interest of a far healthier society tomorrow, is neither unendurable nor necessarily reprehensible."


Without wind, the tropics would be unbearably hot and most of the rest of the planet would freeze.


This send-up of high society is still unbearably funny and original .


" "I was unfaithful, I had affairs, I cheated, what I did is not acceptable.


Chinese saying 不患寡,患不均,which is really true even thousands of year was gone. Unfairness is untolerable in every soceity.


Destiny with the hidden face decreed that I should come titon being,play my little part,and pass again into silence;is it mine either to approve or to rebel? Let me be grateful that I have suffered no intolerable wrong,no terrible woe of flesh or spirit,such as others-alas!


Give up the resist, wait for capture with tied hands, and drop into the common customs marriage… To those completist, it almost sound no acceptable, but, no need to look down for those capitulaitonist, they need bear the suffering too---deep understand and experience of the imperfect life; and, the good luck one, maybe really can find love, who knows?


This intolerable doctrine had not been held by Tertullian in his Catholic days.


更多网络解释与不可忍受的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


insuccessiononeafteranothersuccessively 先后 | insufferable 不可忍受的 | insufferableinsupportable 忍耐不住的

Except how insufferable we'd be:除了我们变的很挑剔

Then we'd never have to worry about another thing ever agaim. 那么我们再也没有这些烦恼了. | Except how insufferable we'd be. 除了我们变的很挑剔. | adj. 难以忍受的;不可忍受的;令人厌恶的


insufferableirritatingprovocative 气人的 | insufferably 不可忍受地 | insuffice 不足够

insufferably:不能忍受地 (副)

insufferable 不可忍受的, 气人的, 忍耐不住的 (形) | insufferably 不能忍受地 (副) | insufficiency 不充分; 不适当 (名)


戴德生的前后两任夫人玛莉亚(Maria)和珍妮(Jennie)是他进入中国内地事奉最大的支持者. 不但无怨无悔忍受危险的传道生活,为他照顾年幼的儿女,又深入内地賑灾,接触中国妇女. 两任夫人是戴德生不可缺少的事奉伙伴.


275 boil down to v.归结为 | 276 unforgivable 不可原谅[饶恕]的 | 277 put up with v.忍受, 容忍

Man of La Mancha:梦幻骑士

极为了解美国人心理的陈水扁在演说最后更是引用美国百老汇名音乐剧<<梦幻骑士>>(Man of La Mancha)中的一段名曲来形容自己"明知不可为而为之"的心境:他在"做一个不可能实现的梦,击败打不倒的敌人,忍受那无法忍受的悲伤,冲向勇士不敢前往的地方.