英语人>词典>汉英 : 不叫牌 的英文翻译,例句
不叫牌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pass  ·  passes

更多网络例句与不叫牌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That cue-bid may be used with four-card support for advancer's major suit in a hand too strong for a direct single raise.


In the early morning, in a house-jacket, she looked after the management of her household. Then she drove on saints' days to Mass, and from Mass to the gaols and prisons; and of what she did there, she never spoke to any one. On ordinary days she dressed and received petitioners of various classes, of whom some sought her aid every day. Then she had dinner, an abundant and appetising meal, at which some three or four guests were always present. After dinner she played a game of boston; and at night had the newspapers and new books read aloud to her while she knitted.


Licensing Laojun called Cha Cha Cha is not, but dozens of drugs selected food homology group of natural plant science from the regulator side Jiapin regulator.


B Over a two-level overcall: lebensohl applies, with "fast denies stopper" for cue-bid and three-notrump direct responses versus responder's rebids following a two-notrump response.

b敌方二阶插叫之后:使用lebensohl [2NT为傀儡到3 且应叫者低于三阶敌方花色的再叫为不逼叫;低于三阶敌方花色的直接叫牌为逼叫],使用"快速否认挡张"叫法且直接扣叫及直接3NT相对于先叫2NT之后再扣叫及3NT。

B with 4-4-3-2 too weak to open one notrump and lacking four-card support, rebid in a four-card suit at the one level when possible


Oh so profound statement to be refutable, you turn around and point your finger at the person saying


When a pass would be nonforcing and both partners are unlimited, a double indicates undescribed high-card values, with sufficient length in the suit doubled to sustain a penalty pass on ordinary distribution


Also, you cannot bid zero tricks and are not penalized for overbidding.


When responder raises a preempt below game, whether competitively or not, and an opponent overcalls, opener may not bid and there is no special agreement over whether he may double.


B Over a two-level overcall: lebensohl applies, with "fast denies stopper" for cue-bid and three-notrump direct responses versus responder's rebids following a two-notrump response.

b敌方二阶插叫之后:使用lebensohl [2NT为傀儡到3 且应叫者低于三阶敌方花色的再叫为不逼叫;低于三阶敌方花色的直接叫牌为逼叫],使用&快速否认挡张&叫法且直接扣叫及直接3NT相对于先叫2NT之后再扣叫及3NT。

更多网络解释与不叫牌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cheddar cheese:切达干酪

来来回回仔细的研究了一遍餐牌,我还是选择了汉堡;一个取名叫牛仔(Cowboy)的汉堡-番茄、生菜、培根、牛肉、切达乾酪(cheddar cheese). 总是要吃著口味类似的汉堡,我才能比较哪一家的好吃. 当我以为汉堡是不送薯条的状况下,


- It's fun! - What's it called?|很好玩. 叫什么名字? | Cups.|杯牌 | - I don't know how. - I'll teach you. It's easy and fun.|我不会玩杯牌我教你,来嘛,简单又好玩


(因为他在看自己牌之前已经投了10元) 翻牌(flop) 翻牌前大家都投注后,庄家就发出三张公共牌,这叫翻牌. 接着第二轮赌博开始,庄家左边的第一个玩家只要还在圈中,就要第一个表态,跟第一轮赌博不一样的是,


比如洗个热水浴,点上蜡烛和香熏;也可以读一本好书,写日记,涂指甲油,化妆;或是写一本虚构的自传,把自己的亲身经历放到现实中不存在的角色中;试著尝尝商店里的各类草药茶(有一种叫"姜饼"( Gingerbread)的Celestial Seasonings牌的药茶,


如果干扰是加倍,则再加倍(Redouble)表示奇数(Odd)张A,而不叫(Pass)则表示偶数(Even)张. 这种约定叫常常用于六阶或七阶,因为没有足够的叫牌空间来使用多皮或罗皮约定叫.


8398不可壓商業國際貿易not to be stowed below other cargo | 8399不可轉讓信用狀商業信用狀unassignable letter of credit | 8400不叫娛樂橋牌unbid

unassignable letter of credit:不可轉讓信用狀商業信用狀

8398不可壓商業國際貿易not to be stowed below other cargo | 8399不可轉讓信用狀商業信用狀unassignable letter of credit | 8400不叫娛樂橋牌unbid