英语人>词典>汉英 : 不受阻碍 的英文翻译,例句
不受阻碍 的英文翻译、例句


in the clear
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Britain's strength lies at sea, but in trade and colonisation as much as naval power.


His movement should be balanced, harmonious, sure, powerful and unhindered, with strong forereach and a powerful rear drive.


GAU's goal is to become a University with and without walls, a University located in time and place but unhampered by constraints of either in the fulfillment of its mission.


The monotheistic conception of God, which he opposes to Arabian heathendom, agrees in substance with that of the Old Testament; he emphasizes, however, as Nldeke has pointed out, more the universal power and the unhindered free will of God than His holiness.


In one's way / in the way 妨碍,阻碍He is not welcomed because he is always in their way.


In unhindered knowledge of language, one knows the morphological, phonological, prosodical, and oratorical aspects of words.


Able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint .


My son also told me to love unhindered and without thought or care for anything else in the world.


If there are no genuine competition concerns, deals must be allowed to proceed unhindered.


Where arailway crosses a navigable water way, and it is impossible to lift theline high enough for vessels to pass underneath without interception, abridge must be built which is capable of being opened in order to allowthe river or canal traffic topass.


更多网络解释与不受阻碍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


根据 波利比奥斯(Polybius) 的记载,汉尼拔的军队在备受疲劳与睡眠不足的情况下,在水中行军了四天三夜之后穿过了沼泽,接著跨过 亚平宁山脉(Apennines),并在不受阻碍的情况下渡过亚诺河.

In the catbird seat:处于必胜无疑的地位

**On the cards 可能的, 即将发生的 | **In the catbird seat 处于必胜无疑的地位 | In the clear 不受阻碍, 无罪

in the circumstances:既然这样

in the chips 富有 | in the circumstances 既然这样 | in the clear 不受阻碍

in the clear:不受阻碍

in the circumstances 既然这样 | in the clear 不受阻碍 | in the clouds 心不在焉

in the clear:不受阻碍, 无罪

in the case of 在...的情况 | in the clear 不受阻碍, 无罪 | in the clouds 在云层中; 心不在焉

in the clouds:心不在焉

in the clear 不受阻碍 | in the clouds 心不在焉 | in the collar 受到约束


Uncrossed 不受反抗的 | Uncrossed 不受阻碍的 | UnderSecretaryofState 国务次卿


unexploited 未被利用的,未被开发的 | unhampered 不受阻碍的,不受限制的 | unimpressive 给人印象不深的;平常的


unheatedline 不加热管线 | unhindered 不受阻碍的 | unhydrated 未水合的


关键就在/s/这个摩擦音上. 所谓『闭锁』指的是气流完全被阻碍,所谓『爆裂』指的是气受阻碍后强烈地放送出来(送气),但是如果先『漏了气』(s...)气就不足,要爆裂自然也就没什麼气了(不送气). 送气(aspirated) 不送气(unaspirated)