英语人>词典>汉英 : 不卖出 的英文翻译,例句
不卖出 的英文翻译、例句


hold onto
更多网络例句与不卖出相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Bookworm boutique at the Qwest broke all records last year selling Berkshire-related books. An amazing 3500 of these were Poor Charlie's Almanack, the collected wisdom of my partner. This means that a copy was sold every 9 seconds. And for good reason: You will never find a book with more useful ideas. Word-of-mouth recommendations have caused Charlie's first printing of 20500 copies to sell out, and we will therefore have a revised and expanded edition on sale at our meeting. Among the other 22 titles and DVDs available last year at the Bookworm, 4597 copies were sold for $84746. Our shareholders are a bookseller's dream.


Declines less than 10% may not be indicative of a significant increase in selling pressure.


If I decide to sell my land and go to the city, a piece of land good for cultivation would be wrecked by cement.


But you have been thinking you want to sell these as wall hangings. Are you going to say,"I don't want to sell you pet grave markers?"


The basic principle of unequal exchange can be described simply as "buying cheap and selling dear", in such a way that a commodity or asset is bought either: 1 below its real value, and sold at a higher value, or 2 at its real value, but sold above its real value, or 3 above its real value, and sold at a price even higher than its already inflated acquisition cost e.g.

不等价交换的基本原理被简单地描述为"低价买进,高价卖出"不等价交换的基本原理被简单地描述为"低价买进,高价卖出",按照这样的方式,一件商品或者资产可以:照这样的方式,一件商品或者资产可以: 1低于其真实价值买进,以更高的价格卖出,或低于其真实价值买进,以更高的价格卖出, 2按其真实价值买进,但以高于其真实价值的价格卖出,或按其真实价值买进,但以高于其真实价值的价格卖出, 3按高于其真实价值的价格买进,以甚至高于其已经上升的购置成本按高于其真实价值的价格买进,例如股市卖出。

In the ironic, self-referential universe inhabited by the YouTube generation, you cannot create a new media colossus and sell it for a king's ransom without poking fun at the whole process.


This color does not prohibit us from either buying or selling.


A unit out of China is the same as out of the U.S.," Rau explains."But if you look at the value of the chips inside the units being sold, it's not proportional.

Shane Rau解释到:在中国卖出的电脑与在美国卖出的是一样的,但是电脑内部的芯片价格是不一样的。

Remarkably, few collectors seem to be in that position and, if they are, they feel safer off-loading behind the scenes than at public auction.


Supposing that one thousand Families in this City, would be constant Customers for Infants Flesh, besides others who might have it at Merry-meetings, particularly at Weddings and Christenings, I compute that Dublin would take off Annually about twenty thousand Carcasses, and the rest of the Kingdom (where probably they will be Sold somewhat Cheaper) the remaining eighty thousand.


更多网络解释与不卖出相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


投资成本轻 外汇交易所涉及的税项和费用并不多,以股市为例,每一次买或卖出股票,都要支付印花税(Stamp Duty)、经纪佣金(Brokerage)和联交所徵费(Stock Exchange Levy)如果一手10万元的股票,不赚钱地一买一卖,就要付出数方面的手续费.

equity financing:产权筹资

但在他卖出(或转让经营权)时取得的现金价值(即现行货币购买力)总是相吻合于卖出时的类似价值,因此不在个人资产总额上,而在资产相对价值上表现出匹配于产权的价格,仍然在交易现时实现了资本目的,达到一种有利资产的产权筹资(equity financing)效果.


问题是,替代证券很少是完全的(perfect),通常是十分不完美的(imperfect),并不能解除所有的基础风险. 卖出通用股票是保护套利者免受关于整个汽车行业的不利消息的影响,但对福特的特定消息--例如关于轮胎质量缺陷消息仍会使他受到损害.

Insider trading:內線交易

内线不交易 (若指根据内线消息而不卖已经持有的某公司股票) 与内线交易 (insider trading) (根据内线消息而购买或卖出某公司的股票) 均属非法行为,但迄今还没有人知道如何证明「内线不交易」.

odd lot:散股

散股(Odd lot) 持仓或订单买入的股票数量不是100的倍数. 见"手数". 期权(Option) 指一种合约,持有人有权但没有义务在某一截止日期之前,在某一个指定的价位,买进(买进期权)或卖出(卖出期权)股票. 股价图(Price chart) 在技术分析中使用的主要工具,

Drug on the market:卖不出的货物

drop in the ocean 沧海一粟 | Drug on the market 卖不出的货物 | Drowning man will catch at a straw. 溺水者见到稻草也要捞

prize money:奖金(不一定是比赛的)

Players Sold 球员卖出 | Prize Money 奖金(不一定是比赛的) | Investments 投资


UT斯达康的业务有望得到提升. UT斯达康当前股价接近于52周最低股价,因此具有一定的吸引力. 基于上述原因,韦曼将UT斯达康股票评级由"卖出"(Sold)上调至"持有"(Hold),但保持目标股价为3美元不变,即企业价值同2008年销售额之比为0.05倍.

This vase is not for sale at any price:这个花瓶不管出多少钱都不卖

(1)She will carry out the plan at any price. 她愿意不... | (2)This vase is not for sale at any price. 这个花瓶不管出多少钱都不卖. | (3)We want agreement with the Chinese but not at any price. 我们很希望...


有的中介机构如批发商(Wholesalers)和零售商(Retailers),买进商品,取得商品的所有权,再卖出商品,称之为买卖中间商. 有的中介机构如经纪人、代理商,则根据协议,代表制造商寻找顾客,卖出商品,但不取得商品所有权,称之为代理中间商.