英语人>词典>汉英 : 不切实的 的英文翻译,例句
不切实的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不切实的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Posterity will remember him for the books in which neither farce nor bleakness has the upper hand, but in which affection and close knowledge are united.


And while Dooku didn't believe in luck half as much as he believed in the less random patterns of conspiracy, plot and counterplot, he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity.


There's going to be a real division between the central banks who feel their economies and asset markets are strong enough to deal with rate increases and those who don't,' said Steven Englander, currency strategist at Barclays Capital.


Fashion-forward might be eminently viable for Alexa Chung and her under-25 acolytes, but the frisson of novelty is distinctly lacking for many women who have witnessed the trend before (perhaps on more than one occasion).


If not exactly chiseled, the prose is nevertheless lively, readable, and plainspoken.


If not exactly chiseled, the proseis nevertheless lively, readable, and plainspoken.


If that''s not possible, you can do a really good job of cleaning it, but scrubbing is no guarantee.

" "如果这是不可能的,你可以切实做好清洁,但擦洗不能保证。

Still, received wisdom on threatening letters is that they are,in the end ,all mouth and no trouser .


You can meet people, but there's something different about really being able to make a difference, as a student, even just as an undergrad.


How to make a plan is not an easy thing. Both personnel and company should evaluate themselves appropriately. If we overestimate ourselves, we can not achieve our plan, also ,we can not think poorly of ourselves.


更多网络解释与不切实的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


YouTube 的查得 (Chad) 和史蒂夫 (Steve) 是在 PayPal 工作时认识的. Napster 的肖恩 (Sean) 和肖恩 (Shawn) 是在 IRC 频道中认识的. 思科则是夫妻档. 在学校会有帮助,但并不是必须满足的要求. 一些切实的想法适用于每个人,不管是不是在学校:


conscientious /有良心的/不苟/有良心/ | conscientiously /良心上地/切实/ | conscientius /谨慎的/


crackpot 不切实的 | crackpot 狂想家 | cracksplit 裂


评论:suggests that the fund has substantially rethought its position 提示说IMF已经(has)对其某立场做了大量的再思考(不是"应当切实再三思考其立场", 而是已经做了反思, 准备改变立场.


过敏分为由免疫机制介导的变应性过敏和免疫机制未被证实的非变应性过敏. 过敏与高反应性(hyperreactivity)不同,后者是机体对某刺激物过度的正常应答,而过敏具有切实的病史、检验结果、症状与环境证据. 以后不需再用"特异体质"(idiosyncrasy)这名词.


12月6日 虎耳草(Saxifrage) 花语:切实的爱情 花占卜:您有过人才华,求知欲强,冷峻的外表下,隐藏著如明星般的吸引力. 您有冷静的思想,因此不会沉迷爱情;您希望拥有知心的恋人,可惜您高傲的性格令您的情路并不顺利. 只要稍加改正,

can only be dispelled by suffering in reality:只能现实中被苦难所淹没

Romantic fantasy of suffering 对苦难的浪漫而不切实... | can only be dispelled by suffering in reality. 只能现实中被苦难所淹没. | It is with spirit of death that we fight for life. 怀抱着死亡的决心我们为...


乌龟(tortoises)方法包括那些已经利用或者已经考虑好如何利用40G产品获得盈利的供应商. 考虑到100G产品目前依然面临的技术挑战和光纤通信产业链的不成熟,我们认为,到2012年之后,100G产品才能在成本和量产方面达到切实商用的水平.

Truth is stranger than fiction:真理比幻想更奇特

Truth is honest, truth is sure; Truth is strong and must endure. 真理不会骗人,切实无假;真理的力量强大... | Truth is stranger than fiction. 真理比幻想更奇特. | Truth is the daughter of time. 真理是时间的...

Truth is stranger than fiction:真理比幻想更奇异

牐燭ruth is honest, truth is sure; Truth is strong and must endure. 真理不会骗人,切实无假;真理的力... | 牐燭ruth is stranger than fiction. 真理比幻想更奇异. | 牐燭ruth is the daughter of time. 真理是时间...