英语人>词典>汉英 : 不停顿地 的英文翻译,例句
不停顿地 的英文翻译、例句


without a break
更多网络例句与不停顿地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the first important step in video analysis and will directly affects the effectiveness of indexing Shot boundary detection is one of our major research interests and we will tackle the following existing problems the ambiguity between gradual change and camera motion, the discontinuity during gradual change, false detection caused by illumination variation and flashlight, automatic threshold selection Firstly, we discuss shot boundary detection in non-compressed domain In chapter 2, we compare some of the commonly used detection methods which are based on frame difference and point out that single feature will not generate good results As a conclusion, we use fuzzy logic to combine multiple features Presently, most frame difference based shot boundary detection algorithms rely on threshold and hence the selection of such thresholds will greatly affect the performance of boundary detection We propose a membership function to define frame difference and calculate the membership with self adaptation according to the statistic distribution of frame differences to satisfy different type of video clips Experiments show that the proposed fuzzy shot boundary detection algorithm can be used with different video types and has a high detection precision and recall In chapter 3, we discuss model-based shot boundary detection algorithms regarding chromatic and spatial editing effects such as fade-in, fade-out, dissolve and wipe Various parameters are proposed to better describe the characteristics of each editing type.


If we forge ahead continuously without a break,we'll be able to raise efficiency.


To follow, without halt, only one aim! That's the secret of success.


To follow,without halt,one one aim! That's the secret of success.


To follow,without halt, one aim:There's the secret of success.


To follow, without halt, one aim: there's the secret of success.


To follow,without halt,one one aim!That's the secret of success.


The stream of time, which is continually washing the dissoluble fabrics of other poets, passes without injury by the adamant of Shakespeare.


To know this I should not need to look farther than to the shanties which everywhere border our railroads, that last improvement in civilization; where I see in my daily walks human beings living in sties, and all winter with an open door, for the sake of light,without any visible, often imaginable, wood-pile, and the forms of both old and young are permanently contracted by the long habit of shrinking from cold and misery, and the development of all their limbs and faculties is checked.


But, as we often see, against some strom, a silence in the heavens, the rack stand still, the bold winds speechless and the orb below as hush as death, anon the dreadful thunder doth rend the region, so, after Pyrrhus' pause, aroused vengeance sets him new a-work; And never did the Cyclops' hammers fall on Mars's armour forged for proof eterne with less remorse than Ryrrhus' bleeding sword now falls on Priam.


更多网络解释与不停顿地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

break it up:[口]散开! 别打架了! 别吵架了! [美俚]鼓掌

without a break继续不断地, 不停顿地 | break it up[口]散开! 别打架了! 别吵架了!;美俚]鼓掌 | break of使免于; 戒去; 治愈

simultaneous interpretation:同声传译

同声传译(simultaneous interpretation)或称同声翻译,即译员在一方讲话的同时不停顿地将其讲话内容传译给另一方的口译方式. 因为译员的翻译与一方的讲话几乎同步进行,所以这种翻译亦被称为同步翻译. 同声传译的最大优点在于它时间效率高,可保证讲话者连贯发言,


segreto(意)隐秘的,偷偷摸摸的. | segue(意)不停顿地继续下去,紧接下一段. | segue adagio(意)紧接柔板乐章,紧接慢速乐章,参见adagio(3).

segue adagio:(意)紧接柔板乐章,紧接慢速乐章,参见

segue(意)不停顿地继续下去,紧接下一段. | segue adagio(意)紧接柔板乐章,紧接慢速乐章,参见adagio(3). | segue il coro(意)同上.

segue senza interruzione:(意)不停顿地继续演奏

seguente(意)紧接下一段. | segue senza interruzione(意)不停顿地继续演奏. | sehr aufgeregt(德)很兴奋的,很激动、不安的,很快的.

continuous speech recognition:连续语音识别

带有明显的机器语音味道.连贯语音系统分析文本并从预先录好的文库里抽出单如果语音识别系统是连续的,用户就能正常地与系统对话;如果是不连续的,用户就需要字字停顿.显然,连续语音识别(continuous speech Recognition)比不连续语音识别更受欢迎,


在这里主要介绍口吃的主要分类、致病原因、临床表现、诊断方法、治疗和预防等. 口吃(stuttering)俗称结巴,是儿童常见的一种语言障碍. 即说话能力的缺陷,表现在说话时迟缓,发音延长或停顿,不自觉地阻断或

without a break:继续不断地, 不停顿地

The breaks were against us.[美俚]命运跟我们作对. | without a break继续不断地, 不停顿地 | break it up[口]散开! 别打架了! 别吵架了!;美俚]鼓掌

without a break:不停顿地

break jail 越狱 | without a break 不停顿地 | breast the waves 破浪前进