英语人>词典>汉英 : 不偏斜的 的英文翻译,例句
不偏斜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This means that uncovering the forms of matters in constant motion as if these matters unleash innumerable particles in an original explosion. The particles are looking for interpersonal relationships which are the so-called deflective moments or moments that bring about autogenesis and freedom, and therefore are unable to form concrete and explicit shapes. This represents the sense of freedom in artistic creation.


Uni- or bilateral radial ray malformation including thenar hypoplasia, thumb hypoplasia/aplasia, triphalangeal, preaxial polydactyly, clubhand, deviation of the forearms, Duane anomaly, sensorineural or conductive deafness, and renal abnormalities


Glancing blows are something you are not likely to see go away.


On the basis of previously research, this paper re-probe into the mechanism of electro-chemist mechanical manufacturing process, making the rational technological parameter, and developing the manufacturing equipment. Through a lot of technology tests, get a lot of labratory data, accordingly, researched the surface feature of the electro-chemist manufacturing process, and deeply discussed its influence on the work piece feature. The last result is that: the electro-chemist mechanical manufacturing process can reduce the low-frequency component significantly, but on high-frequency component, it has little influence, having obviously positive pole flat effect. After manufacture, the tip parts on the surface of the work piece is cut off, there is micro "high land" shape, the parameter for surface roughness is reduced a lot, the surface outline of the work piece is negative, the bearing length rate is cliffy. Also the surface quality of the work piece is improved. This can help to avoid changing the shape, improve the feature of rub, gear and reduce the time to suit. This would also ensure the precision and result in a longer work piece life.


Calyx funnelform or rarely subtubular; tube straight or occasionally basally oblique, inconspicuously herbaceous along ribs and scarious between ribs; limb purple, pink, or white, broad, scarious, 5- or 10-lobed.


"No problem!" voice falled, just listen to a whoosh, a sharp arrow,impartial oblique, shotted the middle of the small black dot.


And yet there is so much skewing the thoughts even as one embraces the Language of Light that ones dream may still end up manifesting in another's life rather than one's own.


That which skews the dream into something different or into non-manifestation is usually karma.


Proceeding without interruption in a straight course or line; not deviating or swerving


Proceeding without interruption in a straight course or line; not deviating or swerving


更多网络解释与不偏斜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concomitant strabismus:共同性斜视

共同性斜视(concomitant strabismus)是指眼外肌和所支配神经均无器质性病变,向各注视方向注视时斜视角度相同的一种眼位偏斜. 主要特征是无明显临床症状,眼球运动正常,向各方位注视时斜视角度不变,左右眼分别注视斜视角相差不超过5度(8.5△),


definitive 确定,最后的 | deflect 使偏斜,使转向 | deform 使不成形,使丑


你知道,装备上对AC有三种奖励方式,自然AC指天生的防御能力,最朴实无华;而躲闪(Dodge)奖励、偏斜(Deflection)奖励和增效(enhanced)奖励. 而除了躲闪奖励之外,就不能再叠加了,这蛮子拿了两个增效戒指,当然不会起同样作用.



Singular matrix:奇异矩阵; 不可逆矩阵

singular 奇的 | singular matrix 奇异矩阵; 不可逆矩阵 | skew distribution 偏斜分布

paralytic strabismus:麻痹性斜视

麻痹性斜视(paralytic strabismus)是以一条或数条眼外肌完全或不完全麻痹而引起的眼位偏斜,眼球运动受限,复视,眩晕,恶心呕吐等为特征的眼病. 为眼科临床常见病,多一眼发病,起病突然,患者往往因严重的自觉症状而影响工作及生活(1),属风牵偏视(2)等范畴.


数据显示了利润指数序列往正方向偏斜\,偏斜(skewness)为5.377532. 序列不遵循正态分布(normal distribution)\,经过测试\,峰度(Kurtosis)为137.7139\,严重超过了正态分布的峰度3. 跟正态分布比较\,此分布具有很强的"肥尾"性. 同时\,


内隐斜(esophoria)是眼位有向内偏斜的倾向,平时可用矫正性融合反射来控制,不出现斜位,并能保持双眼单视. 一般内隐斜如超过9△可出现症状,但也要看患者的融合功能而定


上隐斜(hyperphoria)是眼位有向上偏斜的倾向,平时两眼可用矫正性融合反射来控制,使不出现斜位并能保持双眼单视. 一般上隐斜超过2△可出现症状,在隐斜患者中,上隐斜占15%~30%.


头部向一侧偏斜称为斜颈(torticollis),见于颈肌外伤、瘢痕收缩、先天性颈肌挛 缩和斜颈. 先天性斜颈者的胸锁乳突肌粗短,如两侧胸锁乳突肌差别不明显时,可嘱病人 把头位复正,此时病侧胸锁乳突肌的胸骨端会立即隆起,为诊断本病的特征性表现.