英语人>词典>汉英 : 不偏不倚地 的英文翻译,例句
不偏不倚地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sock  ·  socked  ·  socking

更多网络例句与不偏不倚地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And only as we love God supremely is it possible to love our neighbor impartially.{DA 607.2


On the contrary, the man who understands that there is no effect without an adequate cause thinks impersonally.


"It's hard to know," Thomas said neutrally.


So we should regard Schelling's philosophy impartially.


The amp pays unerring attention to detail and maintains your interest thanks to a fantastic sense of rhythm.


A large, soft tomato, unerringly aimed, stuck the chairman in the face


At Trinity I met a young English don, Simon Humphries, whom I asked to take me for a tutorial, setting me an essay and criticising it without fear or favour.


Black's BLACK BOX has done nothing for 11-year-old Toe Thompson, who just wants to make a few friends…until a mysterious rainbow-colored rock falls from the sky, hits him in the head and changes everything.

万能的 &黑盒&唯独不能替11岁的Toe Thompson达成心愿--他只想交几个朋友……某一天,一块五彩斑斓的神秘石头从天而降,不偏不倚地砸在Toe头顶上,一切都改变了。

It's not like they dreamed it up. Single-horned deer are rare, but not unheard of . Even more unusual is the central positioning of the horn, experts said.


I fell and landed smack-dab in the mud.


更多网络解释与不偏不倚地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

in fact:在事实上

审计师的独立是指在事实上(In fact)与在外观上(In appearance)均能客观地及不偏不倚地执行审计及会计的事务. 因此,即使会计师自己认为关系绝不影响自己的独立、公正性,但只要在别人眼里认为关系会影响会计师的独立性,

Fair Deal:公平的待遇

fair and square 诚实地; 不偏不倚地 | fair deal 公平的待遇 | fair enough 很好; 说的对; 有道理

impartially:公平地; 无私地 (副)

impartiality 不偏不倚; 公平; 公正 (名) | impartially 公平地; 无私地 (副) | impartialness 公正; 不偏袒 (名)

In Appearance:外观上

审计师的独立是指在事实上(In fact)与在外观上(In appearance)均能客观地及不偏不倚地执行审计及会计的事务. 因此,即使会计师自己认为关系绝不影响自己的独立、公正性,但只要在别人眼里认为关系会影响会计师的独立性,


TraceMonkey可以加快JavaScript的运行速度,是火狐3.0的7倍,看来这只"猴子"(Monkey)是不偏不倚地跳在了微软的背上. 目前,丰富的网页应用程序都是基于JavaScript技术开发,它可以将毫无生气的网页变成丰富多变的应用程序,

prudence: n.1:审慎 2.精明,深谋远虑 3.节俭

necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必定,必然地 | prudence: n.1.审慎 2.精明,深谋远虑 3.节俭 | detachment: n.超然公正,不偏不倚