英语人>词典>汉英 : 不信上帝的人 的英文翻译,例句
不信上帝的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不信上帝的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She has 3 children and her husband is a very contrary and argumentative type who does no believe in God.


In every way, Israel was to be distinct from the ungodly, reflecting their peculiar sanctity to the Lord their God.


It's no use citing the Bible to somebody who doesn't believe in God.


It's no use citing the bBible to someone who do not believe in god .


They hate 'injustice,' they hate 'godlessness'; what they believe in and hope for is not the hope of revenge, the intoxication of sweet revenge (—'sweeter than honey' Homer called it), but the victory of God, of the just God, over the godless; what there is left for them to love on earth is not their brothers in hatred but their 'brothers in love,' as they put it, all the good and just on earth.


IT is a popular misconception that the Satanist does not believe in God. The concept of "God," as inter?preted by man, has been so varied throughout the ages, that the Satanist simply accepts the definition which suits him best.


Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the godless is anight that has no sunrise.


What peculiarly tends to illustrate and recommend to us the eternal and unmerited grace of election, is the express testimony of sacred Scripture, that not all, but some only are elected, while others are passed by in the eternal election of God; whom God, out of his sovereign, most just, irreprehensible and unchangeable good pleasure, hath decreed to leave in the common misery into which they have willfully plunged themselves, and not to bestow upon them saving faith and the grace of conversion; but leaving them in his just judgment to follow their own ways, at last for the declaration of his justice, to condemn and punish them forever, not only on account of their unbelief, but also for all their other sins.

什么独有的倾向,以说明,并推荐给我们的永恒和unmerited恩典选举,是明确的证词神圣的经文,即并非所有的,但有些只选出,而有些则是通过在永恒选举上帝;上帝的人,走出自己的主权,最公正, irreprehensible和不可变好高兴,祂所命令离开,在共同的苦难成为它们随意地投身人士,而不是赐给他们拯救信仰和恩典的转化,但不可让它们在他刚判断效法他们自己的方式,在去年为申报他的正义,谴责和惩罚他们,永远不要只考虑他们的不信者,而且也为所有其他的罪孽。

I began now to think my cave or vault finished, whenon a sudden (it seems I had made it too large) a great quantity ofearth fell down from the top on one side; so much that, in short,it frighted me, and not without reason, too, for if I had beenunder it, I had never wanted a gravedigger.


IT is a popular misconception that the Satanist does not believe in God. The concept of "God," as inter?preted by man, has been so varied throughout the ages, that the Satanist simply accepts the definition which suits him best.


更多网络解释与不信上帝的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


即使不信神的人 ,也不愿故意用不敬的语言"触犯"上帝或魔鬼撒旦 ,犯"亵渎神灵"(blasphemy)之过 ;说话时毫不顾忌 ,经常使用诅咒语或者满口damn、hell的人毕竟为数不多 ,有些人在极端气愤的情况下会用Darnit ("该死"或"真气死人")这样的词语 ,


高先生不会说英语,而我的传译员又不大,不过他找开字典,用手指按著感谢(Gratitude)那个字向我致意,我感动得眼泪夺眶而出. 在四川西部,黎明已临,新的日子开始了. 羌人是第一个把信上帝之心带到中国的民族. 现在,他们会向前走,


不是什么人,而是诸天(heavens)和穹苍(firmanent,即太空). 若是说信靠上帝的人在如此述说与传扬,那是不足为奇的,因为这是他每天必做的功课. 然而诸天怎能述说呢?穹苍怎能传扬呢?或许你以为这是大卫采用拟人化的手法,


gentile非犹太人,不信犹太教的人,非摩门教徒,异教徒 | Judas犹大(出卖耶稣的人) | God上帝


与此同时很多人支持恐怖分子的战略目的,60%的英国穆 斯林希望在英国生活在伊斯 兰教教法(sharia)之下. 在这个后伊 斯兰时代,如果一个西方人不信上帝的话,什么都可以信. 比如有人信仰冬至日. 在现在众多的宗教选择之中,伊 斯兰教,


有人倡议伊斯兰教是能容忍(tolerant)的宗教,这个说法难以使人信服:因为如果伊斯兰教是容忍的,那么恐怕没有别的宗教是不能容忍的了. 基督教倡导人文关怀,如正信者当为你的敌人、为不信道者祈祷,怜悯他们不得悟道和愚昧,希望上帝也能宽恕他们,

God is gonna kick your ass You infidelic pagan scum:上帝溜达着去踢你们这些不信神的傻瓜异教人渣

Hey there Mr. Shintoist, Merry Fuckin' Christmas 嘿这里的神道教先... | God is gonna kick your ass You infidelic pagan scum. 上帝溜达着去踢你们这些不信神的傻瓜异教人渣 | Incase you haven't noticed, 收起你...