英语人>词典>汉英 : 下盘 的英文翻译,例句
下盘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
footwall  ·  underwall

lying wall · heading side · heading wall · lower plate · bottom wall
更多网络例句与下盘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstract] Objective Probe the character of the discoid meniscus injury and arthroscope treatment to it.

目的 探讨膝盘状半月板损伤的临床特点,研究关节镜下盘状半月板损伤的治疗效果。

If a fault has a vertical fault plane. How do we determine its hanging wall and footwall?


If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane, it is a strike slip fault.


Then the block in the southern side of this fault is the hanging wall and the block in the northern side of this fault is the foot wall .


For example, a normal fault is one which the hanging wall moves directly down the dip relative to the footwall and a reverse fault is one which the hanging wall goes directly up relative to the footwall.


The Taichung Domain was moving northwestwards before the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake: in the footwall of Chelungpu Fault the slip rate was ~10 mm/yr, while in the hanging wall the rate increased eastwards up to 10-30 mm/yr. Two years prior to the earthquake, in the footwall of Changhua Fault the deformation direction changed from WNW to almost due N, and velocity gradient changed from increasing northwards to increasing eastwards, suggesting possible precursor of a large earthquake.

中部地区在集集地震前大致向西北方向位移,车笼埔断层下盘位移速率约在10 mm/yr左右,断层上盘往东侧逐渐增大,在10~30 mm/yr之间;集集地震发生前2年,彰化断层下盘的位移方向由西北西转为偏北的位移型态,位移速度则由南向北增大,转为由西向东增大的趋势;即位移方向与位移速度有明显的改变,可能为地震前兆的相关资讯。

As for coseismic deformation of Chi-Chi earthquake, the footwall of Chelungpu Fault moved southeastwards 0.3-1.5 m, and the value was increasing toward the fault; the hanging wall moved northwestwards 1.4-7.0 m, but the value was smaller south of the Choshui River. After the Chi-Chi earthquake, the hanging wall of Chelungpu Fault was still moving west-northwestwards and kept uplifting, while the footwall gradually changed direction from ESE to WSW or even WNW, clockwise resuming to inter-seismic deformation pattern. It is interesting to notice that despite the largest coseismic deformation in the northernmost segment of Chelungpu Fault, the post-seismic deformation peaked around the epicenter of Chi-Chi earthquake.

集集地震之同震变形,在车笼埔断层下盘向东南方向位移0.30~1.5 m,且越靠近断层位移量越大;车笼埔断层上盘则向西北方向大幅位移约1.4~7.0 m,浊水溪以南的位移量较小;集集地震以后之震后变形型态,以车笼埔断层为分界,上盘在震后向西北西方向位移的型态仍与同震时相同,下盘由同震时一致性的向东南东方向,逐步向西北西或西南西方向位移,亦即在车笼埔断层下盘有逐步依顺时针方向回归至震间的滑移型态;另就位移速率而言,虽然同震变形最大地区在车笼埔断层北端,但其震后的变形量最大地区,却集中於震央位置附近;就地震循环而言,震后的6年期间仍处於地层压密重整阶段,尚未回归至该区震间阶段的位移状态。

The results show that the condition and the stability on the bottom of slope is bettero As a whole, the angle of slope is likely to increase and turn to craggedness ; The condition and the stability on the top ...


With the compressional stress increasing,the dip-slip motion in listric fault system could successively generate reverse-"fish-fork-shaped" structure,hanging wall interpenetration thrust,footwall shortcut thrust,"backward broken" footwall shortcut thrust imbricated fan,"backward broken interpenetration" thrust,.


From the upper part of the ore body to the rear part, [w(Na2O×w]/[w(K2O)×w] decreases regularly. The element association in the hanging wall is obviously different from that in the lying wall: the hanging wall is enriched with siderophile elements, while the lying wall has abundant thiophile elements.


更多网络解释与下盘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


foot wall 下盘 | footwall 下盘 | footwalling 卧底


footwall block 下盘断块 | footwall 断层下盘 | footway 人行道


footstool /脚台/ | footwall /底壁/下盘/ | footway /小路/人行道/

footwall block:下盘断块

footstock 顶座 | footwall block 下盘断块 | footwall 断层下盘

footwall shaft:下盘斜井

footwall 底壁; 下盘 | footwall shaft 下盘斜井 | footway 人行小道; 梯子道

lower plate:下盘

lower plane 底面 | lower plate 下盘 | lower release 下环梁脱开

lying wall:下盘

lying side 下盘 | lying wall 下盘 | lyncurium 琥珀

lying wall:下盘,底盘

lying retort 卧式干馏釜 | lying wall 下盘,底盘 | Lyman continuum 赖曼连续光谱,赖曼连续能谱,赖曼连续区

underlie shaft:下盘斜井

underlie 倾斜余角,下伏 | underlie shaft 下盘斜井 | underlier 下盘斜井


underlie /构成/ | underlier /下盘斜井/ | underlined /加下划线的/