英语人>词典>汉英 : 上面部分 的英文翻译,例句
上面部分 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This is called the indigo-vat method. We can reduce this indigo so as to prepare the indigo-vat[Pg 85] by simply mixing Indigo Blue, copperas solution, and milk of lime in a closely-stoppered bottle with water, and letting the mixture stand.


Then I worked the neckband from bottom up in size 6 needles. This is the first time I tried a stunt like this.


Your contacts that seem hard slam against the plastic without touching the battery contacts. In addition, the plastic spring pushes the battery sides and not the other side of the contacts where it needs pressure.


The nuclei were clear and the cell was well-stacked. Double layer structure could be seen in part of areas, displayed as monostratal keratinocytes linked with string-like cells. Most of keratinocytes differentiated into double layers, and cells linked with others with cable-like structure. The nuclei still could be seen.


The fourth chapter talks about the weft carrier, in this part, we mostly introduce the big gripper shuttle in the comparative way and not only analyze the structure but also analyze the stress of the fatigable parts. In the fifth chapter, the shuttle box is our research emphasis, we start with the design principle and analyze its structure and the logic of the action of the parts. The sixth chapter discusses the shoot mechanism, builds its theory model and analyzes its law of motion from the view of kinematics and kinetics during the wefting. And then, we can consider the hydraulically shoot mechanism and comprehend its principle and some special parts. Subsequently, the content is about the flying of a shuttle, because the course of the flying of a shuttle is very complex, it is necessary to study the shuttle according to mechanics and to analyze its course of motion and its change of speed from the view of energy.


Leaves cauline; racemes with flowers on one side; upper portion of scape papillate; disk present.

叶茎生 在一侧的总状花序具花;花葶的上面部分具乳突;花盘宿存 4 Orthilia 单侧花属

Thus Satan talking to his neerest Mate With Head up-lift above the wave, and Eyes That sparkling blaz'd, his other Parts besides Prone on the Flood, extended long and large [ 195 ] Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge As whom the Fables name of monstrous size, Titanian, or Earth-born, that warr'd on Jove, Briareos or Typhon, whom the Den By ancient Tarsus held, or that Sea-beast [ 200 ] Leviathan, which God of all his works Created hugest that swim th' Ocean stream: Him haply slumbring on the Norway foam The Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff, Deeming some Island, oft, as Sea-men tell, [ 205 ] With fixed Anchor in his skaly rind Moors by his side under the Lee, while Night Invests the Sea, and wished Morn delayes: So stretcht out huge in length the Arch-fiend lay Chain'd on the burning Lake, nor ever thence [ 210 ] Had ris'n or heav'd his head, but that the will And high permission of all-ruling Heaven Left him at large to his own dark designs, That with reiterated crimes he might Heap on himself damnation, while he sought [ 215 ] Evil to others, and enrag'd might see How all his malice serv'd but to bring forth Infinite goodness, grace and mercy shewn On Man by him seduc't, but on himself Treble confusion, wrath and vengeance pour'd.


The edge portion of the first organic layer has a significantly different thickness than the central portion of the first organic layer and, from a plan view, at least a part of the edge portion of the first organic layer overlies at least part of the first pixel driving circuit.


The approach to the Garden sloped like a hillside and the several parts of the structure rose from one another tier on tierOn all this, the earth had been piledand was thickly planted with trees of every kind that, by their great size and other charm, gave pleasure to the beholderThe water machines the water in great abundance from the river, although no one outside could see it ——Diodorus Siculus

通往花园的道路象山坡一样倾斜着,建筑物的几个部分一层一层地向上交错排列着……泥土在这些上面堆积着……并且浓密地种植着各种各样的树木,它们以其巨大的身躯和其他一些魅力,令观赏者赏心悦目……抽水的机器把大量的水从河中上面,尽管没有人从外面能看到它。——Diodorus Siculus

Diodorus Siculus ruits and flowers... Waterfalls... Gardens hanging from the palace terraces... Exotic animals...This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people's minds.It may be surprising to know that they might have never existed except in the minds of Greek poets and historians!


更多网络解释与上面部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一般LED都以平面结构生长在有光吸收(Absorbing)功能的衬底上,上面以环氧树脂圆顶形(Epoxy Dome)封装,这种结构的光取出效率非常低,仅为4百分之左右,而质量好的双异质结构的内部量子效率可高达99百分之,所以只有一小部分的光被放出,


图1 淋巴细胞(lymphocyte)与树状白血球细胞(dendritic cell)图2 抗原 (antigen) 与 抗体 (antibody)每个T细胞或B细胞上面有许多抗体 (antibody),就像上面那张图里面紫色的部分一样,每个细胞有很多个抗体,但是同一个细胞表面的抗体会全部都一样,

cold boot:冷启动

RAM-Based注册表多用于经常热启动(Warm Boot)的设备上面,很少用在冷启动(Cold Boot)设备上面. WinCE下USB系统软件由两层组成:较高USB设备驱动程序层和较低的USB函数层. 较低的USB函数层本身又由两部分组成:较高的通用串行总线驱动程序(USBD)模块和较低的主控制器驱动程序(HCD)模块.

hyoid bone:舌骨

2.舌骨(hyoid bone) 呈"U"形,位于喉上方,借肌连于下颌骨及颅底(图2-21). 其中部称为舌骨体,自体向后伸出一对大角,体与大角结合处向上伸出一对小角. 1.颅的上面观 颅的上面称颅顶(calvarir)呈卵圆形,光滑隆凸,由顶骨、额骨及部分颞骨和枕骨构成.


Sternum 1.成人胸骨是一块分成三区的薄窄扁平骨骼.其上面部分称作胸骨柄(manubrium)源自拉丁文.表示"把柄".成人的胸骨柄平均长2in or 5cm3.最下面的部份是剑突(xiphoid process)他在婴儿期和青年期间由软骨所构成.一直到大约40岁时才会完全骨化.胸骨剑突通常比较小;


一朵完整的花可分为五个部分,即花柄(pedicel)、花托(receptacle)、花被(perianth)、雄蕊群(androecium)和雌蕊群(gynoecium)(图4-12). 花托是花柄或小梗的顶端部分,一般略呈膨大状,花的其他各部分按一定的方式排列在它上面.


一朵完整的花可分为五个部分,即花柄(pedicel)、花托(receptacle)、花被(perianth)、雄蕊群(androecium)和雌蕊群(gynoecium)(图4-12). 花托是花柄或小梗的顶端部分,一般略呈膨大状,花的其他各部分按一定的方式排列在它上面.


降低了ESR也增大了电容. 对了上面我说核心电压不断减小,比如CPU的工作电压. 现在大约才1V左右. 所以给CPU供电的部分设计起来就就复杂,比如上面我说的纹波,负载线,冲(overshoot),下冲(undershoot)等必须要达到intel的规范.

warm boot:热启动

RAM-Based注册表多用于经常热启动(Warm Boot)的设备上面,很少用在冷启动(Cold Boot)设备上面. WinCE下USB系统软件由两层组成:较高USB设备驱动程序层和较低的USB函数层. 较低的USB函数层本身又由两部分组成:较高的通用串行总线驱动程序(USBD)模块和较低的主控制器驱动程序(HCD)模块.


topside 上面 | topsides 水线以上部分 | topsman 桅盘瞭望水手