英语人>词典>汉英 : 上皮囊肿 的英文翻译,例句
上皮囊肿 的英文翻译、例句


epithelial cyst
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Results Among 85 cases, 46 cases were lipomas, Twenty-seven cases were sebaceous cysts, 19 cases were angeiomas, 8 cases were fibroids, 5 cases were ganglionic cysts, 3 cases were neurilemmomas,1 case was dermal nevus, 1 cases was fattey necrosis, 1 case was adipositis, 1 case was foreign-body granuloma,1 case was calcified epithelioma.

结果 85例中脂肪瘤46例,皮脂腺囊肿27例,血管瘤19例,纤维瘤8例,腱鞘滑液囊肿5例,神经鞘膜瘤3例,皮肤痣、脂肪坏死、脂膜炎、异物肉芽肿、钙化上皮瘤各1例。

In some cases , there are two or more epithelium types which transmigrate each other . Visceral muscle , mucous gland and other components within the cyst wall can be found in some cases .


Results 86 cases were of pilomatrixoma (71.1%),11 cases of trichoepithelioma (9.1%),1 case was of desmoplastic trichoepithelioma,2 cases of trichoblastoma,5 cases of dilaled pore and pilar sheath acanthoma、1 case was of follicular toumor,3 cases of trichofolliculoma,3 cases of proliferating folliculas cyst and proliferating tricholemmoma,6 cases of tricholemmoma of pilar sheath adrentitial.

结果 毛母质瘤86例(71.1%)、毛发上皮瘤11例(9.1%)、促结缔组织增生性毛发上皮瘤1例、毛母细胞瘤2例、圆锥漏斗状棘皮瘤与毛鞘棘皮瘤5例、毛囊漏斗肿瘤1例、毛发滤泡瘤与毛发滤泡癌3例、增生性毛囊囊肿与增生性外毛根鞘瘤3例、毛鞘瘤与毛鞘癌6例。

Results MMP-2 positive cells are localized in peripheral columnar while no positive cells are seen in odontogenic karatocysts and dentigerous cysts.

结果 成釉细胞瘤中MMP-2阳性染色位于肿瘤外周柱状细胞的胞浆中,中心星网状细胞未见表达;角化囊肿和含牙囊肿的上皮细胞中均未见MMP-2的阳性表达。

Methods Epithelial cells and fibroblast from ameloblastoma, keratocyst, dentigerous cyst, radicular cyst and oral mucosa were cultured and observed by phase-contrast microscope.


Methods: Twenty-nine patients under 1 year with choleduchal cysts were reviewed between 2000 to 2006. The expressions of CD4, CD8, CMV and EBV were detected by immunohistochemical staining for observing the distribution of choleduchal epithetical cells. The information combined with clinical data and operative cholangiogram were analyzed.


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease , one of the most common monogenetic human disorders, is characterized by the formation and progressive expansion of multiple cystic lesions, which compromise the function of normal renal parenchyma and lead to nearly 10% of cases of end-stage renal failure in adults.

中文题名角质细胞生长因子在ADPKD肾囊肿组织中的表达及对囊肿衬里上皮细胞增殖作用的研究副题名外文题名 Expression of keratinocyte growth factor in ADPKD cystic tissue and effect of proliferation on ADPKD cyst-lining epitheliar cells 论文作者刘沙勤导师梅长林朱有华教授学科专业内科学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位第二军医大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数104页关键词角质细胞生长因子肾病囊肿衬里上皮细胞株肾囊肿馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R692 /1 ADPKD是人类为之付出昂贵代价的一种全身性遗传性疾病,是引起慢性肾功能衰竭的第四位病因,在临床上以肾脏满布大小不一并不断增大的囊性液泡、最终引起肾功能进行性损害为特征性的改变。

Results 531 cases postoperatively diagnosed as endometriotic cyst,254 cases teratoma,139 inflammatory masses,121 serous cystademona,67 cases mucinous cystadenoma,128 parovarian,140 simple ovarian cyst,3 cases brenner tumor,1 case borderline mucinous cystadenoma,1 case mucinous cystadenocarcinoma,1 case endometrioid carcinoma and 1 case malignant brenner tumor.

结果术后诊断卵巢内膜异位囊肿 5 3 1例、卵巢畸胎瘤 2 5 4例、炎性肿块 13 9例、卵巢浆液性囊腺瘤 12 1例、卵巢粘液性囊腺瘤 67例、输卵管系膜囊肿 12 8例、卵巢单纯性囊肿 14 0例、卵巢纤维上皮瘤 3例、粘液性交界性囊腺瘤 1例、粘液性囊腺癌 1例、卵巢子宫内膜样癌 1例、卵巢恶性纤维上皮瘤 1例。

Results 1 The incidence of parovarian cyst was 20.9% in all adnexal cysts.175 cases(91.62%) were pure cysts;15 cases(7.85%) were common epithelial ovarian tumors13 cases were serous cystadenoma;1 case was focal or junctional serous papillary cystadenoma;1 case wa...


Results: In the 87 cases, there were 58 cases of lacrimal gland epithelial tumors with 49 Cases of benign mixed tumors and 9 cases of malignant epithelial tumors; 29 cases of non-epithelial tumors of lacrimal gland with 3 cases of lymphoma, 5 cases of lacrimal gland cyst and 21 cases of Inflammatory pseudotumor.


更多网络解释与上皮囊肿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

branchial cyst:鳃裂囊肿

(2) 鳃裂囊肿(branchial cyst) 为先天性发育异常. 胚胎期时,颈部发育与鳃弓、鳃裂的衍变关系密切. 鳃弓是中胚层增殖而成的弓形隆起,平行排列,左右共5对. 各鳃弓间则为4对由外胚层上皮组成的鳃裂. 正常情况下,鳃弓、鳃裂最终衍变成颈部肌肉、血管等结构.

Cystic epithelioma:囊性上皮瘤

Cystic elephantiasis 囊肿象皮病 | Cystic epithelioma 囊性上皮瘤 | Cystic fibroma 囊性纤维瘤

Ovarian chorionepithelioma:卵巢绒毛膜上皮瘤

Ovarian calculus 卵巢石 | Ovarian chorionepithelioma 卵巢绒毛膜上皮瘤 | Ovarian cyst; Oophoritic cyst 卵巢囊肿

Epidermoid carcinoma:扁平上皮癌

epidermoid 表皮样瘤 | epidermoid carcinoma 扁平上皮癌 | epidermoid cyst 表皮样囊肿

mesenteric cyst:肠系膜囊肿

肠系膜囊肿(mesenteric cyst)是指位于肠系膜、具有上皮衬里的囊肿. 绝大多数为良性病变,多因先天性畸形或异位的淋巴管组织发展而成,也有因腹部外伤、淋巴管炎性梗阻或局限性淋巴结退化而形成. 肠系膜囊肿较少见,为一种良性疾病,70%见于成人,


常位于颈上部下颌角附近,胸锁乳突肌上1/3前缘. 一般认为来自鳃裂或咽囊的上皮剩余,也有认为与胚胎时期陷入颈淋巴结内的涎腺上皮囊性变有关. 四、粘液囊肿(mucocele)可分为粘液外渗性囊肿和粘液潴留性囊肿

radicular cyst:根端囊肿

根端囊肿(Radicular Cyst) 根端囊肿是最常见的颌骨性牙源性囊肿. 来自慢性牙周炎的根尖肉芽肿. 由于慢性炎症的刺激,肉芽肿内的上皮组织增生,中央变性、液化,逐渐形成囊肿(图3-29). 囊肿内壁为复层鳞状上皮,外层有纤维组织. 腔内含有淡黄色液体


附睾囊肿 附睾囊肿 (epididymal cyst)又称 精液囊肿 (spermatocele),好发年龄为20~40岁. 其发病原因可能系输精管阻塞而导致精液积聚. 附睾囊肿发生的常见部位是附睾头部,而体部及尾部很少发生,它起源于睾丸网输出小管的上皮细胞,



urachal cyst:脐尿管囊肿

脐尿管囊肿(urachal cyst)临床少见,多发生于男性. 囊肿位于脐下正中腹壁深处,介于腹横筋膜与腹膜之间,是由于脐尿管两端闭合,而中间未闭,脐尿管上皮分泌的液体形成. 多在儿童期发现.