英语人>词典>汉英 : 上瘾 的英文翻译,例句
上瘾 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

be addicted · get into the habit
更多网络例句与上瘾相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's all fun abd games, until someone gets addicted.


"It's quite addictive," he says. You get addicted to the risk factor.


The network is brought into into addiction this message of mental category, caused extensive comment and attention instantly, netizen saliva is drawn to fly all over the sky on the net, the diagnostic level that the netizen becomes addiction to the network cannot understand, they state the network becomes addiction is a kind of morbid state admittedly, but by no means " mental disease ", however obstacle of a kind of spirit, with card games addiction, shopping addiction, do not need to be diagnosed clearly, although examine bring up the rear needs treatment, mental hat is too old still.


All sin tends to be addictive, and the terminal point of addiction is what is called damnation.


If you're beautiful, thin and smart, you'll be loved; if you're a fat, ugly grade-school dropout, forget it. People who are socialized this way become addicted to status markers the way junkies are addicted to intoxicants; they crave praise because it's the closest they ever get to unconditional love.


Habit-forming person always can look for Ge thing addiction.


The theory is easy to state: it is that addicts choose their poison despite knowing that it is habit-forming and dangerous, and they do so because they expect the highs to outweigh the lows.


Above all, never mind of the smoking in my individual understanding is good once upon a time, also it doesn't matter is bad, it is a heart addiction only just, smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline must rely on individual psychokinesis above all, what method also is used without giving thought to, if the individual decides force insufficient, like smoking to resemble eating whitening, the person that took poisonous place of Buddhist monastic discipline calculates can drop drug addiction ring, come out to follow the person that has whitening again lump, 99.9% opportunities again addiction, because be overcome,smoke of countless my give up is the friend beside smokes and again addiction, so, if you think your psychokinesis is insufficient, fasten Buddhist monastic discipline, jump over Buddhist monastic discipline to be smoked morer.


Ostentatious exercising in a place of work is ugly, undignified and should not be tolerated.


Not directly relevant to UX Exchange imo....but check out Angry Birds on the iPhone if you want the very definition of addictive gaming !

但是看看在iPhone上愤怒的鸟类如果你想在游戏上瘾的定义我以为这个可能跟UX Exchange不是直接相关。。。不过要是你想在获得让人上瘾的游戏的准确定义,就去看看在iPhone上一个叫愤怒的鸟儿的游戏吧!

更多网络解释与上瘾相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

substance abuse:反上瘾 Addiction, 如药物滥用

上瘾 Addiction, 如药物滥用 substance abuse | 青少年服务 Adolescent services | 领养孩子 Adoption


由她代言的Dior和CalvinKlein各自拥有一款香水名字叫做"上瘾"(Addict)和"渴求"(Crave). 她还拍过一个香水广告,名字干脆就叫"鸦片". 内行人都知道,时装行业与毒品有着密不可分的联系,几乎所有的模特私下里都是可卡因的瘾君子,

addict to:上瘾;沉溺于

24. adapt to 适应 | 25. addict to 上瘾;沉溺于 | 26. address 称呼;强调

Mildly addicted:适度上瘾

1、适度上瘾 Mildly addicted | 2、再打一会就睡, 我保证... Just one more, I promise... | 3、发现自己开始驾轻就熟了... I'm starting to get into this...

Mildly addicted:(中度上瘾)

2,Mildly addicted. (中度上瘾) | 3,Just one more match, I promise.. (只再打一场比赛... 我发誓...) | 4,Time to change your underwear. (累了吧, 是时候换一下你的内衣裤了.)

chronically addicted:长期上瘾的

48. child maltreatment 虐待小孩 | 49. chronically addicted 长期上瘾的 | 50. corruption 腐败

physical addiction:生理上瘾

symptom 症状,征兆 | physical addiction 生理上瘾 | psychological disorder 心理失调


赌博的害处是引人"冲动"(Compulsive)及"上瘾"(Addictive),各国法律对赌博都有严格限制. 不少时候,我们头脑里面貌似赌博的东西,原来应该算"投机". ...7月18日消息,由微软开发的开放办公文档格式在美国遭遇挫折.


absurd 荒唐的 | addictive 上瘾的 | affectionate 有感情的

Chem Reliant:使用药物时容易上瘾

JINXED:对敌人的命中率低,敌人对你也一样 | CHEM RELIANT:使用药物时容易上瘾 | CHEM RESISTANT:对药物有抵抗力,上瘾的概率是普通情况下的50%