英语人>词典>汉英 : 上理想 的英文翻译,例句
上理想 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与上理想相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper presents an IFMC CAD model that consits of a geometry model and a material model, in which the geometry space acts as a base space and the material space acts as a bundle space. In this CAD model, the geometry model is based on the non-manifold model. In addition, a half-face data sturucture, which is derived from the half-edge data structure with the non-manifold feature of IFMC taken into account, is adopted to represent the geometry and topology information of the component. For the material model of IFMC, this paper focuses on the FGM component representation firstly and present a simplex-subdivision based CAD data exchange format, in which the material information is represented as a (n-1) simplex and material distributing feature is represented by the interpolation on the simplex-subdivision. Based on those, a part-building orientation optimization algorithm and an adaptive slicing algorithm for FGM component are presented in the paper. For the IFMC material model, the IFMC material information representation is divided into a meso-scale and a macro-scale representation. In the meso-scale, a concept named parameterized periodic functional meso-structure is presented as a unique form to represent the FGM (the homogeneous materials are regarded as a special FGM), the composite and the functional meso-structure material. The model of PMS is a three-tuple that contains the space state informatation, the material parameter and the material meso-scale distribution feature. The macro-scale material information representation is similar to the FGM components by interpolation of the control parameter of the periodical functional meso-structure based on the simplex-subdivision. Through an example of manufacturing-oriented IFMC CAD data processing, it is proved that the IFMC CAD model and the material information representation and process method proposed in this paper can provide a reliable data support for IFMC digital concurrent design and manufacturing.


This paper presents an IFMC CAD model that consits of a geometry model and a material model, in which the geometry space acts as a base space and the material space acts as a bundle space. In this CAD model, the geometry model is based on the non-manifold model. In addition, a half-face data sturucture, which is derived from the half-edge data structure with the non-manifold feature of IFMC taken into account, is adopted to represent the geometry and topology information of the component.For the material model of IFMC, this paper focuses on the FGM component representation firstly and present a simplex-subdivision based CAD data exchange format, in which the material information is represented as a (n-1) simplex and material .distributing feature is represented by the interpolation on the simplex-subdivision. Based on those, a part-building orientation optimization algorithm and an adaptive slicing algorithm for FGM component are presented in the paper.For the IFMC material model, the IFMC material information representation is divided into a meso-scale and a macro-scale representation. In the meso-scale, a concept named parameterized periodic functional meso-structure is presented as a unique form to represent the FGM (the homogeneous materials are regarded as a special FGM), the composite and the functional meso-structure material. The model of PMS is a three-tuple that contains the space stateinformatation, the material parameter and the material meso-scale distribution feature. The macro-scale material information representation is similar to the FGM components by interpolation of the control parameter of the periodical functional meso-structure based on the simplex-subdivision.Through an example of manufacturing-oriented IFMC CAD data processing, it is proved that the IFMC CAD model and the material information representation and process method proposed in this paper can provide a reliable data support for IFMC digital concurrent design and manufacturing.


The therapeutic effect of newtype semiconductor laser is reliable. In addition, the manipulation is simple and quick with no complications like trauma, hyperpigmentation and cicatricle etc, which is clinically ideal depilating method at present.


The first chapter, main instead " duo-ring " condition of " every maximal left ideal is GW-ideal " condition,study strongly regularities of GP-V-ring on this condition.lt is shown that (1) R is strongly regular iff R is left GP-V-ring whose maximal left ideals are GW-ideal.(2)R is strongly regular iff R is left GP-V-ring whose maximal right ideals are GW-ideal. The second chapter, generalize some results of GP-V-ring to GP-V-ring, discuss regularity of GP-V-ring.It is shown that (1) R is left self-injective regular with non-zero socle iff R is left GP-V -ring with Soc = Soc and R contains an injective maximal left ideal.(2)R is regular ring and every maximal essential left ideal is ideal iff R is left GP-injective left GP-V -ring and every maximal essential left ideal is ideal.


The framework of core ground floor that lets another company decide his is far enough do not go up ideal level, and many what the charge of software licence affirms can realer than you need.


The first station in life is your light of hope shine for me, give me the ideal plug wings, flying in the knowledge of the ocean.


Attempt to toprope the entire climb with a sustained, narrow focus fixed on your feet. With each placement, look for the best part of the hold and actually watch your foot go onto the hold in an ideal placement.(You may be surprised to know that many climbers don't see their feet go on the holds!) Maintain your focus on that foot as you weight the hold--strive to feel each foot hold and to keep your foot completely still as you stand up on the hold. Meanwhile, place as little focus as possible in other areas such as reading the route ahead, your belayer, and so forth.


Attempt to toprope the entire climb with a sustained, narrow focus fixed on your feet. With each placement, look for the best part of the hold and actually watch your foot go onto the hold in an ideal placement.(You may be surprised to know that many climbers don't see their feet go on the holds!) Maintain your focus on that foot as you weight the hold--strive to feel each foot hold and to keep your foot completely still as you stand up on the hold. Meanwhile, place as little focus as possible in other areas such as reading the route ahead, your belayer, and so forth.


Environmental pollution, global warming, climate change, the abuse of power by corporations and governments, the necessity for new technologies and new methods in every area of human life, the scarcity of fuel resources and of natural and human resources altogether, disease, famine, poverty, overpopulation, urbanization, globalization, human migration, territorial disputes, violent crime, the pervasive accumulation of excessively destructive weapons, the tendency of nation-states to avoid cooperation and mutual accommodation, the tendency of nation-states (or factions within nation-states) to use war (and, otherwise, unspeakably dark-minded violence) as a method for achieving the goals of national and otherwise culturally idealized policies ... The list could be continued; it is long and somber.


"Look, this is my school badge, the implication for the 'ideal shore on board', the 'landing' words of 'D' and 'A' for distortion ......"


更多网络解释与上理想相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


肥胖症(adiposity)公认的定义是体内贮积的脂肪量超过理想体重20%以上,而不是指实际体重超过理想体重20%以上. 临床上也可能通过肉眼观察结合后一种定义来判断肥胖者. 但后述肥胖定义对于某些特别的个体如健美和举重运动员是不适用的.

cohomotopy group:上同伦群

cohomotopy 上同伦 | cohomotopy group 上同伦群 | coideal 上理想


cohomotopy group 上同伦群 | coideal 上理想 | coimage 余象


coideal 上理想 | coimage 余象 | coincidence 一致

least common multiple:最小公倍理想

lattice 格 | least common multiple 最小公倍理想 | least upper bound 最小上界

the distance between dream and ideality:梦与理想的距离

恋上了一只南方的孤傲的雁, fall in love with the aloof and proud wide goose which flies from south | 梦与理想的距离 the distance between dream and ideality | 亦是天南地北不可契合. is also far apart

Cultivate your hunger before you idealize:在達成理想前先培養你的渴望

Cultivate your hunger before you idealize. 在達成理想前先培養你的渴望 | Motivate your anger to make them all realize. 提高你的憤怒讓他們全都... | Climbing the mountain, never coming down. 努力往上爬,絕不...

perfect gas:理想气体

正如我们不能说理想 气体(perfect gas)模型没有价值一样,也不能说帕累托-莱维分布过于理想化而没有实用价值一样. 从这种意义上看, 经济学界对他的反驳其实均不构成 威胁. 芒德勃罗是从逻辑分类的角度、从数学可能性的角度思考问题 的,

regular solution:规则溶液

把那瓶液体放进一个柜子,并在柜子上写上"耻辱柜"一警示自己,此事成为化学史上的一桩趣闻. 规则溶液:1929年J.H.Hildebrand提出了规则溶液(Regular Solution)模型,并对规则溶液定义为:形成(混合)热不为零,而混合熵为理想溶液的混合熵,即

Carnot engine:卡诺引擎

理论上,理想史特灵引擎的热效率(Thermal efficiency)与卡诺引擎(Carnot engine)相当,二者皆属可逆热机(Reversible cycle),具最高热力循环转换效率. 史特灵引擎的使用的工作气体可为高压之空气、氮气、氦气、或氢气. 一般而言,