英语人>词典>汉英 : 上班时间 的英文翻译,例句
上班时间 的英文翻译、例句


business hours
更多网络例句与上班时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you get to work, you put your card in the punch clock, and it will print your starting time on the card.


I see that you are having your hair cut in office time.


I see that you are having your hair cut in office time.\


Clerk:Just make out a deposit slip and come here during bank hours.


Flextime allows an employee to select the hours he or she will work.


Nie: one is prohibited of working hours and days midday drinking, 2 is strictly accept students' parents banquets and gifts, Three is forbidden, imaginary ills, without absenteeism TuoBing leave, a second job, Four is prohibit fraudulent, shuffle disputes over trifles, encouraged and push the unity. Five is prohibited or corporal punishment in disguised forms, the corporal punishment student, 6 it is forbidden to student fees, and its items; apportion 7 it is forbidden to play CARDS, play chess, and time is not work related activities, 8 is prohibited in all kinds of test in violation of stipulations on the management of unity and jobbery, Nine is prohibited in in-service teacher paid tutoring; on-the-job Ten is strictly excessive increase student schoolwork burden.


Secondly, for the working groups, it is so easily become shortsighted for these people who facing the computer for long time everyday, especially for those people who working in advertisement design, web design, web construct, inner room and architecture design, office clerk and so on. the other people, especially contrapose working out, except work, the off hours is using computer chat online with their friends, writing diary and studying etc.


We also know that network traffic acts as self-similarly characteristics since the distribution of the traffic is a heavy-tailed distribution.


The employee shall telephone his or her immediate supervisor and management of the school, should the employee be unavailable for scheduled work time or class, such as being late or ill.


If you're a political junkie, one effective way to avoid the temptation to give blow-by-blow commentary on current affairs is to minimize your media consumption during the workday.


更多网络解释与上班时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

core time:基本上班时间

35. continuum 连续时间n | 36. core time 基本上班时间n | 37. customize 定做,定制v


Journey's 旅程 | Flexitime 彈性上班時間 | Shift 輪班


有一外国人,需要请一名女管家(Housekeeper) 要求会基础英语(特别是口语),年龄不限. 上班时间及待遇如下: 上班时间:上午9点至下午5点 工作范围: 上班.



out of hours:在上班时间之外

one's last hour 生命的最后时刻 | out of hours 在上班时间之外 | rush hour 交通高峰时刻; 上下班交通最拥挤的时候

out of hours:在上班时间外

out of heart 沮丧 | out of hours 在上班时间外 | out of joint 脱节

away from work:非上班时间在一起感觉特别好

I'll have what he's having.|我要一杯跟他... | You know, Cappy, it's nice that you can see me like this, away from work.|非上班时间在一起感觉特别好 | See my more casual, fun-Ioving side.|你可以见识我轻松...


I'll have what he's having.|我要一杯跟他... | You know, Cappy, it's nice that you can see me like this, away from work.|非上班时间在一起感觉特别好 | See my more casual, fun-Ioving side.|你可以见识我轻松...

chit-chat about this and that:东拉西扯随便闲聊(老板最讨厌员工上班时间干的事情)

Have another coffee on me.再来一杯咖啡,我请客(邀请别人喝咖啡) | chit-chat about this and that 东拉西扯随便闲聊(老板最讨厌员工上班时间干的事情) | the key to doing sth. is ... 做某事的关键是...

time for breakfast/time to have breakfast:上班 早饭时间

25. time for work/time to go to work 时间 | 26.time for breakfast/time to have breakfast 上班 早饭时间 | 28. Nice to meet you 见到你很高兴