英语人>词典>汉英 : 万能钥匙 的英文翻译,例句
万能钥匙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
passepartout  ·  twirl  ·  passkey  ·  twirled  ·  twirls  ·  passkeys

master key · skeleton key · passe-partout · pass-key
更多网络例句与万能钥匙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Work is the m aster key that opens the door to all opportunities.


At night everybody would leave home with skeleton keys and shaded lanterns and go and burgle a neighbour's house.


Yet the supermajority may not prove to be the cure-all that many Democrats hope.


Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.


It is my privilege to enclose herewith Week One of The Master Key System.


Concerns over privacy and security could derail plans to turn phones into electronic wallets or universal key chains, for example.


Love is the master key to a happy home.


Love is a master key which opens the gate of happiness.


Tips to get along with all kinds of people - a master key to work, very useful


To obtain a skeleton key, consumers can search antique stores or have one custom made by a company which supplies antique keys.


更多网络解释与万能钥匙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dietrich m:万能钥匙

diesmal adv 这次 | Dietrich m 万能钥匙 | Differenz f -en 1)差别,差异;2)意见不一致,分歧

master key:万能钥匙

2.登陆PIN码(Login PIN)其中,密码(PassWord),,安全问题(Security Question)在注册的时候由用户设定,而登陆PIN码(Login PIN)万能钥匙(Master key)在用户注册成功后系统自动给出.

master key:万能钥匙;关键

Mason-Dixon Line 美国南北分界线 | master key 万能钥匙;关键 | May I have your attention, please? 请注意.

The Master Key:万能钥匙

221. The Masque of the Red Death 红死亡的假面舞会 | 222. The Master Key 万能钥匙 | 223. The Meditations 沉思录


电影版中成龙饰演的角色,菲尼亚斯的仆人"万能钥匙 "(Passepartout)与原著稍有不同,他是为了返回中国归还价值连城的玉佛而跟随主人环游世界. 该片围绕着成龙一行三人到世界各地旅行为主线,当成龙经过土耳其时,遇到了阿诺主演的"扫把头"王子,

skeleton key:万能钥匙

其作者是英国著名作家安东尼霍洛维茨(Anthony Horowitz),这次被搬上大银幕的是系列小说中的开篇故事"风暴突击者",在它之后还有另外五个系列故事,包括"步步惊魂"(Point Blank)、"万能钥匙"(Skeleton Key)、"老鹰罢工"(E

The Skeleton Key:万能钥匙 (恐怖悬念片)

Clear and Present Danger 燃眉追击 1994 | the skeleton key 万能钥匙 (恐怖悬念片) | Abouna 爸爸出走了

Skeleton key, the:万能钥匙

399 Sixth Sense, The-灵异第六感 | 400 Skeleton Key, The-万能钥匙 | 401 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow-天空上尉与明日世界

Auto Skeleton Key:自动万能钥匙

Trap Springer 陷阱触发器 | Auto Skeleton Key 自动万能钥匙 | Eye Gear 视力强化装置


passcapacitor旁路电容器 | passkey万能钥匙 | passkey总钥匙