英语人>词典>汉英 : 万用电表 的英文翻译,例句
万用电表 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与万用电表相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can be used as power and photosensitive panels, which are widely applied to solar calculator, remote control, electronic clock, universal meter, LCD hand game machine, electronic toy, micro-charger, and portable radio, electronic products of low-power consumption and environment-friendly and different kinds of instruments of instruments and LCD power.


The products can be used widely in the thermometer, the electronic scale, the multimeter, the intelligent electric instrument, the water meter, the gas meter; bank automatic money counting machine, electronic safety deposit box, cash register, stock machine, telephone, intercom; the massager, jogs, the fat meter; air conditioning, microwave oven, remote control; learning machine, electronic dictionary, calculator; the numerical control accelerator, the labor control machine; mechanical games, ten thousand calendars, clock and watch.


The surface morphology and microstructure were observed by scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope, the surface resistivity was analyzed by avometer and SDHC digital.


更多网络解释与万用电表相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

universal automatic computer:通用自动计算机

universal attachment 万能附件 | universal automatic computer 通用自动计算机 | universal avometer 万用电表

avoirdupois balance:[英制]常衡天平

"aviation mask","航空面具" | "avoirdupois balance","[英制]常衡天平" | "avometer","万用电表"


avometer 万用电表 | awl 锥子,钻子 | awn needle 芒针

universal electric meter:万用电表

universal edge grinder 万能刃磨机 | universal electric meter 万用电表 | universal electric tester 万能电器试验台


[摘要]我司生产经营:万用电表(MULTIMETER)LED电筒(LEDTORCH) 万用表;仪器仪表;LED手电筒 发布单位:浙江义乌市锦泰仪器有限公司 公司地址:中国.浙江省.金华市.义乌市...

digital multimeter:数字式万用电表

digital modulation 数字调节 | digital multimeter 数字式万用电表 | digital multiple-tone generator 数字式多路话音发生器

pocket multimeter:袖珍万用电表

pocket modem 袖珍式调制解调器 | pocket multimeter 袖珍万用电表 | pocket pager 袖珍式寻呼机

multiple image:复像

multimeter 万用电表,多用电表 | multiple image 复像 | multiple reflection 多次反射

multi-purpose rule:万用尺

硼砂 borax | 万用尺 multi-purpose rule | 万用电表 multimeter

multi-purpose rule:硼砂 borax 万用尺

碎料板;刨花板 particle board | 硼砂 borax 万用尺 multi-purpose rule | 万用电表 multimeter