英语人>词典>汉英 : 丁尼生的 的英文翻译,例句
丁尼生的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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That is how she introduced me to the Bront?s, Byron, Coleridge, Keats and Tennyson.


His works are not only the products of a long and rich England's great poets. The dreaminess of Spenser, the majesty of Milton, the natural simplicity of Wordsworth, the fantasy of Blake and Coleridge, the melody of Keats and Shelley, and the narrative vigor of Scott and Byron,---- all these striking qualities are evident on successive pages of Tennyson's poetry.


Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle-flags were furl'dIn the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world.There the common sense of most shall hold a fretful realm in awe,And the kindly earth shall slumber, lapped in universal law.


SOME 170 years ago, Alfred Tennyson, a future British poet laureate but then still in the flush of idealistic youth, wrote a rambling work called "Locksley Hall", in which he looked forward to a time when the nations of the world would abandon the madness of war to form a political federation, the parliament of man

170年前,荣膺未来英国诗人桂冠的的艾尔弗雷德·坦尼森(1809-1892,丁尼生诗人)在其充满理想的年轻时代写下了"Locksley Hall"这首诗。在诗中他期望人类能进入这样一个时代:世界上的国家放弃战争形成一大联邦政体,人类的议会

Mr. Irons also read with me Tennyson's "In Memoriam". I had read many books before, but never from a critical point of view.


For man is man and master of his fate. A. Tennyson


A contemporary of Alfred Tennyson, he is acknowledged by many as the most original poet of the time.


A : This play was written by Tennyson.


Flowers in the crannied wall, I pluck you out of the crannies.


SOME 170 years ago, Alfred Tennyson, a future British poet laureate but then still in the flush of idealistic youth, wrote a rambling work called "Locksley Hall", in which he looked forward to a time when the nations of the world would abandon the madness of war to form a political federation, the parliament of man

170年前,荣膺未来英国诗人桂冠的的艾尔弗雷德·坦尼森(1809-1892,丁尼生诗人)在其充满理想的年轻时代写下了&Locksley Hall&这首诗。在诗中他期望人类能进入这样一个时代:世界上的国家放弃战争形成一大联邦政体,人类的议会

更多网络解释与丁尼生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为一大型电子文本数据库,及以宾州大学(University of Pennsylvania)的英语与文学服务器,莎士比亚(Shakespeare)网络站,另外他还列有31部他最喜欢的作品,有丁尼生(Tennyson),爱伦坡(Poe),狄更斯(Dickens),王尔德(Wilde),

To Helen:给海伦(埃德加.爱伦.坡)

14.The Evening Stat黄昏里(亨利.华兹沃斯.朗费罗) | 15.To Helen给海伦(埃德加.爱伦.坡) | 16.The Miller's Daughter磨坊主的女儿(阿尔弗雷德.丁尼生)


从这本书中,人们发现丁尼生曾打算对自己1855年的名作>(The Charge of the Light Brigade)进行大幅度删改,原因是当时人们对他同期的作品>(Maud)颇有微词,他因此对自己产生了怀疑.

parchment:羊皮纸, 毕业文凭

Tennysonian (英国诗人)丁尼生的,丁尼生风格[作品]的 | parchment 羊皮纸, 毕业文凭 | water mangle (压力)脱水机

Alfred Tennyson:阿尔弗雷德.丁尼生

诗人阿尔弗雷德.丁尼生(Alfred Tennyson)说:「日出日落每一天,总有人儿会心碎. 」这就是为什麼来到耶稣跟前,向祂学习是很重要的. 我们从祂所领受的越多,我们就越能给予他人. 乔治.麦当劳(George MacDonald)描绘这样与主在一起的时光就像是「在上帝的密室里」.

Alfred Tennyson:丁尼生

英国19世纪著名诗人阿尔弗雷德.丁尼生(Alfred Tennyson)在其诗作中曾这样颂扬英国的判例主义:"这国土有公正、古老之名/有个稳定的政府在治理/凭着一个又一个判例/自由慢慢地扩展到下层.

Tennyson wrote:丁尼生写过

那这里就不再是我生于斯死于斯的祖国, ...then this is not the country I was born in, or the country I want to die in... | 丁尼生写过: Tennyson wrote: | "权力遗忘死去的帝王" Authority forgets a dying king...


transport ratio 位移率 | Tennysonian (英国诗人)丁尼生的,丁尼生风格[作品]的 | parchment 羊皮纸, 毕业文凭


从这本书中,人们发现丁尼生曾打算对自己1855年的名作<<轻骑兵进击>>(The Charge of the Light Brigade)进行大幅度删改,原因是当时人们对他同期的作品<<莫德>>(Maud)颇有微词,他因此对自己产生了怀疑.

W.B. Yeats: The Second Coming:叶芝:第二次降临

Tennyson: Eagle & Beat, Beat, Beat 丁尼生:<<鹰>>;<<拍吧,拍吧,拍吧>>(又译<<溅吧,溅吧,溅... | W.B. Yeats: The Second Coming 叶芝:第二次降临 | Robert Browning: My Last Duchess 罗伯特.伯朗宁:<<我最后的公爵夫...