英语人>词典>汉英 : 一词多义 的英文翻译,例句
一词多义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与一词多义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The types of meaning and sense relations such as polysemy,homonymy,synonymy,antonymy,hyponymy and semantic field all belong to the scope of semantic study and constitute an important part of lexicology.


We will then show how the ridiculousness of speech is born from the misunderstandings of similar words for different things and different words for similar things, from garrulity and repetition, from play on words, from diminutives, from errors of pronunciation, and from barbarisms.


In this thesis, the use of Punning will be put into discussion, and the emphasis will be laid on the use of the two most important types of Punning, one is Punning of Homograph, i.e., a way to make use of the phenomenon of polysemy—one word or phrase which has several meanings to make a sentence have different meanings; the other one is Punning of Homophone, i.e., a way to make use of the phenomenon of homonymy—using two words which have the same pronunciation or similar pronunciations but different meanings to cause the sentence to change meaning.


Polysemic and homonymous words are stylistically useful to achieve humor or irony, or to heighten dramatic effect.


The former is known as polysemy, and the latter, homonymy.


It may be said that polysemy is the rule and monosemy is the exception.


The conclusions are as follows:(1) Neologisms in each Huayu region can be classified into two major categories:self-originated and others-originated,among which the new-born words are "absolute new words" and the inherited word are "relative new words",and there are also others-originated elements in the morphemic and sense systems of new words;(2) Variation can be seen in the morpheme,formation,building and sense of new words in Huayu regions,besides individuals of new words;(3) Aggregation of current new words and compound words with one common morpheme and a same construction,together with the aggregation of synonyms and that of different senses in polysemies,reflect the relevance of the systems of new words in Huayu regions in their variation;(4) Regular participation of hinting sense of a formation element in forming and building new words is an important way of producing new sense of morpheme,and an important reason for the current emergence of words with more than one new senses;(5) Compared with ordinary words,the productivity of ways of word formation in forming new words both in general and of a particular class will change and new ways of word formation appear in Huayu regions;(6) The semantic collocation of the verbal morpheme of new verbs in a phrase has a great influence on the location of its structural center,and the complex syntactic behaviors of new verbs are related to the different processes of argument integration;(7) The processes of building new words with the same meaning differ in levels of approaches to motivation cognition,perspectives of motivation cognition,morpheme motivation and morpheme expression,etc.;(8) The lexical interaction in Huayu regions results in lexical subsystem intersections of current new words across two,three and four regions.


The conclusions are as follows:(1) Neologisms in each Huayu region can be classified into two major categories:self-originated and others-originated,among which the new-born words are "absolute new words" and the inherited word are "relative new words",and there are also others-originated elements in the morphemic and sense systems of new words;(2) Variation can be seen in the morpheme,formation,building and sense of new words in Huayu regions,besides individuals of new words;(3) Aggregation of current new words and compound words with one common morpheme and a same construction,together with the aggregation of synonyms and that of different senses in polysemies,reflect the relevance of the systems of new words in Huayu regions in their variation;(4) Regular participation of hinting sense of a formation element in forming and building new words is an important way of producing new sense of morpheme,and an important reason for the current emergence of words with more than one new senses;(5) Compared with ordinary words,the productivity of ways of word formation in forming new words both in general and of a particular class will change and new ways of word formation appear in Huayu regions;(6) The semantic collocation of the verbal morpheme of new verbs in a phrase has a great influence on the location of its structural center,and the complex syntactic behaviors of new verbs are related to the different processes of argument integration;(7) The processes of building new words with the same meaning differ in levels of approaches to motivation cognition,perspectives of motivation cognition,morpheme motivation and morpheme expression,etc.;(8) The lexical interaction in Huayu regions results in lexical subsystem intersections of current new words across two,three and four regions.


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更多网络解释与一词多义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在语义关系中,岐义主要是由一词多义(polysemy)及同音异义词(homonym)现象引起的. 为了便于更好地理解,我们先来解释一下这两个术语:polysemy和homonym. 不同的单词词意不同,而且同一个单词也有不同的意思. 后一种情况即是一词多义(polysemy)现象.


写作教学中的"大纲"(outline),阅读教学中的"框架"(scaffolding)等,都是利用隐喻来明确概念的. (2)隐喻性的映射可以用来解释一词多义现象,可以说明词的具体义项和抽象义项之间的联系,可以使学生了解词的演变机制,从而更好地理解、记忆词汇.


而其二重性的特征主要表现在语言中普遍存在的"一符多音"(polyphony)和"一形多义"(polysemy)现象. 不同语言有不同的一符多音词和一形多义词. 辨别这些"同音异义"词或"同形异义"词的能力则几乎完全取决于使用者对某种语言的语言结构和文化结构的熟悉程度.


且听海格怎样告诉哈利波特(Harry Potter)伏地魔(Voldemort)杀他父母的原委. 注:同学们宜观摩句中片语动词(phrasal verbs)stand up to与end up的用法,翻词典查其他释义,然后造两三个句子,掌握一词多义(polysemous)的用法.


而其二重性的特征主要表现在语言中普遍存在的"一符多音"(polyphony)和"一形多义"(polysemy)现象. 不同语言有不同的一符多音词和一形多义词. 辨别这些"同音异义"词或"同形异义"词的能力则几乎完全取决于使用者对某种语言的语言结构和文化结构的熟悉程度.


例如:2.3 由于不同的语音停顿(different breathgroups)和不同的语调(different intonation),从而导致歧义2.4 由于重音(stress)的不同而导致的歧义3.1 "一词多义"(polysemy)或"同形异义"(homonym)引起的歧义英语的形态变化是通过合成(compounding),

An Elementary Discussion on English Polysemy:浅谈英语中的一词多义

3、谈谈英语写作风格和语气On English Style and Tone of English Wr... | 4、浅谈英语中的一词多义An Elementary Discussion on English Polysemy | 5、语音歧义与语意歧义On English Sound Ambiguity and Meaning Ambi...




每个字都包含形、音、义三大要素,由单字组成的"多音节词"常常都可以从字面义和读音猜得出大致含义. 好像"三角形"一词,当中三个字都各司其职,不问而知肯定与"三"有关. 英文的"triangle"就只得"三"(tri)和"角"(angle).

A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it:当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象

18.)in support of...:支持, 支援 | 30.reflect的一词多义: | A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it.当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象.