英语人>词典>汉英 : 一星期 的英文翻译,例句
一星期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sennight  ·  Hebdom  ·  hebdomada

eight days · a week
更多网络例句与一星期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The preacher, instead of vexing the ears of drowsy farmers on their day of rest at the end of the week -- for Sunday is the fit conclusion of an ill-spent week, and not the fresh and brave beginning of a new one -- with this one other draggle-tail of a sermon, should shout with thundering voice, Pause!


What a worthy messenger!" The preacher, instead of vexing the ears of drowsy farmers on their day of rest at the end of the week — for Sunday is the fit conclusion of an ill-spent week, and not the fresh and brave beginning of a new one — with this one other draggle-tail of a sermon, should shout with thundering voice,"Pause!


Here is one week's pay in lieu of notice. Leave now.


He may have been well, perhaps, up to within a week of our landing, and in that last week may have taken a fever, and died an hour before our vessel anchors in the Mersey.


We unloaded cargo, reloaded with something else, then again we put to sea in the routine familiar to us, and as the days became weeks, my little personal experience receded.


In vain to comfort myself with the thought that I could get through more work in the winter undistracted by thoughts of cricket grounds and country houses.


Babies from 6 months on a cold, two days to start eating like a drug, and the second drug to do to eat for a week, the 3rd on the half-eaten cold cough on drugs, the 4th doctor started me playing吊针baby bottles from 2 to 9 times hanging bottle; final Cephalosporium吊针not used, azithromycin, penicillin;(disease good will Also a week before a cold cough) are now 13 months, or so over a week on the incidence, which I also go around the middle to open Chinese medicine to the baby food; sneezing, runny nose, cough, dyspnea, tonsil inflammation of the throat red swelling, sleep a sweat, they do not release,尿黄; I now do not dare to go the hospital, and also to the baby do not know what medicine he would eat better.


"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天怎样才能减肥里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天冬季一周减肥食谱里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天腿部吸脂手术多少钱里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

更多网络解释与一星期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have spent the whole week gleaning through the library:我花了整整一星期时间,找遍图书馆收集资 料

6620. Some children helped them glean... | 6621. I have spent the whole week gleaning through the library. 我花了整整一星期时间,找遍图书馆收集资 料. | 6622. My children shouted with glee when they saw...

You told dr.Houseit's been less than a week:你告诉House医生这事到现在还不到一星期

I'm fine.|我很好 | You told dr.Houseit's been less than a week.|你告诉House医生这事到现在还不到一星期 | You haven't told anyoneother than him.|除了他你没有告诉其他人

went fishing once a week:我们一星期去钓一次鱼

256. what time did you use to go to work last year? 去年你通常在什么时候上... | went fishing once a week. 我们一星期去钓一次鱼. | 268. we used to go to the movies on weekends. 我们以前常常在周末去看电...


pekaka 鱼狗 | pekan 市镇,市场,一周,一星期 | pekat 浓的,胶粘的


torpedo davit 鱼雷吊杆 | weeklong 为时一周的,持续一星期的 | gozzan [矿]铁帽

Yes, indeed... one week:对,没错--一星期

one week.|就是一星期之后 | Yes, indeed... one week.|对,没错--一星期 | This is good news, Mr. Powell, but remember...|这是好消息,鲍威尔先生, 可要记住...


DoingSums做算术2 | AWeek一星期 | TheActivitiesofaWeek一周的活动

of week-old potatoes and tropical heat:在热带烈阳下晒了一星期的马铃薯

But my personal favorite is the unique combination...|不过我最喜欢的技俩是一箱 | of week-old potatoes and tropical heat.|在热带烈阳下晒了一星期的马铃薯 | Smells.|真难闻

an eight days:一星期(前或后)

an eight days 一星期(前或后) | any day 随便哪一天 无论如何, 毫无疑问 | happy as the day is long 非常快乐

eight days a week i love you:一星期我爱你八天

many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.许多男人只因为迷恋小小酒窝儿犯下娶... | eight days a week i love you.一星期我爱你八天 | love is a sweet torment.爱是一种甜蜜...