英语人>词典>汉英 : 一揽子方案 的英文翻译,例句
一揽子方案 的英文翻译、例句


package arrangement
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ACTU president Sharan Burrow said the package was good for jobs and for working Australians.

澳大利亚工会理事会主席Sharan Burrow 说这一一揽子方案对工作机会和工作着的澳大利亚人都有益。

The February stimulus package was badly designed, and its anaemic effects offset by soaring oil and food prices.


But he also was cajoling a handful of balky Republican governors who have threatened to shun parts or all of the programme.


That may require some horse-trading on the continuing resolution, and on the borders of the financial package but not the fundamentals of the financial package.


One of the major stumbling blocks for an American ratification of the package is the issue of terrorism.


That chamber's Appropriations Committee cleared its portion of the package on Jan. 27, and the Finance Committee was working on the tax title.


A new intifada might well make it impossible for Israel's new prime minister, Ehud Olmert, to move forward with the plan he has been touting lately to mixed reviews in America and Europe.


The package will include detailed proposals to make it easier to segregate and transfer client assets in case of failures.


Earlier this year, the federal government enacted an economic stimulus package that will provide most middle and low-income taxpayers with a rebate check, as well as tax relief to spur business investment.


He's calling it "a booster shot for the economy". President Bush signed a $160 billion stimulus package into law.


更多网络解释与一揽子方案相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mutual fund:互助基金

头寸 资产/证券组合(portfolio) portfolio 原来意指放置散乱纸张的文件夹1951 年马科维 茨首先用它来表示包括多种证券(品种+数量)组成一揽子投资方案有时也称交易策略 (trading strategy) 互助基金(mutual fund) 通过向社会公众发


据穆 迪(Moody)的悉尼经济学者Sherman Chan说,该一揽子方案的真实规模或许没有中国政府所描述得那么大. Chan在研究注记中写道:"该方案中公布的一些举措是之前已经提出的,有的甚至是 早先贯彻执行的. 因此,本被预期为另外开支的此项刺激方案,其规模或许被夸大了"

Food Stamps:食品救济券

不过,双方一直对谈判细节守口如瓶,淡化双方在一揽子经济刺激方案方面存在的观念分歧. 布什政府希望为消费者提供退税,为企业提供税项减免,而民主党人已将增加失业福利和增加食品救济券(food stamps)支出加入到他们的方案中.